
Named after a civilization that once inhabited its forests, and still does to a far lesser degree, Vanheim covers a large portion of the northeastern side of Harental. While the people who lived there successfully repelled the God-King's invasion both by land, thanks to the narrow pass that leads into their lands, and by sea, the Vannir eventually agreed to join via a marital arrangement, ensuring Vannir blood runs in the line of Emperors. While the land was settled by a few small kingdoms, the Vannir are given credit in the histories due to their fabled ability to view the future.   The lands and people of Vanheim have changed considerably since that time. Those who denied the treaty to join the Empire are the only ones who remain true to their traditions, and disaster and struggling has diminished them. With every generation, more move to the cities outside the forests they call home, and they are little more than a wandering clan of nomads now.   The citizens of the Empire within Vanheim have joined the many people that inhabited the lands into one, and have created a cultural hotspot in their capital of Vanheim. Artisans, stonecrafters, and performers travel to Vanheim seeking work, muses or materials. A great deal of marble is shipped out of Vanheim, much of it to Aestara. The World Stage hosts a myriad of performances year round, and the Azurite University was one of the only remaining colleges that taught even the most basic magic since the Purge decades ago. In fact, outside of underground deals with organizations like the Nightingales, Vanheim was the only province where foci, reagents, magical items, and other such arcane paraphernalia could be found to purchase openly. Recently however, with the death of the Emperor, his grandson Sigmund's succession and recent activities that have given even the barest reason for the Ministry's intrusion into Vanheim's affairs, the leniency shown Vanheim has come to an abrupt end and all forms of arcane magic have been forced to cease operation and sale. In the last years the province's autonomy has been threatened as its leadership has been replaced with one appointed directly from the Aestaran Bright Ministry.


Vanheim has historically shared the most with Aestara, and has become the most alike them in terms of their way of life and governance, but while Aestara is highly theocratical, Vanheim has a far greater focus on culture and art than religion. Ruled by a matriarch/patriarch with nobility presiding over various regions and cultural centers, the Vanheim government and culture mimics a far less authoritarian version of Aestara's own aristocracy.
Geopolitical, Province
Government System
Power Structure
Client state / puppet state
Economic System
Palace economy
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Neighboring Nations


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