Sontar's War Military Conflict in Corrum Galaxia | World Anvil
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Sontar's War (Sahn-tar)

The Conflict


Tradelands Campaign

The first theatre of the Tianni Civil War was the Tradelands Campaign. Commander Piet Henschel, under orders from General Maxi Tischbein, ransacked the small Free Colonies farming town of Cano Homestead on 9.19.2841. Following the successful raid, the Fort Katzen Garrison laid siege and later conquered the trade city of Inthyla Saffmit. Afterwards, the surviving battalions, along with newly raised reinforcements, formed into the 1st Tradelands Army, and began resting and reorganizing in Inthyla Saffmit.  

Independent Barony of Opasau

The other major trade city in the Tradelands, Opasau Saffmit, was ruled by Baron Qinro Sontar III. The outer limits of the Barony's territory was no further than the dozen farms that ringed the city and provided most of the major trade product exported by the city. Sontar had larger aspirations for his rule, and when news of the outbreak of war between the Colonies and the Talopi Xonod, he mobilized his private army, Sontar's Rangers, and set out on a series of sieges and raids on both sides of the border.

The Engagement

First Battle of Pike

The First Battle of Pike was a short battle fought between Sontar's Rangers and the Talopi Xonod Army Garrison at Fort Pike and its namesake town. It was the opening battle of Sontar's War.   The Rangers invaded the town and fort simultaneously 30 minutes after the declaration of war between the Independent Barony of Opasau and Talopi Xonod on 10.20.2841. Hyla Battalion attacked Fort Pike by being dropped directly outside the fort's walls by the modified Faulast Chaneecel-class Freightship Tudefiti, which also unleashed a barrage from its mounted 45mm autocannons on the Fort's defenses. Meanwhile, Hyle Battalion swept through the town of Pike, arresting combat-aged males, civilians with weapons, police and off duty Garrison soldiers. There were small firefights between the Battalion and small groups of armed resistance made up of soldiers and civilians.   After less than an hour of fighting, the Civic Centre was captured, and every major civilian leader was held in house arrest in the mayor's office. Meanwhile, any surviving soldier or resistance fighter in the town retreated to Fort Pike, which was still barely holding against the attack from Hyla Battalion.

Razing of Fort Pike

Immediately following the Battle of Pike, the Tudefiti returned to Fort Pike and dropped a modified cargo container into the central building of the fort. The container was filled with explosives on a timed delay, and its detonation ruined most the centre of the base. The Hyla and Hyle Battalions proceeded to enter the ruined fort and capture or kill the surviving inhabitants. Once every valuable was removed from the fort, and all prisoners moved into Pike, the Rangers Caar Oclatece-class Bomber performed two sorties over the base and proceeded to level what was left of Fort Pike.

Siege of Alora Homestead

After Replenishing supplies and soldiers in Pike by having reinforcements from Hilu Battalion, the Rangers raised a Battalion of soldiers made up of POWs and local civilians. These soldiers were promised better treatment, pay, and care to their families in exchange for a 1-year service in the Rangers. Most who were offered this accepted, and the "Mabeznod Battalion" (Nod-Typical for Prisoner Battalion) reached 115 strong.   The Rangers then marched back over the border into the Free Colonies and laid siege to the farming city of Alora Homestead. Alora was one of the largest production centre for profit crops in the tradelands, and had a stable spaceport that included a single drydock. While the siege was fairly drawn out, there was very little combat. The desire by both sides to keep the city and farms intact meant that a blockade was quickly established. After a month of limited supplies, the city surrendered. The local militia joined the Rangers under the same conditions as the Mabeznod Battalion.

Battle over Norlana's Farm

While the bulk of the Rangers were now either stationed at Pike or on the warpath with Baron Santor, the 1st Tradelands Army set up a siege camp outside of Opasau Saffmit, near the Norlana Family Farm. When news reached the Rangers, the returned to the city as quickly as they could. The Rangers set up a blockade around the 1st Tradelands Army blockade of the city, which was countered by Commander Piet Henschel calling in the Shetelpail-Class Monitor Luscelnod to barrage the Rangers.   The city defenders then had the 3 ship squadron of Sheebytri Strike Fighters scrambled along with the Rangers bomber to hit the Monitor before it could arrive. The smaller, faster craft were able to avoid the super calibre main cannon and quickly crippled the engines and defensive machine guns, which allowed the bomber to drop an anti-ship load onto the bridge and centre of the Luscelnod. The stricken vessel attempted to turn back towards friendly airspace, but soon plummeted to the surface and crashed into a large jungle between Opasau Saffmit and Pike.   Cmr. Henschel's further requests for another Monitor were refused.

Hit and Run Skirmishes

Following the end of the air battle, both sides settled into a multi-month stalemate as each side tried to whittle down the others supply. TXA anti-air weapons installed after the Battle over Norlana's Farm kept supply ships out of the area, while the Rangers outer blockade kept food and ammunition from reaching the 1st Tradelands.   Small hit-and-run style attacks happened across both camps as small squads would steal supplies or sabotage armories or defences. TXA Captain Hanno Kurrat and his senior aides were assassinated by a firebomb places in their HQ tent, after which the 1st Tradelands launched a single concentrated attack to breakthrough and begin to retreat back to Xonod territory.

Second Battle of Pike and the Opasau Accords

After a desperate rout back to their side of the border, 1st Tradelands made their way to Pike, the nearest town to them, followed closely by the Rangers. It is unknown if Commander Henschel knew if Pike was under Barony control, if he was planning on liberating the town, or raiding it for supplies as his troops fled deeper into XA land.   The Rangers stationed at Pike set up a series of ambush points on the main road between Opasau Saffmit and Pike, which continued to cause attrition to the 1st Tradelands Army. By the time the army reached Pike and set up a defensive position, they had less than half their strength. The Rangers launched a large attack on the Army's position and after a drawn out firefight, Henschel called for both sides to cease fire and begin negotiations.   The Opasau Accords were signed on 03.18.2840 between Baron Santor III, the Curator of the Senate and General Maxi Tischbein. The Treaty defined the sovereign borders of the @Barony of Opasau, and in return, the Barony would cease all hostilies against the Talopi Xonod and offer to end all Mabeznod Battalion contracts, as well as financial reparations to the town and people of Pike.


Pike and Alora Homestead were ceded to the Independent Barony of Opasau.   The soldiers of the Mabeznod Battalion were offered to have their contracts ended early with no repercussion, though close to 80% remained in service as the pay and quality of life was better for their families when compared to being a Garrison Soldier in the Talopi Xonod Army or militiaman or farmer in the Free Colonies of Tiann.


After Sontar's War, the Talopi Xonod Army increased the size of their Armies to 5 Battalions, and required all border forts to always be on high alert.   Some of Sontar's Rangers joined the 1st Tradelands Army.   The Independent Barony of Opasau became a major trade partner with the Talopi Xonod, selling them food crops at an inflated price. The were able to purchase a Shetelpail-Class Monitor from the Talopi Xonod National Shipyard, which they named the Dianiti.   The Barony would remain neutral from combat for the remainder of the Tianni Civil War, though they favoured the Talopi Xonod behind the scenes.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Military Campaign
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Barony Victory
  • The borders of the Independent Barony of Opasau are defined
  • The Barony signs a nonaggression pact with the Talopi Xonod
  • Location


    Independent Barony of Opasau

    Led by


    • 300 Rangers
    • 250 Mabeznod Conscripts (mid-war)
    • 125 Militiamen (late war)
    • 1 modified Faulast Chaneecel-class Freightship
      • Tudefiti
    • 3 Sheebytri Strike Fighters
    • 1 Caar Oclatece-class Bomber
    • 886 Soldiers
    • ~100 Militia
    • 1 Shetelpail-Class Monitor
      • Luscelnod


    • ~400-550
    • Luscelnod


    Expand the territory of the Independent Barony of Opasau.
    Repel the Independent Barony.


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