Bastion of Fomenko Organization in Devorn | World Anvil
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Bastion of Fomenko

The Bastion of Fomenko is situated in the centre of the Eastern Reach, surrounded by the Bezra Plains and the Zhodron Grasslands. Contained within the Bastion are the magical trees of the Savou Grove and the dry red hills of The Vinzon. The Bastion is ruled by a Council of Elders who nominate a leader of the council to serve a 10 year term before another election takes place.   Despite the relatively small size of the Bastion of Fomenko it is a wealthy nation with substantial iron ore deposits within the Vinzon. Additionally, the famed Hospitals of Slatovat and Lepagrad have received many wealthy patrons during their times of operation. Trade to and from the Bastion revolves around the iron ore deposits with many Merchants purchasing the raw ore and transporting it across Beregan. The Bastion of Fomenko enjoys friendly relationships with its neighbours Thermark and Gollaca, and maintains neutral relationships with the Divine Republic of Aspua and Gollaca.


The people of the Bastion of Fomenko are often seen as strange by outsiders. They seem to possess and unending supply of patience and an increased willingness to forgive those who have done them wrong. All citizens of the Bastion are trained in the basics of first aid so they may assist in one of the famed Hospitals of Lepagrad and Slatovat.


The Bastion of Fomenko was formed sometime during the Darkened Years when a small collective of Mages who found they had a deep connection with the magic of the region began to defend the Vinzon hills from raiders and bandits. This collective soon found a growing number of refugees under their protection and they spread across the hills building defensive towers and the colossal Kapija that watches the river Miliceavo. The collective then combined their powers to grow the magical Savou Grove from a handful of seeds to surround and protect the new settlements. Eventually, as is the way of things, the Mages passed away but their ideas for a settlement that was protected from the worst of the strife and pain of the surrounding region was successful. A council of elders was created to replace the leadership of the last Mage of the Savou when they passed away.   The Bastion of Fomenko has been the target of an invasion only once in its history, when the Estarin Empire sought to retake their lost lands following the Darkened Years in 32 P.U.. The war was incredibly short as the moment the main force of the Empire entered the Savou Grove they were slaughtered in an ambush, some soldiers of the Empire swore for the rest of their lives that the trees themselves were fighting against the invading force. Following that time the Bastion of Fomenko has remained neutral in all conflicts upon Devorn, treating the sick and wounded from any who would pay for their services.

Peace within the Protected Sanctuary

Founding Date
Unknown Date, the Darkened Years
Geopolitical, Country
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
The Bastion of Fomenko accepts the use of Mestor Crowns, Oasian Drin, and Aspuan Cleansed Silver.
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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