Plane of Moss

The Plane of Moss is one of the youngest and most refined of all planes, having been created by descendants of the Gods of the Fore later in the Age of Heart. It encompasses the domains of water, earth, and air. The Plane of Moss is a Dominus Conjunction, which are much more habitable and traveled than the Cardinal Planes or the Ordinal Conjunctions.   This plane is filled with verdant forests, mountain peaks, and vast lakes that support teeming life. The Plane of Moss is by far the most biologically diverse world in existence, even more so than the Materium. It is also known to be the home of several of the Walking Gods, as they make regular appearances to those that inhabit the plane's lush landscapes.   The great forest of Thrahin holds one of the eminent powers here. Thrahish necromancers and biologists have created legions of enhanced elementals, genasi, spirits, and risen dead to provide security and strength to the region. In recent times, they have sold these troops as mercenaries to those with allied interests. Now, the Thrahish sell these creatures at a discount to the Plane of Dust to aid them against Zivilon.   Outside of those woods, settlements are decentralized and universally dabble in strange magics. The Undrogr Province, for example, spans an ancient mountainside where mysterious rituals of rebirth are said to take place.
Located in
Corporeus, Dominant Space
Thraegard, Marana, Andhira