Church of Humanity

Religion of the Holy Aestaran Empire, believing in the superiority of mankind.

The Church of Humanity was founded in the last century and grown quickly, especially in the last decade. The dogma of the church is based on the ideals of human perfection and the origin of humanity born from a single human made god, Dimdall. The church was made the official doctrine of the Aestaran Empire following the coronation of the emperor Sigmund who is now considered its god. While the Church of Humanity claimed at first that it did not wish to replace the old pantheistic religion of the empire that most held to, Aestara quickly began passing edicts to dissuade, eliminate, and criminalize the worship of some gods entirely.
  The Church of Humanity believes that the first human, Dimdall was born of the World, and that they were made as a perfect child of the World with the purpose to rule it. The second human, made for him when he grew lonely, Aestarte is the origin of Aestara's name and through their coupling the first humans were born. So jealous were the other races of the world that they sought to kill Dimdall before he could sire children, poisoning him at his and Aestarte's wedding, but the World would not allow him to pass and instead raised him up as a god. As the centuries drew on and humanity became a force to be reckoned with, the other gods, in jealousy, struck down the god and locked him away from his children, and until recently he was just beyond reach of his children and fell out of their memory.
  In the year 847 AoM - later referred to by the empire as the year 1 DIV - Emperor Sigmund claimed divine power and asserted himself in the place of Dimdall, having inherited his power fully and become a new god among the mortal plane to bring humanity into the light. Temples to Dimdall were restructured as temples to the divine emperor Sigmund the Exalted and the Holy Aestaran Empire was set into a time of crusade and religious upheaval as the old pantheon was rewritten and enforced as inferior to the divine emperor, the Inheritor of Divinity. After three long years of inner turmoil, most of Harental has been converted to the Church of Humanity, and it has been made the state religion of the realm.   The Church allows nonhumans to willingly enter their worship with the acknowledgement that they accept that they serve humanity.

Tenets of Faith

  • Perfection. Humans are the perfect race and must always work towards improving themselves. The weak or infirm should not be suffered.
  • Purity. Humans should be fruitful and pure. Half-humans are no better than non-humans. Fraternizing with other races is forbidden.
  • Dominion. Humans are meant to prosper and rule the world and all the creatures in it. Willing service from others is to be accepted. Forced service is only delayed betrayal.
  • Respect. Respect fellow humans, even in competition and war.
  • Unbound. Make no oaths or pacts that would bind you to another who is not human.


All priests of Dimdall's faith are humans, and most are a part of the Bright Ministry's Order of Doctrine.
Religious, Organised Religion
Predecessor Organization
Permeated Organizations
Notable Members
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