The Jungle's Claw #013 & 014

General Summary

Gherman vs. Gruznak

  Game date: 20th day of the Crow, Year 13944   In the heart of the Ironedge Mountains, the Goliath village found itself under siege by Chief Gruznak the Ruthless and his Bloodclaw orc warband. The Vul Canis, hybrid beasts that were half pit bull and half vulture, circled the encampment menacingly. These creatures, bred for violence by the orcs, seemed to mirror the bloodlust of their masters. Amidst the chaos, Thronn Zamda, the exiled son of Gruznak, sought refuge within the village alongside his companions, Fouk Shadim and Gherman.   As the battle raged outside the gates, with flaming arrows raining down and boiling oil being dumped on the attackers, the Goliaths seemed to relish the fight. Inside, Fouk took cover in a haystack, while Thronn followed Gherman, who rushed to join the fray at the north gate. Gherman, fueled by a warrior's spirit, climbed atop a rock and blew a war horn, drawing all eyes to him. With a fierce challenge, he pointed directly at Chief Gruznak, demanding a one-on-one combat to decide the fate of the siege.   Gruznak, his pride stoked, accepted the challenge with a roar. The two chiefs met on the battlefield, their respective forces cheering them on. Gruznak, wielding his massive greatsword, launched a powerful attack, but Gherman, nimble and determined, evaded the blow. Retaliating, Gherman landed a devastating punch with a pair of magical spiked brass knuckles, gifted to him by the Goliaths. These knuckles, imbued with arcane power, allowed Gherman to strike with unnatural force, leaving Gruznak reeling from the impact.   Thronn, seeing an opportunity, began to heckle and taunt Gruznak, calling him a weakling and a coward unfit to lead. These words, amplified by the heat of battle, started to sow seeds of doubt among the orc ranks. Some began to question their chief's strength, their loyalty wavering.   Unbeknownst to all, Fouk, the cunning rogue, had been plotting his own strike. Using his enchanted dagger, he secretly launched a poisoned arrowhead at Gruznak. The projectile found its mark, delivering a potent venom into the orc chief's veins. The poison, insidious and debilitating, sapped Gruznak's strength, imposing disadvantage on his attacks and ability checks.   Gherman, now imbued with the fury of a barbarian's rage, unleashed a flurry of punches upon Gruznak. In a stunning display of savagery, he lunged forward and tore the orc's nose clean off with his teeth. Gruznak, bloodied and shaken, staggered back as the Goliaths erupted in wild cheers, their champion asserting dominance.
Amidst the frenzy, an unexpected figure emerged - Xolotza, the majestic panther with tentacles and wings. Thronn, who had formed a bond with the creature during their previous adventures, had secretly used one of his three favors to summon her, knowing her presence could tip the scales if the battle turned grim. Xolotza's arrival sent shockwaves through the battlefield, her otherworldly form striking awe and terror into the hearts of all who beheld her.   Thronn and Xolotza shared a brief psychic exchange, the panther expressing her displeasure at being called away from her hunt for the vile shaman Veylok. However, she acknowledged the pact they had made and affirmed her readiness to intervene if necessary. Her piercing gaze swept across the field, assessing the Vul Canis with a predatory interest.   Thronn, ever the ranger, had long been fascinated by these unique hybrids. He saw in them the potential for a powerful companion, an ally in his journeys through the treacherous wilds. The Vul Canis, with their keen senses and aerial prowess, could prove invaluable in the challenges ahead. He made a mental note to investigate the possibility of taming one of these beasts, should the opportunity arise.   As the session drew to a close, the tide of battle had shifted dramatically. Chief Gruznak, wounded and weakened by Fouk's poison, faced a formidable opponent in Gherman. The orcs grew restless, their faith in their leader shaken by Thronn's taunts and the sight of Xolotza. The Goliaths, bolstered by Gherman's valor, rallied around their champion.   The stage was set for a climactic confrontation, with the fate of the Goliath village, and perhaps the entire region, hanging in the balance. Thronn, Fouk, and Gherman, each playing their part, had orchestrated a masterful turn of events. Yet even as they stood on the brink of triumph, they knew that the true challenges lay ahead, in the depths of the jungle, where ancient evils and hidden truths awaited their discovery.

Rewards Granted

XP Awards:   Gherman: 900 XP for challenging Chief Gruznak to single combat, landing a powerful punch with the spiked brass knuckles, and biting off the orc chief's nose in a stunning display of barbarian rage.   Thronn: 900 XP for cleverly taunting and heckling Chief Gruznak, sowing dissent among the orc ranks and undermining their leader's authority. Also for strategically summoning Xolotza using one of his three favors, recognizing her potential to tip the scales of the battle.   Fouk: 900 XP for his cunning and stealthy use of the magic dagger to poison Chief Gruznak, significantly weakening the orc chief and giving the party a major advantage in the fight. His actions demonstrated quick thinking and effective use of his unique abilities.


  • Consider the potential of taming a Vul Canis as a ranger's companion, exploring their unique abilities and how they could aid in future adventures.
  • Be mindful of the consequences of openly challenging and undermining Chief Gruznak, as this could have repercussions within the orc hierarchy and politics.
  • Investigate the origins and full extent of Xolotza's powers, as well as her connection to the shaman Veylok, as this knowledge may prove crucial in the battles to come.
  • Campaign
    Dead Gods
    Fouk Shadim
    Neutral Evil Variant Human (Criminal / Spy)
    Rogue 4
    31 / 31 HP
    Thronn Zamda
    Lawfull Evil Goliath (Outlander)
    Barbarian 4
    45 / 45 HP
    Report Date
    29 Feb 2024
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location
    Related Plots
    Related Characters


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