Balrem Sea Geographic Location in Chronicles of Hysal | World Anvil
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Balrem Sea

The Balrem Sea is a large sea situated in the north-east of the Arrosian mainland. It has a rather nasty reputation amongst the seafaring merchants of Arros, and most will avoid sailling on its water if they can. Only the bravest and most skilled captains and crew can safely travel here without sinking into it's grey gallows


At more than a thousand km from east to west, the Balrem sea is quite large. It is located between the Dorahdin peninsula and the Accosian Isles to the west and the The Fork peninsula in the east. It is bordered in the south by the Arrosian mainland, with a shoreline composed of tall black cliffs with sharp rocks at their base. It is largely devoid of safe harbours, save for one, in which is nestled the town of Bouriac, in northern Naurcia.

Localized Phenomena

Water Spouts:
Sightings of Waterspouts have been recorded in the Balrem sea, mostly along the northern Naurcian coastline, west of Bouriac, were the waters aren't as deep or cold. These are able to sometimes damage nearby sailing ships and generaly occur in the fall, a few hours before a large storms moves into the area, so many sailors use them as an early warning to find a safe harbour as quicly as possible.
Sea Storms:
Considered to be some of the most violent storms in Hysal, the Sea Storms that form over the Balrem sea are to be avoided at all cost. Even the most seasoned captains would never willingly sail into one of these storms. The most dangerous aspects of these storms is the wind, which produces large rogue waves with can bring any ship, not matter its strenght or size, down into its grey waters. as well as crashing Winged ships have also been lost in these storms, mainly because of the powerfull winds.


The climate varies a lot in the region. The summers are relatively warm and calm. Sporadic thunderstorms near the coast are common. The winter and Fall seasons are chilly and active, which regular storms sweeping the sea from west to east, bringing heavy rain, wind and sometimes produces waterspouts and lightning. During most of the year, the sea is rather windy, which renders the sea's waters rather choppy.

Natural Resources

The sea contains a lot of fish, particulary Argefins, which are quite popular dish in the nearby regions. Fisheries is the main industry of the town of Bouriac. The lands around the Balrem sea contain valuable minerals and ore deposits, such as the largest deposit of Lycen crystals on the continent, on The Fork peninsula. Ore deposits of tin and iron can be found all over the region, and in the Accosian Isles nearby.
Map of Arros
A map of the continent of Arros, as of the year 370 AC.
Alternative Name(s)
Grey Gallows


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