Círzithara, The Uttercold Mother Character in Corexus | World Anvil

Círzithara, The Uttercold Mother

Risen Goddess of Ice, Tragedy, Art, Messages, and Seals

To hate yourself is to hate her.
— A Círzitharan Proverb
  Titles: The Frozen Artist, The Guiding Hand, The Tragic Courier, The Uttercold Mother, The Tragedy Catalyst, The Gloomjoy Lady, She of Tradition, Heritage's Guardian, The Ocean's Emissary, The Freezing Lady of Undeath, The Devilbane   Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff   Holy Book: The Frozen Tragedies   Alignment: Chaotic Good   Area of Worship/Followers: Sailors, Islanders, Elves, Half-Elves, The Sad or Morose, Those who have experienced Tragedy, Those who wish to convey messages across long distances   Main Temple/Location: Dauchanár's Frozen Heart, Atop Blistersnap Glacier, Venau Necrocracy   Church Moniker: Church of The Uttercold Mother   Rival/Enemy/Unliked Gods: Asmodeus, Lumirana, Vvaal   Obedience: Spend an hour remembering the most tragic events that have haunted your life. Reaffirm your desire to find a new happiness if you have not found it already, or instead reaffirm the new happiness you have found to overcome that tragedy.   Effect: Gain Cold Resistance 10. Uttercold does not bypass your innate resistances or immunities to cold. Gain +2 on saves versus spells with the [Emotion] descriptor.

Divine Domains

Water, Madness, Travel, Ruins, Healing

Holy Books & Codes

The Frozen Tragedies

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A tragedy mask, above a frozen star, weeping blood from the eyes

Tenets of Faith

Life is creation. No matter the medium or the skill of those involved, foster the arts and protect both artist and their works wherever either can be found.
Freeze and Preserve. Coat the cosmos in frost until Life and Death lose meaning and the last ember sputters and dies - once all things know eternity inside the ice, she will know freedom.
Pitiful is the life without adversity. Spread tragedy and hardship across the land, in ways both big and small - all life in this world must know of pain and what it truly means to suffer.
Be the shepard to the separated. Give aid to the estranged, help others overcome their pain and reconnect with those they have lost, and never allow a message sent in earnest to go undelivered.
Love her and Exalt her. Never turn your back on her, spread her word near and far, and live your life in her honor - your life and love itself are your greatest gifts to her, so ensure your love is deep and your life is lived well.


The Day of Icy Tragedy

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To preserve tradition and art.   To deliver messages for those separated from each other.   To spread tragedies, and give others the strength to overcome them.   To freeze the world and render it cold to preserve tradition and beauty for eternity.   To destroy and freeze the Nine Hells, and all Devils with it.


Círzithara, The Uttercold Mother

Daughter (Vital)

Towards Gregaia, Lord of the Wild



Gregaia, Lord of the Wild

Father (Vital)

Towards Círzithara, The Uttercold Mother




Born from his relationship with Sturgeon, The Tidemother, Círzithara was born cursed with Uttercold, and due to its extreme danger, she had to be sequestered away into an entirely separate planar dimension where she could be kept isolated from the rest of Reality, lest her Uttercold freeze everything and render all Reality lifeless and frozen.   Though she does care for her father, eons spent locked in her planar cage have eroded her love for her parents and replaced it with a bleak melancholy.

Círzithara, The Uttercold Mother

Daughter (Vital)

Towards Sturgeon, The Tidemother



Sturgeon, The Tidemother

Mother (Vital)

Towards Círzithara, The Uttercold Mother




Born from her relationship with Gregaia, Lord of the Wild, Círzithara was born cursed with Uttercold, and due to its extreme danger, she had to be sequestered away into an entirely separate planar dimension where she could be kept isolated from the rest of Reality, lest her Uttercold freeze everything and render all Reality lifeless and frozen.   Though she does care for her mother, eons spent locked in her planar cage have eroded her love for her parents and replaced it with a bleak melancholy.

Círzithara, The Uttercold Mother

Target of Interest (Important)

Towards Vvaal, The Bound Obliterator



Vvaal, The Bound Obliterator

Hated Foe (Vital)

Towards Círzithara, The Uttercold Mother




One of the only instances where the ancient and ineffable Major God known as The Bound Obliterator has taken an interest in a God or Divine without the intention of killing them, Vvaal has long since taken in interest in The Uttercold Mother, and constantly seeks to worm his way into her Planar Prison, The Uttercold Nucleus, to make contact with her towards some unknown end. Whether he seeks to corrupt or consume her or some other horrific thing, the fact that his ineffable mind has turned its attention towards her bodes well for no-one. The Uttercold Mother for her part refuses his interest and probing curiosity, despite his numerous attempts to burrow and consume his way into her prison.   Whatever his goals are, are unknown, but she despises him all the same...the fact that his faithful tend to take her own faithful alive and offer them up to him in strange rituals does nothing to ease her hatred of him, and has earned The Bound Obliterator of both Gregaia, Lord of the Wild and Sturgeon, The Tidemother for taking such a strange interest in their daughter.   Thankfully, Vvaal is considerably weakened, his core essence locked and hammered beneath The Divine Trammels which bind a majority of his power, and as such he has historically been far too weak to burrow past the defenses of her prison and make contact with her...though, during The Advent of The Unraveler, he managed to penetrate his way into her prison for a scant few seconds, mixing his gnawing oblivion with her freezing Uttercold to make a truly horrific combination before the Major Gods could beat him down long enough to hammer the Divine Trammels which he had shattered back into place and seal him away once more.

Once, a child was born to parents most fine,   who loved her and thought her most sublime,   but alas, cursed was she, for now and all time,   for she exuded a cold that chilled even the divine.   So she was sealed away, alone, and thus consigned,   to an eternity of suffering for a most unjust crime.
— The Uttercold Rhyme
Divine Classification
Chaotic Good
Ruled Locations
Holy Animal
Holy Colors
Blue, White
Holy Number
Related Materials


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