Petrichor Character in Charyba | World Anvil
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Petrichor is a tabaxi druid from the Rusha Kingdom on the continent of Udarich. Born in the Black Sand Desert region of the Rusha Kingdom, she struggled all her life to make her place in the world. Dreaming of seeing the world, her bond with nature and thieving talents helped her escape the desert after many years of struggle.  


Petrichor is an excitable, chaotic young girl. Her youth growing up in destitute conditions resulted in a flexible view on the concept of personal property. Even after she had the means to support herself, Petrichor's kleptomaniacal habits proved hard to break. The young tabaxi has a deep love of plants, especially the desert plants she grew up around like yucca and cacti.  



Petrichor was born in the year 3182. She has some difficulty remembering her youth, having repressed some of the more difficult parts. She was raised in the dangerous Black Sand Desert region. Her childhood was difficult, living in the desert. To care for herself, she learned to care for the desert plants that were so integral to life there. Petrichor had an innate talent for connecting with nature. Her time in the desert among the plants and animals allowed her to develop her druidic skills without the need of a teacher. Even with her knowledge, Petrichor resorted to stealing when things became dire.   Once she finally left the Rusha Kingdom, Petrichor found herself tied up in the Nightwalkers thieves, meeting Bigwig.  

Forging the Big HELP

Petrichor and the rest of her crew heard about King Hespiro's summit on the flying ship, Raziel. They snuck onto the ship in the hope of stealing from the rich dignitaries. She and Bigwig snuck into the gala where she caught sight of Hest's amulet and stole it. When the ship was sabotaged and she was forced to escape with Bigwig, Hest, and Larka, Petrichor was blindsided after learning that Windtooth was the saboteur. The following morning, Petrichor and the others explored a sinkhole that led to an abandoned tomb. Like the others, she was burned when salamanders stole some of their things. The party left the tomb before it would collapse and made their way to Popoki Village.   At the village, Petrichor and the others met the village leader, Meadowyn, who put them up in the inn for the night. Petrichor had dinner with the others before going to bed. She talked to Bigwig and wondered whether the other Nightwalkers escaped the crashing ship and why Windtooth would have sabotaged it. In the night, the party awoke to find the village under attack by a group of walking skeletons. Petrichor fought off many skeletons having gained control of her new Wild Shape abilities. When a tabaxi child appeared in the middle of the fight, Petrichor comforted him and kept him safe. The following morning, she joined the rest of her friends in a thank you celebration. Afterwards, she agreed to help Larka find her father by following the Ghispar soldiers, Zinnia's Platoon, on their way to investigate the Raziel crash site. Shortly after leaving Popoki, Petrichor's thievish urges took hold when she stole a wandering bards lunch without him knowing. The bard, Amroth, shortly ran into the party and asked them to join him for lunch, though they decided to travel on instead and meet up with Zinnia.   During their travels, Zinnia and Kilgrid were abducted one night while Felgo was wounded. Petrichor and the others followed the abductors and found a mansion hidden in the forest. Petrichor snuck in wild shaped as a mouse and learned the location of several secret passages. While investigating the house, Petrichor came across a book of necromancy and learned to recognize this unusual magic. The party located Zinnia and Kilgrid but Petrichor and Bigwig were shocked to find Peacelover standing guard, zombified. The necromancer's notes suggested to Petrichor that Windtooth may have been zombified as well. After leaving the mansion, Petrichor and the group traveled to the Raziel crash site, though they found no survivors and decided instead to travel to Ghispar with Zinnia. Petrichor was shocked when Larka relayed a psychic vision that suggested Windtooth had been affected by energries from the Raziel explosion and that Lockpick had made it off the ship, though terribly burned.   Petrichor arrived with the rest of the party in Ghispar and accepted a job from Catchief Urthpaw to further investigate the Necromancer. While shopping, she met a tabaxi woman called Niamina who offered the party a job. She wanted them to track down a weapon called the Soulblaze Sword and offered the party powerful magic to do so. The rest of the HELP were suspiscious but Petrichor asked more. Petrichor backed out when Niamina revealed herself to be a human sorceror named Demensaix and asked her to sign a soulbinding contract.   The next day, Petrichor and the others met with Advisor Lemore Mondicrell to learn more about their Necromancer-hunting job. She was less suspiscious of him than the rest of the HELP. On the way out of town, the party helped save a tabaxi boy whose family had been killed by gnolls. Looting the gnolls, Petrichor found a golden sending stone that turned out to commune directly with Hespiro. A conversation between him and Larka got heated and Petrichor did her best to make sure Larka was feeling okay. Arriving at Firelda Outpost, the Big HELP learned that the outpost was being attacked by forces from Pascatia but that they were to focus only on learning about the Necromancer.   Petrichor spied on an older tabaxi druid praying to Sindara. She tried to steal the archdruid's idol but was caught. She introduced herself as Ivy and quickly to a shine to Petrichor, the latter reminding her of her daughter. Ivy was preparing to meditate on a druid vision and Petrichor accepted. In the vision, Petrichor was separated from Ivy and saw two lights burning bright, a tall strong figure and a slender lithe figure. They shone bright until a familiar wolf howl began to blot out the light of both these figures and all others connected by Sindara's lifeflow. Perichor felt the vision was telling her, if the large figure's light went out that they would rage until all around them turned to ash. Hours later, after meditating, Petrichor reunited with the HELP and Helena, who seemed to be getting close to Bigwig. She told them about the vision and wondered if the howl had been Windtooth while Larka worried it might be her father. When investigating sightings of the undead, Petrichor picked up on signs of the Pascatians getting ready to march on the outpost at dawn. The HELP snuck into their camp and managed to diffuse the attack, noting signs of explosives.   Petrichor was briefly wounded in the escape but made it back to Firelda Outpost with the others and reported back on what they had found. The HELP started to rest but sleep was interrupted by a thundering from below. Petrichor and the others rushed down to the basement and found the Pascatians had blown a hole from a cave network into the basement, though Petrichor's Detect Thoughts revealed that this was not actually intentional. The HELP forged their way into the cave network to pacify any attacking soldiers. Petrichor's magic helped them traverse a raging underground river and detect the presence of magic in a hidden pond. Travelling onwards, Petrichor and Hest realized that the Pascatians were caught up in a fight with undead soldiers stepping out of a portal. The HELP fought both sides, allowing Pascatians to escape if they chose not to fight. Stepping through the portal, Petrichor and the others came face to face with the Necromancer, Advisor Lemore. The party destroyed a banshee he had accidentally released and knocked him out. Petrichor and several others believed he could be redeemed so decided to return him to Ghispar to face trial.   In Ghispar, Petrichor and the others ran into Amroth again. She was one of the HELP that pushed to take him to Valadris to meet the elven enchanter Nascour Varna. On the way out of town, Petrichor realized they were being followed. The HELP set up an ambush in the Evergreen Chapel and defeated their Cult of Arazid stalkers. Following this encounter, Petrichor discovered the weakened Staff of the Woodlands and became a druidic Chosen of Sindara, though she did not know what that truly meant. When the HELP encountered several former members of Larka's tribe, it was Petrichor that prodded Larka's childhood rival into revealing she was indirectly responsible for Larka's sister's death.   Petrichor could feel a corruption in the forest. The howl of a vargar and the sight of the undead Windtooth suggested to Petrichor that he was responsible. Petrichor and the Big HELP fought through awakened vine blights and chased Windtooth to Vala Pass. Petrichor tried to ask Windtooth why he had betrayed the Nightwalkers, but Windtooth didn't seem capable of rational thought to respond. The HELP defeated Windtooth before he triggered a landslide. Petrichor fell several times in the escape and Bigwig had to save her, only taking Windtooth's head for interrogation.   Arriving in Valadris, Petrichor and Bigwig suggested the HELP shelter with their former partner, Verga Stonehammer. They used this as an opportunity to catch up with Verga, who offered to introduce them to Nascour. The next day, the HELP took a spa day. Petrichor relaxed in the illusory hot springs before following Hest and accidentally ended up in a Wild Magic speakeasy. Petrichor came out safe and the group later met up with Nascour. On his request, the HELP traveled to a mine taken over by the Arazid cult to find crystals that would act as a magical battery for a Ring of Soul Storing. Petrichor and Larka found Zinnia, in the form of a canary, locked up. She freed Zinnia, who said they should escape while she investigated the cult. Petrichor and the others instead kept searching for the crystals, finding them in an underwater portion of the cave. Petrichor and Larka found the crystalline skeleton of an ancient water genasi while Bigwig mined some crystals. Petrichor took one of the bones, causing whatever sealing power the skeleton had over the powers of Arazid to fade.   On their way out, the HELP were attacked by the Fireblood after Petrichor threw the crystalline bone at her. Zinnia distracted the Fireblood while the HELP escaped. That night, the HELP delivered the crystal to Nascour during a performance by Madame Seid at the Cerisan Opera House. Petrichor used her Cape of Many Fashions to take on a glamorous appearance. During intermission, Petrichor and Bigwig encountered Zinnia, who informed them that the Fireblood had sent an assassin to kill Nascour and frame Hespiro. Petrichor and Larka's telepathy was essential for discovering and defeating the assassin. They inadvertently learned that Zinnia had left the Catfolk Freehold to serve King Hespiro. Zinnia recognized Petrichor's Staff of the Woodlands. They talked about how Petrichor having it made her a Disciple of Sindara. Petrichor was unsure what that meant and Zinnia said she had a choice to make, follow the path of nature Sindara and the other gods set out or forge her own path. Zinnia let slip that she and her mother had fought over that question before and Petrichor realized that Zinnia's mother was Ivy. Petrichor spent the night dwelling on the choice Zinnia said she'd have to make.   The next day, Larka convinced Petrichor and the others to travel to the Stalwart Bridge where Hespiro was preparing to march on the Church of Gorthag. On the way, the HELP passed through Singor Forest where the animals were corrupted. Petrichor spoke with a dying myconid who asked them to save his chieftain from the corruption. She buried the myconid and promised to fulfill his last wish. Petrichor's magic helped the party traverse the corrupted forest. They eventually stumbled upon the corrupted cheiftain and several other myconids. In a hard fought battle, Petrichor managed to purify one of the myconids but found the chieftain too powerful for Lesser Restoration to heal him. She knocked him unconscious and the HELP him and the other myconid back to a temple for Gorthag and Sindara that seemed to hold the corruption at bay. Petrichor noticed the inky-black shade possessing the myconid chieftain looked like Windtooth. Under the myconids advice, Petrichor and the others went looking for springs of pure water to free the myconid chieftain from his corruption.
Gender: Female   Species: Tabaxi   Class: Druid   Age: 22   Favored Weapon:
Character Portrait image: Petrichor


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