The Eyes' Mind

General Summary

Gourm and Oliver investigated the bodies of the fallen Gorgians. Finding ritual scarring and based on previous encounters, they were able to surmise that while the primary ritual is divinely provided from Gorgos, the one performed by Rott had been more occult in nature and had relied on a yellow ichor unavailable to the prisoners. After their investigation and into their discussion of next steps, people leaked back into the streets muttering about these unknown monstrosities that had been let loose upon their town.   The party split here, with Besella and Oliver began a further investigation into these creatures. They first met with Professor Gibbitz where they found the ichor was called mellowmire and is made from the mellowmarsh bush of Lochmalan which is rare to find and difficult to procure useful ingredients leading to an incredible price. Oliver, wanting to study the liquid further, bought a small vial from the professor. They also questioned the whereabouts of the Temple of Gorgos and found that while still there, it had been all but abandoned since the Volskra had been banned from the city.   On their way there, they ran into Caldwell, who came within a hair's breadth of capturing the "Lord Cheater" before he escaped his grasp once more. Though his escape had happened only after Caldwell had been able to strip him of his coin purse. When he passed on the information to Lord Ironbreath, the mayor, he had been informed of the attack leading him to his party members.   Gourm and Stela headed off to find survivors where the damage was greatest. Gourm was able to extricate several members of the party from demolished shops. The superficially injured headed into the city to find loved ones while those in critical condition were collected around Stela, including a grave-adjacent Oliver from the Triadem Trinkets, where they filled the air and souls with magical healing. In thanks, Oliver told Stela and Gourm to take what they could salvage from the store which included a minor healing elixir and a chest of coins. After saving who they could, they went to the Temple of Mora where Gourm donated a share of the gold to the temple. Carissa, the temple matron, provided him a symbol of this temple to gain favor in the Library of Mora and requested he warn her sister, Eliza, about the impending war. Stela, meanwhile, was focusing on tending the wounds of those finding refuge in the temple. This deep focus and being in the holy place of their progenitor deity triggered a vision, not of the future or the past, but real vision. Through their distant eyes, they saw a canvas of white before focusing on a small shape moving: a snowflake falling.

Total XP: 70 (250)

  • 30xp for Gourm/Stela RP in saving townsfolk
  • 20xp for Caldwell RP nearly catching the "Lord Cheater"
  • 20xp for Oliver RP in chasing down mellowmire


  • 10gp for purchasing mellowmire (Oliver)
  • 50gp donation to the Temple of Mora (Gourm)
  • Trail of the "Lord Cheater" (Caldwell)

Rewards Granted

  • 55g, 33s, 12c taken from "Lord Cheater" (Caldwell)
  • 225g, 121s, 187c from Triadem Trinkets lockbox (Gourm)
  • Ironwork Guard Breastplate (Gourm)
  • Ironwork Guard Right Arm (Gourm)
  • Minor Healing Elixir (Gourm)
  • Vial of Mellowmire (Stela)
Report Date
27 Jul 2024
Primary Location
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