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Mission Before Spitter Appear

  • Objective / Main Focal Point
Our survivors are on a small supply run at a hardware store. This is a pretty easy supply run, showcasing some chemistry, trust and togetherness within the group. While doing so there will be small scenes hinting at a Spitters being nearby. I separated this part of the mission from the actual appearence of the Spitter to give more context of whats going on. The apperance of the Spitter technically happens on this mission but they are almost like two different fights/situtations. Therefore I made different articles/pages for them both.

  • Characters
Cole, Ace, Dash, Marz, Dianna, Pete

Cole: Tomahawks & Pistol
Ace: Assault Rifle, Machete & Knife
Dash: Bow & Dagger
Marz: Rifle, Pistol & Knife
Dianna: Assault Rifle & Knife
Pete: Pistol & Pipe

  • Settings
Chill Summer Afternoon at a Hardware Store.

  • Details
This is a small supply run at a hardware store to grab some supplies for Stone Ridge. This is a pretty easy mission, not too many zombies. No tanks or blotters, just normal zombies and crawlers. Just enough zombies to show some killing, mainly melee kills, keeping things quiet for the most part. Probably showing Pete getting a good amount of kills. One of the most important parts of this mission is the hint at a Spitter being nearby, the scene goes like this....

*Hinting Spitter Scene*
The survivors are currently split into two groups at this point in the mission. Ace, Dianna, Pete & Marz inside the building collecting supplies. Cole & Dash are outside scouting for potential threat in the area. Cole and Dash are killing a few zombies that are wandering in the parking lot and they make their way to a car that is very strange...
Dash kills a zombie with his bow and goes to collect the arrow.

Dash: "What the hell?? Hey Cole come take a look at this." says Dash as he discovered something.

Cole: "What is it?" responds Cole as he makes his way to Dash.

Cole reachs Dash as he opens up the car driver door and there you can see this very strange burnt hole going right through the roof of the car, through the driver seat and a hole in the floor of the car. Dash sticks his head in the car looking directly up the hole as the camera pans up and out the hole of the car giving a very mysterious feel. Cole has a confused look on his face as he is trying to figure out what might've happened here.

Cole: "This can't be normal." says Cole as he rubs his chin.
Dash walks around the car and opens up the passenger door and notices a knife sitting in the passenger seat.

Marz: "Cole! Dash! We're almost done over here. We can head out soon." Shouts Marz from the door of the hardware store.

Cole and Dash look over at Marz at the building then look at each other from both sides of the car.

Cole: "Come on, lets wrap this up." says Cole as he starts to walk away from the car.
Dash picks up the knife from the car and puts it in his backpocket.
Cole: "We'll report this back at Stone Ridge, maybe they seen something like this before." continues Cole as they walk back to the building.

Cole and Dash make their way to the building where Marz is there holding the door open for them to come in. The two of them enter the building as the camera pans out slowly. Then you see the feet of something appear on the edge of the roof of the building they entered and then the feet turns back away...
The next scence cuts directly to Pete gathering supplies in a box then bringing it to the rest of the crew.
*End of Hinting Spitter Scene*

  The rest of the mission carries out smoothly as they start to leave the hardware store with the supplies they found. Everything is all good till they reach outside where the Spitter appears....

  Find out what happens next here -> The Spiter Attack Part 1

  • Results
The mission was pretty chill for the most part, the survivors gathered the supplies they came for. Cole and Dash find something strange but doesn't stress about it due to the ease of the mission. Everything was all fine and dandy till the next part where the Spitter appears on their way to the cars....

  Again find out what happens next here -> The Spiter Attack Part 1

  Zombie Kills
This mission doesn't have a whole lot of zombies, no tanks or blotters. Just normal zombies and a handful of crawlers. The survivors don't use any bullets throughout this mission which is why the characters that tend to shoot more gets less kills then usual.
Zombie kills Greatest to Least
Cole > Dash > Pete > Ace > Dianna > Marz
Cole & Dash specialize in killing zombies without guns so during this mission they takeover a good amount of the killing. Pete comes in third because this is his last mission.... Ace, Dianna & Marz are typically using guns so they don't do much killing here.
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