Nascour Varna Character in Charyba | World Anvil
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Nascour Varna

Nascour Varna, born in 2987, was a high elf enchanter from the continent Gadorr. Across the world, he was known as a genius engineer of magical technology, having designed and led the construction on such wonderous devices as flying ships, walking cities, and teleportation gateways. As an artist, he also turned his skills to the crafting of magical items.   His genius gave him an overinflated sense of ego and he rarely gave others the time of day if he didn't think they were worth his time. The easiest way of catching his attention was by providing him with a difficult problem to solve. He had a daughter named Ania. During the adventures of the Big HELP, Nascour was busy working on his crowning achievement, a Ring of Soul Storing.  


Nascour made a name for himself as a student at several of the top schools of magical study on Gadorr. His skill in enchantment was unparalleled. Though he preferred the creation of magical items, such as magic rings or weapons, family pressures forced him into becoming a magical engineer.  

Time on Udarich

Nascour was responsible for the initial design and construction of the Raziel, as commisioned by King Hespiro. Following the Raziel's crash, he traveled to Valadris on Udarich to figure out what went wrong with his design. He had little luck finding any news until meeting The Big HELP, who were seeking him out on the advice of their companion Amroth. Both Amroth and Hest hoped that Nascour's knowledge of enchanted items would be able to help them free their loved ones.   To Nascour's relief, the HELP explained that the ship had crashed in an act of sabotage, not engineering failure. He was surprised to hear the HELP talk about the ship's psionic engineering, something that he had no part in designing. He wondered who could have modified his designs. Nascour thanked the Big HELP and was ready to shoo them on their way when they asked about his work crafting the Ring of Soul Storing. Verga Stonehammer, a gem-smith he had hired for the prepartion of ring's enchanted gems, had sent them with the gems he had ordered. The gems failed to conduct the magic as Nascour needed. The Big HELP offered to assist him. Nascour initially brushed them off before catching sight of Amroth's necklace. Though Amroth said the necklace held his sick wife's final moment frozen in time, Nascour saw that was not entirely true. While Caerda was frozen in a moment of time, she was not sick. Instead, she was surrounded by thousands of tiny shadows.   Hest explained that she needed Nascour's ring to save her mentor, Ravenna, whose soul had been ripped from her body and sealed within the amulet Hest wore. Needing a test subject, Nascour eventually gave in and accepted their help. He said that there may be crystals deep within the abandoned Morda Crystal Mine that might be able to conduct the volume of magic he needed, though he was unsure whether these crystals actually existed. He agreed to let Hest use the Ring of Soul Storing to reunite Ravenna's body and soul if the HELP retrieved the crystals needed. As a forward on their reward, Nascour gave Hest a Teleportation Circle Book that would allow the HELP to return to Valadris with Ravenna's body. He then ushered the HELP out and wished them luck on retrieving the crystals.   Upon the Big HELP's return with the crystals, Nascour verified the crystals' ability to conduct magic and asked that they be taken to Verga to be crafted per his specifications. He also asked Amroth to stay in Valadris so they could study his necklace. Nascour met with the HELP the following night at the Cerisan Opera House to receive the finalized gemstones and was the subject of an assassination attempt by the Cult of Arazid.


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