The Jungle's Claw #003

General Summary

Game date: 13th day of the Crow, Year 13944

  In the dense, perilous jungles of the Kurnok territory of Nolavor, two adventurers—Thronn, a ranger afflicted with a mysterious poison, and Fouk, his stealthy companion—embarked on a quest to find an antidote. Their journey was fraught with danger, from deadly giant lizards to the enigmatic Kurnok, a tribe of crocodile-like humanoids known for their dark magic and territorial aggression.   The duo had recently slain a giant lizard, finding an amulet of unknown power within its stomach. Thronn, suffering from a toxic rash that had crawled up his arm, was desperate for a cure. The adventurers suspected that the Kurnok were behind the poison, as the toxicity seemed to emanate from their territory.   Opting for stealth over confrontation, Thronn and Fouk decided to skirt around the Kurnok's routine patrol paths. As they moved cautiously, Thronn discovered signs that two missing child soldiers from their faction, the Bloodclaw, had passed through the area. The evidence—a piece of Bloodclaw uniform and a crudely carved wooden figurine—intensified the urgency of their mission.   Just when they thought they had evaded detection, Fouk's keen ears caught the sound of an approaching scout party. Thronn recognized one of the scouts as Scout Nok, a Kurnok he had had favorable dealings with in the past. Seizing the opportunity, Thronn whistled to get Nok's attention. Scout Nok recognizes Thronn and greets him with a wary but respectful nod.
Nok revealed that their tribe was also suffering from the same mysterious poison. He suspected an upstream drug lab was contaminating the water supply. Thronn, sensing that Nok was withholding information, negotiated a deal. In exchange for a peace offering—a carcass of the giant lizard they had slain—Nok agreed to take them to Witch Doctor Tila, who might have an antidote. Scout Nok seems to trust Thronn enough to vouch for him, indicating a level of familiarity and respect between the two.
However, Nok warned them that they would need to bring something valuable to gain the Witch Doctor's favor. As they prepared to meet this enigmatic healer, Thronn couldn't shake the feeling that the Kurnok knew more than they were letting on.   Chieftain Krolok is suspicious of Thronn's intentions and motives, especially since he used to be a member of the Bloodclaw. Krolok mentions that some "cheap child soldiers" from the Bloodclaw had been trespassing through Kurnok territory and suspects that they might be connected to the poison affecting their water supply. He challenges Thronn to prove his loyalty by providing valuable information against the Bloodclaw.
Thronn responds by saying he's not particularly loyal to the Bloodclaw and is willing to share information. He offers to reveal the last known encampment of the Bloodclaw, which piques Krolok's interest. The Chieftain makes it clear that if Thronn can provide valuable intel on the Bloodclaw, he might be willing to offer the antidote Thronn seeks. This sets the stage for Thronn to share crucial intelligence about the Bloodclaw tribe, including their use of hidden tunnels and other tactical advantages.   Thronn shares crucial intelligence about the Bloodclaw tribe with Chieftain Krolok of the Kurnok in exchange for an antidote to his poison. Thronn reveals that the Bloodclaw often use a series of hidden tunnels for quick and covert movement. These tunnels have concealed entrances scattered throughout the region. Thronn offers to provide the locations of three such entrances closest to Kurnok territory, giving them a tactical advantage.   Furthermore, Thronn discloses that the Bloodclaw have a secret stash of weapons and supplies hidden in a cave, guarded by traps. He offers to describe these traps so the Kurnok can disarm them and seize the stash for themselves.   Most intriguingly, Thronn mentions that the Bloodclaw perform a ritual before going into major battles, a ceremony that leaves them temporarily weakened. He suggests that attacking them during this time would catch them at their most vulnerable.   Chieftain Krolok listens intently, nodding as he absorbs the information. He acknowledges the value of this intel and agrees to provide the antidote, but also warns Thronn that betraying the Kurnok would bring consequences far worse than any poison.   After entering the Kurnok village, Thronn is led to the shaman's hut by Scout Nok, a Kurnok scout he had previous dealings with. Inside the hut, Witch Doctor Tila and Shaman Grik perform intricate rituals to cure Thronn's poisoned arm. The atmosphere is thick with the scent of herbs and incense, and the shaman chants incantations while applying a mysterious salve to Thronn's arm. The process is painful but effective; Thronn feels the poison receding.
As Thronn and Scout Nok prepare to leave the village, Fouk is caught trying to approach the shaman's hut and is nearly captured by the Kurnok guards. A tense moment ensues, with weapons drawn and suspicions high. It's a delicate situation that could easily escalate into violence.   Fouk decides to offer the amulet he found in the lizard as a peace offering to the Kurnok Chieftain, Krolok. Fouk senses that the amulet is powerful and valuable, and he believes it could be exchanged for information and safe passage. When Fouk presents the amulet, the atmosphere in the Kurnok village shifts dramatically. Chieftain Krolok's eyes widen, and a murmur ripples through the crowd. Witch Doctor Tila leans in to examine the amulet and whispers something in Krolok's ear, her eyes filled with a mixture of awe and reverence.
Chieftain Krolok then raises the amulet high and announces that it is an artifact of great power and a sign of portent. He declares that the outsiders bring not just words but omens and that the tribe shall aid them in their quest. The crowd erupts into cheers, and the tension dissipates. Scout Nok looks at Thronn and Fouk with triumph and relief, indicating that they have won the favor of the Kurnok, at least for now.   Witch Doctor Tila presents Thronn with a Bag of Cursed Herbs after the ritual to cure his poisoned arm. The bag contains leaves from the Nightshade Willow, a tree that grows only in the darkest corners of the Kurnok lands. Tila instructs Thronn to crush the leaves and throw them into the air to create a cloud of darkness, rendering even the keenest eyes blind. She warns him to use it wisely, as the herbs are rare and the bag holds only three uses. The Chieftain of the Kurnok tribe, Krolok, nods approvingly at Tila's offering, indicating its significance and value. Thronn is told that with these cursed herbs and the Eye of Varkala, he is better equipped than most who venture into the cursed marshes. However, he is also warned that the land itself is a living curse and to trust nothing and no one.   With the situation defused, Scout Nok accompanies Thronn and Fouk as they leave the village, guiding them through the treacherous terrain and ensuring their safe passage.

Rewards Granted

Bag of Cursed Herbs Wondrous Item, uncommon   Description: This small leather pouch is adorned with dark runes and sealed with a twisted cord. It contains leaves from the Nightshade Willow, a rare and mystical tree. The bag is imbued with a minor enchantment to keep the herbs potent.   Properties:  
  • Charges: The bag contains 3 charges. Each use expends one charge.
  • Action Required: Using the bag requires an action.
  • Effect: When activated, the user can crush the herbs and throw them into the air to create a 20-foot-radius sphere of magical darkness. The darkness spreads around corners and lasts for 1 minute or until dispelled. Darkvision can't penetrate this darkness, and no natural light can illuminate it. If the sphere overlaps with an area of light created by a spell of 2nd level or lower, the spell creating the light is dispelled.
  • Recharge: The bag does not recharge naturally. It can only be refilled by a druid or a character with the Herbalism Kit proficiency, and even then, only with leaves from the Nightshade Willow.
  • Requirements:  
  • Attunement: No attunement required.
  • Weight: 1 lb.   This item offers a tactical advantage, allowing for surprise attacks, quick getaways, or strategic repositioning. Use it wisely, for the Nightshade Willow leaves are rare and difficult to obtain.

    Character(s) interacted with

    Scout Nok Chieftain Krolok Witchdoctor Tila Hunter Mok Warrior Zarn
    Dead Gods
    Fouk Shadim
    Neutral Evil Variant Human (Criminal / Spy)
    Rogue 4
    31 / 31 HP
    Thronn Zamda
    Report Date
    06 Oct 2023
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location
    Related Plots
    Related Characters


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    Nov 1, 2023 16:42 by Gil Pan Zastor

    Summary of intelligence that Thronn divulged to the Kurnok:   1. That the Bloodclaw often use a series of hidden tunnels for quick and covert movement. He offers to provide the locations of three such entrances closest to Kurnok territory.   2. That the Bloodclaw have a secret stash of weapons and supplies hidden in a cave, guarded by traps. He offers to describe these traps so the Kurnok can disarm them and seize the stash for themselves.   3. That the Bloodclaw perform a ritual before going into major battles, a ceremony that leaves them temporarily weakened. He suggests that attacking them during this time would catch them at their most vulnerable.   For the player, answer these: 1. Hidden Tunnels Information: On a scale of 0% to 100%, how much did revealing the information about the Bloodclaw's hidden tunnels betray the Bloodclaw? (0% meaning it was a ruse to help the Bloodclaw, 100% meaning it was a complete betrayal that genuinely helps the Kurnok.)   2. Secret Stash and Traps: On a scale of 0% to 100%, how much did disclosing the Bloodclaw's secret stash of weapons and traps betray the Bloodclaw? (0% meaning it was a ruse to help the Bloodclaw, 100% meaning it was a complete betrayal that genuinely helps the Kurnok.)   3. Pre-Battle Ritual: On a scale of 0% to 100%, how much did mentioning the Bloodclaw's pre-battle ritual betray the Bloodclaw? (0% meaning it was a ruse to help the Bloodclaw, 100% meaning it was a complete betrayal that genuinely helps the Kurnok.)

    Thus it is written, Scribe of Shadows
    Nov 1, 2023 22:54 by Gil Pan Zastor

    If the Bloodclaw never learn of Thronn's betrayal, his life could take a different trajectory. He might continue to operate on the fringes of the faction, benefiting from his "honorably discharged" status to engage in mercenary work or trade. The Bloodclaw's ignorance could be maintained if their raiding parties sent to investigate the tunnels and weapon stash find them either empty or inconsequential, attributing it to outdated intelligence rather than betrayal. Thronn could then plausibly deny any accusations, should they ever arise. Game Mechanic: To determine if the Bloodclaw remain ignorant of Thronn's actions, a Deception check could be made against a DC of 15. Success would mean that the Bloodclaw attribute the misleading information to other factors, like outdated intelligence or enemy trickery, rather than suspecting Thronn.   On the other hand, if the Kurnok come to believe that Thronn has provided them with genuinely good and actionable information, his standing with the tribe could soar. He might be offered more permanent alliances, access to their dark magics, or even a position of some influence within the tribe. This favorable outcome could occur if the Kurnok's raids on the tunnels and weapon stash are successful, even if only minimally so, reinforcing their belief in Thronn's loyalty. Game Mechanic: To see if the Kurnok fully trust the information provided by Thronn, a Persuasion check could be made against a DC of 17. A successful check would mean that the Kurnok are convinced of Thronn's loyalty and are more inclined to offer him greater rewards and responsibilities within the tribe.   Both of these scenarios hinge on a delicate balance of trust and deception, and Thronn's ability to navigate this complex web will significantly influence his future relationships with these powerful factions.

    Thus it is written, Scribe of Shadows
    Nov 1, 2023 22:55 by Gil Pan Zastor

    If Thronn fails the Deception check against the Bloodclaw, suspicions would arise within the faction about his loyalty. Given that the information he provided was not entirely false but selectively misleading, the Bloodclaw might not immediately brand him a traitor. However, they would likely cut off any remaining ties or benefits he enjoys as an "honorably discharged" member. Thronn could find himself being actively hunted by Bloodclaw assassins or, at the very least, blacklisted from mercenary contracts and trade routes associated with the faction. His personal adversaries within the Bloodclaw would seize this opportunity to settle old scores, making his life perilous in territories where the Bloodclaw hold sway.   If Thronn fails the Persuasion check with the Kurnok, the tribe would become wary of him, doubting the veracity of the information he provided. Given that some of the information was partially true, the Kurnok might not immediately consider him an enemy, but they would certainly revoke any offers of alliance or access to their resources. Thronn would find himself in a precarious position, having to tread carefully in Kurnok territory. Any future interactions would be tinged with suspicion, and he might even become the subject of covert surveillance or sabotage attempts by the Kurnok, who would want to validate their suspicions before taking more drastic actions.

    Thus it is written, Scribe of Shadows