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Session LII: The Icosahydron Report

General Summary

After having travelled 39 days through this obnoxious storm. The Magnificent Misfits have suffered a lot. But yet, their suffering is not to end...   They were down on the final floor of the temple of Bouanfamet, having just made their way through the maze. It took some time for them to recuperate but they were quick to move on. They spent the better part of the hour investigating the room, the doors, the candles around them. But eventually decided to take the wooden door as it seemed the only option. It clearly not being a mimic (it was even mentioned above the door). Walking into the next room they were greeted by a water elemental. One with a sombrero and sunglasses. It quizzed them on their knowledge, only the wisest and smartest bound to pass. Which was all of them.  
  Continuing into the next room, aptly named "Trial of Sacrifice", they found an infinitely deep hole in the center. Obviously asking for a worthy sacrifice. Axton nobly sacrificed the Crow's gaze, his trusty weapon. One which he had crafter years ago, on The Academy. The weapon tumbling into the depths below, allowed for the next door to open.   They walked into the dark room, lit only by a small light source in it's center. And were greeted by an old enemy of theirs. Odin Obermut, The Dragonslayer. The party itself and most of it's members have a history with him and they had to forgive him to continue. It took a while and for some it was really hard. But they were able to return, allowing them to pass into the next rooms.   They choose to go to the left first. Where they found themselves in a pleasant relaxation room. A couple of couches, a chess set and a story lined along the walls. Opening the large double doors on the opposite end of the room revealed a vault. Filled with gold, platinum and valuable items. Hesitating as to take it or not they eventually decided to obtain the riches. Filling their bags of holding to the brim.   Loot
  • art objects:
    • Old masterpiece painting (11 lbs.)
    • Eye patch with a mock eye set in blue sapphire and moonstone (1 lb.)
    • Jeweled anklet (3 lbs.)
    • Gold circlet set with four aquamarines (6 lbs.)
  • Iron Horn of Valhalla (4 lbs.)
  • Ring of djinni summoning
  • Armor, +2 breastplate (20 lbs.)
  • 39,000 GP (780 lbs.)
  • 36,000 PP (720 lbs.)

  Afterwards they took the other door, continuing down a long hallway, they walked into another room. This time, the room vanishing as they walked inside. Their friends with them too. Each of them being confronted with their worst failure... And only skarsnik, Katara and Chaojo making it out. This left the rest of the party very exhausted, when they woke up a good 10 minutes later. Another setback but not enough to stop the Magnificent Misfits. They ventured beyond and found the room where the key to the large double doors in the entry room was. Challenged by swinging axes, spewing hot molten rock from the infinite fall beneath; They were able to obtain the key, through a combination of multiple mage hands, a bolt and Katara's acrobatic skill.   Now finally having obtained the pure ice key. They made their way back, on their way they looked in the final room where they found a decoy for the Icosahydron and correctly assessed it as a trap. Leaving it be. But once they made their way back, they opened the door and entered a foyer. A gigantic door standing before them. They touched the door, it splitting in half and opening the final room. Revealing Bouanfamet, who exclaimed: "Congratulations. This is the final test."   A battle ensued, many of them having their own troubles being exhausted from the trials before or even missing their weapon. On top of this it's roar was particularly brutal among with it's hard to penetrate hide. The Sphinx meanwhile played with their age and the time around them. At a certain point transporting them to the water plane. Whilst the battle was long and hard, they managed to bring the sphinx to it's knees. And this was my moment. I had no choice but to betray the only people I had dared to call friends in the last few millennia.   They were all exhausted, at their wit's end for the trials. The pure ice crystal within hand's reach. The sphinx bellowing out it's third, last and loudest roar. As they had a moment to look at each other. I called in my favor with their sorceress Enys, the resurrected. Using the tether as an anchor for the gate. I came armed, in case it was necessary. But luckily it wasn't.. "I'm terribly sorry about the inconvenience. But I'll be taking it from here, if you don't mind.", I exclaimed. But I could feel their rage... Looking upon me, Katara only a few feet away. Not having enough time to react. As I stepped back into the portal.   They defeated Bouanfamet, completing the challenge. Their reward now robbed from beneath their noses. Being transported atop the temple, where they could see the effect of their success. The storm now fading from the planet of Ur Borm. The blue sky revealing itself. As well as Katara, being called upon by greater powers. Getting handed the mask which holds the title. Far on the horizon the elder tempest lurks. Noticing them and the achievement they've just accomplished.   And the chapter ends with the final words of the Orc Bard:
And this, is where this act ends as you hear the single strum of a ukulele behind you.
Magnificent Misfits
Level Half-orc
/ 51 HP
Report Date
21 May 2021
Primary Location

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