On the Road Again

General Summary

The party gathered the spare parts of the prison guard, returning them to Lord Ironbreath at his manor. Surprised and grateful for the extra effort as well as dealing with the prison break, Ironbreath allowed the party to transfer one of the runes upon the guard to the party through Frinain covered by the city. Stela and Besella discussed their plans to collect their lost items, continuing north to the Library of Mora and beyond to Slovengaard. Gourm already intended to help the refugees and agreed to go as well. Though Caldwell was concerned about fighting the Volskra directly, he did recognize the sudden gains in wealth being with this party had provided him and begrudgingly chose to follow. Oliver wants to help Besella and Stela, but was otherwise quiet while contemplating their lost job.   Plans decided, the party prepared for hitting the road once more. This plan was, expectedly, complicated as Trazden Ironjaw came and collected Roran and the wagon to bring them to the Library of Mora himself. Ever one to keep any eye for opporunity, Caldwell caught sight of a small vitraxine talisman that had slipped from one of the carts and pocketed it. With their newly found spacious pouches, the party chose to forgo the wagon and buy horses while Besella would rely on Coda for a mount. While some remained uncertain, the corgi showed a supernatural ability to keep pace with the horses.   Late in the afternoon of the first day on travel, Stela heard a ferocious growl of a large cat followed by another more reptilian growl. Sending Giggle as a scout, Stela saw through his eyes a large chimera fighting someone at the entrance of a cave. The party considered letting the beast kill the stranger and hopefully leave, but ultimately decided to help. As Caldwell and Gourm engaged the three-headed monster they were able to see into the cave where the reason for two wagons became clear: dozens of impoverished tradesmen and farmers huddled behind the one man with a weapon who was attempting to keep the creature at bay.  

Total XP: 70 (320)

  • 30xp for completing the Gorgos leg of the journey
  • 20xp for Besella/Stela RP for convincing the party to go north into Slovengaard on your journey
  • 10xp for Caldwell RP stealing the talisman from the wagon
  • 10xp for Oliver RP in offering to trade in the items to Ironbreath


Rewards Granted

  • 3 horses and 1 warhorse (party)
  • 40gp pouch to pay guards for work completed (Stela, for whole party)
  • Potency rune on dagger from Frinain (Caldwell)
  • Fearsome rune on dagger from the prison guard arm (Caldwell)
  • 1 rank 2 rechargeable talisman (Caldwell)
  • 1 Pack of rations (Besella)
  • Potency rune on torban from Frinain (Besella)
Report Date
17 Aug 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
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