The Adventures of the Big HELP, Session 17 Report in Charyba | World Anvil
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The Adventures of the Big HELP, Session 17

General Summary

  • After leaving Demensaix, the Big HELP rested for the night. Bigwig chose to throw Demensaix's gift away, refusing her bargain.
  • Eris Tisani was visited by her patron. The Elder God chastised Eris for letting her friends lose Windtooth's but believed he would surface again eventually. Instead, the creature tasked Eris with killing Cult of Arazid cultists, making sure that Bigwig did not take any sould and become more powerful. Eris wondered if Bigwig would be a target and her patron suggested that Bigwig was safe for now.
  • The next morning, Larka made bacon porridge, serving the charred dish to her friends. She asked Verga Stonehammer if she had any leftover thieving equipment. Verga explained Estella would have that. Larka took some Thieves' Tools and Boots of Elvenkind. Bigwig spoke to Estella, who was conscious briefly and unable to speak.
  • The HELP traveled to the abandoned Morda Crystal Mine. Larka took the lead, guiding the rest down into the mine. It was dark and unbranching for a long period of time before Larka saw light and signs of the cult. She saw two novices who thought she was a new recruit. Larka said she was there for murder and they went to ring an alarm. Larka cut the alarm bell and killed one of the novices. Bigwig dispatched the other and reached to draw out his power when Eris screamed at her. Eris explained that her patron tasked her with killing the cultists and preventing Bigwig from taking on more the Cult's power.
  • Larka found that the room held robes for new cult novices and everyone disguised themselves. Continuing on, the party heard mining from one direction and chanting from another. Larka led the HELP in the direction of the mining sound and found a cult priest urging novices to mine the crystals. The cult seemed to be stockpiling them for a teleportation ritual. In disguise, Bigwig started mining. Larka killed the priest, but not before he wounded her and sounded an alarm. An Arazid fanatic came up from behind and knocked Larka unconscious. Amroth restored her while the others killed the cultists. Bigwig could feel the power in the dead priest and fanatic, her dream voice telling her to take it, but Bigwig listend to Eris and left the bodies alone.
  • Larka grabbed a few of the loose crystals and looked around. Other than an old statue, there was nothing. She took the crystals and realized they could be used arcane batteries, but they weren't as powerful as the ones Nascour requested.
  • Larka decided not to take the lead anymore and handed the reins over to Eris. Eris led the HELP back to the sound of the chanting. Another priest was the source of the chanting. He seemed to be fixing up an altar to a fanged, armored figure. When Bigwig saw the statue, she recognized the figure from her dreams. Eris and Larka killed the priest before he had a chance to do anything. A bag of rings fell, all marked with the Cult of Arazid's mark. Eris pocketed them. Amroth was worried that all this bloodshed was not the stealth mission Nascour asked for, but Larka assured that no word of the infiltration could escape if there were no survivors.
  • Bigwig went to investigate the statue, lamenting she could not learn more about the voice in her head from the priest. She touched the statue and was flooded with brief images. The figure in the statue, in her mind, descended from the heavens. It gave knowledge and enlightenment to the people. The images blurred until the figure was surround by six figures bristling with elemental power, the gods of Charyba. The figure motioned to challenge Scrios, God of Flames, but was drowned in a torrent of holy elements. Bigwig wondered if the priest could have helped her see more.
  • Larka felt a warmth in her pockets. Forgotten at the bottom of her bag was the fang she had picked up not long after meeting the rest of the Big HELP. She showed the glowing fang off to Eris and Bigwig. Bigwig felt an urge to grab and hold onto the fang, but managed to push it down.
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Report Date
07 Apr 2024


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