The Cosmology, also known as the Multiverse, encompasses all of existence. It is the backdrop for all events, all things, and all beings. In the beginning, time spawned from the Void, then the god and goddess Hartzonell and Phaedra were birthed from the Void as immortals. They created magic, and over time granted themselves whichever powers they saw fit. Hartzonell enjoyed crafting stars, planets, and the creatures that inhabited them. Phaedra preferred working with forces such as life, love, and death. The two mated, with the god creating forms, and the goddess baring life into them.
The Void was like an island, infinite in any one direction, but at the edge of that infinity the god and goddess found an even more infinite black sea of space, and named it the Sidereal Plane. From there, they sailed outward, until they were far away from the Void. Hartzonell then forged the Elemental Planes, giving the multiverse earth, water, air, and fire. Phaedra channeled her power into three planes: the Syntropic Plane, the plane of life, goodness, and things being put into graceful order; the Entropic Plane, the plane of death, evil, of things descending into chaos and discord; as well as the Sepechtral Plane.
Once the two had mastered their arts of creation, Hartzonell created the Mortal Plane, bringing together elements of all seven of the planes he and his wife had created. Phaedra then granted it life, movement, time, growth, and death. Here is where the god crafted Craedock and the first mortals, and Phaedra gave them life, so that the culmination of eons of creation may be witnessed in all its aspects. Eventually, the two also created the Angels, and granted them the power of demigods over their own domains so that they may assist the god and goddess in managing the Cosmos.
The Planes
The Primordial Planes
The primordial planes existed before the god and goddess and into the beginning of time. The Void The Sidereal PlaneThe Divine Planes
The divine planes were created by Hartzonell and Phaedra.The Elemental Planes
The Plane of Earth The Plane of Water The Plane of Air The Plane of FireThe Planes of Afterlife
The Syntropic Plane The Entropic Plane The Sepulchral PlaneThe Mortal Plane
The Mortal Plane
Alternative Name(s)
the Multiverse, the Cosmos
Dimensional plane
Included Locations
Owning Organization
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