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Eclipse Solar

Virkai (princess) Esluna Soreii (a.k.a. Eclipse)

"Shadows will call her name,
In her darkest time but,
Light will come break the pain,
And once more she’ll cut,
The final piece of the truth,
That is holding her back,
Endlessly and eternally."
- Thomas Bergersen, Merethe Soltvedt, "Night Queen"

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She's a tall and imposing figure, standing at about 6'5" with a broad and muscular build. She has long, thick brown hair, and her skin is decorated with freckles. Her eyes are one of her more distinguishing features, as the left is red, and the right is blue. She often dresses in dark and simple clothing, often leathers for protection.
As he looked up, he saw a looming figure hover over him; a girl, maybe around his age, donning the same oversized plain uniform as himself. Her long hair was wild, unkempt, a rich chestnut brown in colour, shimmering with russet hints under the artificial lighting. Her skin was pale and freckled around the nose, but most striking to Micah were her sharp eyes; one as deep blue as lapis lazuli, and the other as scarlet red as roses. Red. Blue he'd seen before, obviously, he’d only have to look in the mirror, but red? It didn't even look real to him, though he knew it was as real as the walls around him and the steel against his back. Her face was aristocratic, both cheekbones honed at the edges like swords, and she stared down an aquiline nose at him.

Body Features

Eclipse's body is designed for pure function- her muscles are well-defined and thick all over her body. She has a number of scars from the war and from events throughout the books, like the bullet scar from Prologue.
Her freckles are spread along her shoulders, and lightly on her arms and legs. She also has several moles.

Facial Features

Her face is angular and long, with a roman nose and straight lips. Freckles cluster around the eyes and nose areas, and she has three major scars- one on the left side of her lip, her lift cheek and one cutting through her left eyebrow. Her eyes are pretty intense and wolf-like in their gaze.

Special abilities

Her powers are from the Elemental Class.

Specialized Equipment

Eclipse carries around a Lontoca knife, which cannot be destroyed by any magical means. Normal fire can still melt it, however.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Prophesy

Eclipse's birth was prophesised by an oracle who was sought by the Malai Royal Family. A few days after her birth, a ceremony was held- Alhak Pavis- which simply means to see into the soul. The oracle announced her Elemental manifestation, Air. A small lock of her hair wrapped in twine was then hung on the Tree of Language as a protective charm, followed by a celebration of her birth.
"I see a young woman- a fierce warrior of two hearts. She will lead the charge into a new era, one of destruction and rebirth. She will be an unstoppable force of order, heeding to its call once she comes of age."
- Ivanya, the Oracle

Life in the Elemental Plane

Growing up as a Malai royal had Eclipse taking on many responsibilities at a young age. She was trained in swordsmanship and marksmanship, and once she reached ten years old she was required to attend important events such as rituals, celebrations and even political meetings. As a curious and adventurous soul, she often slipped out of the castle and its grounds to sneak into the village and play with the children closer to her age, and tiptoe the edge of dangerous woodlands and the borders between the Malai Kingdom and the Angite Kingdom. Several times she was caught before border skirmishes could do her and the other kids any harm, and despite her parents' attempts at barring her from leaving castle grounds unattended she still managed to continue doing this up until she was a teenager.
Unsurprisingly, Eclipse was always the leader of the pack in these situations. She did have the edge of being a royal in that sense, but her natural inclination to lead and make plans showed clearly at a young age. Her closest friends at this time were Avaf, Iserya, Gilda, Navith, and Jilyan. As they got older, her and Jilyan would spark multiple small romantic endeavours, but nothing official or serious.

Even though they were mostly kept apart, Eclipse was incredibly curous about the Angites of the Air kingdom. Her only meetings with them as a young child had been the border guards she'd seen, but as more political meetings sparked up when she was a teenager, she had started getting to know the princesses. She was closest with Terra, who she considered more down-to-earth and much less obnoxious than the others, but didn't mind Timalensta or Halense either- It was mostly Merisa who she stayed away from. Since Terra had the same adventurous personality with a mischievous twist, the two would actually join together and sneak away, and Terra's intangibility, invisibility and flight made doing that incredibly easy. They mostly gossipped about their siblings, found fun games to play and explored the sacred spots of both kingdoms. It was Eclipse who first heard many of Terra's secrets, and the two did have fallings out because of the seriousness of some of them- such as the affair with Eclipse's brother, Red.

The attack on the castle and subsequent war that broke out took its toll on Eclipse. In need of more commanders and soldiers than they could afford, Eclipse was made to lead a troop at the age of 17. All around the war was a disaster, and while both sides lost huge amounts of people, the Malai were continually pushed back. Eclipse not only suffered through the horrors of the frontlines, but watched her family one by one be killed- first Red disappeared, then Leo was killed on the field, then her mother sacrificed herself to protect the Tree of Language, and then finally her father covered her escape as Terra's troops marched on their castle. At this point, Jilyan was still alive, and the two headed for the forbidden portal together. As the Angite forces were hunting them down as they hid in the thickets, Jilyan knew there was no way they would both escape as there were already Angites guarding the portal. Despite Eclipse's protests, she covered her escape, and Eclipse was able to make it out of The Elemental Plane.

The Sanctuary

Eclipse was the first member of the Demigods to be taken to the Sanctuary for the Gifted Child. She was found wandering the M5 by the Blackdown Hills, and numerous reports of her alerted officials. Once she was taken into custody and discovered to be an Empowered, she was instead shipped to the Sanctuary. She was quickly considered dangerous due to her trying to attack many officials, and sent to solitary confinement, only coming out to be studied. Not only was she speaking an unusual and unknown language, but her genetics testing come back with strange results. She appeared and sounded European, but wasn't- her lineage was something else, something ancient and unknown. She was taller and physically stronger, her powers much more potent. Much of the information gleaned from Eclipse by testing alone was highly valuable to the Sanctuary, enough so that even as Eclipse broke several rules and would qualify to be shipped off elsewhere, she was kept in the SGC specifically. Partly to get more funding allocated and partly to appear better than the other sanctuaries.
Slowly, the rest of the Demigods filtered in. Jaguar and Masao Nishimura were first, and quickly accepted Eclipse into their group even if she couldn't talk. Her and Jaguar became good friends quickly, despite neither of them being able to verbally communicate no matter how hard they tried to get her to learn english, they settled on non-verbal communications. Due to this, the two can read eachother's body language and expressions frighteningly well- to the point it's like they're reading one another's mind. Phoenix Flare was next, and while her and Eclipse never really communicated, Eclipse could tell she wasn't a danger to the group and didn't mind having her around.

Book 1: Prologue

Ahead of him, Esluna rushed to close the distance, leaving Masao stunned as she skidded to a heavy stop less than a foot away and grabbed him by the shoulders, dragging him out of sight and earshot of others. Her eyes, normally so sharp and so narrow, were soft and fretting, and she opened her mouth to speak- speak to him- in an urgent voice.
“Micah,” she said, and then rifled through her brain to find the right words to continue. She seemed to hit a dead end, and began to gesture wide barrels around her torso.
“Oh, Es, my duck, I’m no good at charades…” he said apologetically, and watched her movements closely, silently. She wound around and around herself, squeezed her body, and then grunted in frustration. She drew a shape in the air, and when Masao continued looking confused, drew it on herself.
  In Prologue, Eclipse is the first person that Psychic meets in the Sanctuary. She initially doesn't pay him much mind or respond to him speaking to her, but his repeated attempts and naïvety actually made her warm up to him very quickly. She opens up to him and allows him to teach her English, and some of her playful nature tends to come back to the surface while he's around.
She starts off resistant to Psychic's attempts to communicate with her, and teach her words and letters and sounds, but eventually after Illusia threatens the group and Eclipse opens up a bit, she tries- secretly- to teach herself with the materials Psychic made. He catches her in the act, however, and from then on she begins to play a more important part in the story. Psychic involves her in the plan to capture Ultraviolet for questioning, though Eclipse is minorly injured in the process. When Psychic's binder is taken, she attempts to communicate this to Masao.
[work in progress]

Book 2: Walking With Strangers

“We have to move, Jaguar,” Esluna spoke, voice quiet.
“I’m really not sure about this. Are you absolutely positive we’re doing the right thing?” Manvi asked. She saw Esluna pause, hesitate, and then sigh deeply.
“I don’t know. Truly, I don’t know.”
  In Walking With Strangers, the group dynamic is repeatedly tested by Ace and external factors. Eclipse in particular takes to sneaking around, since she feels like she doesn't want to or need to tell the others about what she does. She sneaks out once a fortnight to take part in a fighting ring led by John Wolffstone, partly to challegne herself, and partly to earn money for the struggling home. On her way home, she meets Solstice, a mysterious character who she calls upon later in the series for advice.
Eclipse's sneaking about is found out, and that causes a lot of conflict between her, Jaguar and Psychic. She does realise what she's doing is wrong, and struggles to stop herself from doing it since it's pretty ingrained in her nature to sneak away. Her and Jaguar also tend to butt heads over leadership in their own way, but this is more of a friendly rival thing than anything else that is misread by the rest of the group fairly often. She also shares Jaguar's sentiment about FIERCE and Tenebrae Grimm, unsure if what they're doing is right, but prioritising their survival in a cruel world more than anything else. Her and Meiko have a pretty brutal fight during one of their missions, which Eclipse doesn't feel bad for since in her eyes, Meiko started it. She also doesn't hold anything against her, though.
When they meet Apollo, Eclipse is quick to turn against Tenebrae and FIERCE- mostly because she's been looking for a justification throughout the book. She also holds no loyalty to Ace, and is immediately against her when Ace disagrees with the party. Because of this, Ace considers Esluna a primary target for revenge alongside Jaguar.
In the final fight, Eclipse takes on Thorn Demise on her own after previously fighting with him in the SunGod Corporation Headquarters. It's moreso to settle the score in her eyes, and she does come out on top.
In the final fight with Tenebrae, she delivers the final blow to destroy him in his Sudden Supercharge Meltdown (consumed) form.

Book 3: Midnight

"How much did you lose?" Jaguar asked softly.
"Everything," Eclipse said, and then fell silent for an age. "I don't want you to pity me, by the way. I have much more to fight for than the ones I've lost– and so do you."
In Midnight, it's shown that since the last book Eclipse can now drive, and owns a Land Rover. The group dynamic has settled since Walking With Strangers, and while most of the conflict is still between her and Jaguar, it's generally friendly conflict.
While they investigate further into the mysterious Consumption, Eclipse holds her tongue on any information she knows about it. She noticably doesn't ask many questions or lead the investigation compared to the others, but does drop one or two hints about her knowledge that don't give her away.
During the group split, she takes lead of the Wales group, consisting of Phoenix, Slipstream, and Miss Major. Jaguar was part of the group but decided to return to the others after Psychic's ankles were broken by Ace, and Eclipse has a talk with her where she reveals a tiny bit of her past. This is an important moment between her and Jaguar, which shows off just how close they are.
Upon returning to SunGod after getting the research needed regarding Consumption, the group is called to an invasion at Flash of Genius Co.. They manage to fight off the intruders and capture Hades Firestorm, but during the interrogation Eclipse is busy networking behind the scenes, a particular skill being emphasised further on in the series. They then set up a trade with ASIMOV, intending to double cross them and take both Hades and the captured Flashe back- which is successful at the cost of Miss Major and Slipstream going MIA. Adding insult to injury, Apollo is then arrested by the The England & Wales, Scottish, and Northern Irish Nexus of Justice, leaving Eclipse frustrated but intent on not listening to the ENJ's demands for the Demigods.
Eclipse is shown to be a strong strategist, making most of the on-the-fly plans that the Demigods have to follow in the final chapters. In the final fight, she's wounded by Ace and is one of the first to be knocked out of the battle, but swiftly recovers back at SunGod before the group is fired and evicted from their home. Miss Major offers for them to stay at her and Slipstream's homes, and Eclipse, frankly, is just taking what she can get.

Book 4: No Tomorrow



Eclipse is a lesbian. Homosexuality was heavily normalised in the Malai kingdom, and so she can still get a bit confused at why it's not as normalised elsewhere.


  • Employed by FIERCE in Walking With Strangers
  • Employed by SunGod Corporation in Midnight

Morality & Philosophy

Eclipse takes a more neutral stance on most issues, generally preferring to fight for who she's loyal to than to fight for what's right. Her loyalty lies almost solely within the Demigods, though she does respect Apollo and Flashe as leaders of SunGod and FOG Co.
It's very clear when SunGod has an enforced change of leadership that Eclipse no longer desires to work for them.

Personality Characteristics


Eclipse's motivations are survival- not just for herself, but for her group. Navigating a cruel world is difficult, but it's nothing she isn't used to.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Terra
  • Working out
  • Musical Instruments

  • Showing vulnerability
  • Not having work to do



Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Eclipse Solar



Eclipse Solar

Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Psychic



Phoenix Flare

Close Friend (Important)

Towards Eclipse Solar



Eclipse Solar

Close Friend (Important)

Towards Phoenix Flare




Rival (Vital)

Towards Eclipse Solar



Eclipse Solar

Rival (Vital)

Towards Jaguar



Miss Major

Coworker (Trivial)

Towards Eclipse Solar



Eclipse Solar

Coworker (Trivial)

Towards Miss Major




Coworker (Trivial)

Towards Eclipse Solar



Eclipse Solar

Coworker (Trivial)

Towards Slipstream



Orion Songbird

Coworker (Trivial)

Towards Eclipse Solar



Eclipse Solar

Coworker (Trivial)

Towards Orion Songbird



Tenebrae Grimm

Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Eclipse Solar



Eclipse Solar

Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Tenebrae Grimm




Friend (Important)

Towards Eclipse Solar



Eclipse Solar

Friend (Important)

Towards Ultraviolet



Masao Nishimura

Friend (Vital)

Towards Eclipse Solar



Eclipse Solar

Friend (Vital)

Towards Masao Nishimura



Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Current Location
Date of Birth
October 23rd (Scorpio)
Year of Birth
1992 CE 23 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Prophesised by oracle
The Malai Kingdom
Current Residence
Wisteria Block
Blue right eye, red left eye
Long, wavy, deep chestnut brown.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, freckled
6'5" / 196 cm
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I can tell when you’re thinking. You look… You look… Conscripted. No, Wait... Con- Constipated!"
the Tree of Language
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Eclipse can speak English and Malai, and while she's not fluent in Angite she can hold a conversation.
Character Prototype
Eclipse has gone through several designs since her creation in 2007. She was originally a Pokemon OC, and then shifted over to being a superhuman in 2010. She's had about three of four major changes between then.


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