Untolek Republic Organization in Devorn | World Anvil
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Untolek Republic

The Untolek Republic is situated on the Untolek Isle off the West coast of The Sheltered Mountains in Southern Beregan. The majority of citizens in the Untolek Republic live on the Southern half of the Isle surrounding the Copper Hills. The Marais Swamp in the North of the Isle is a treacherous combination of thick mangrove swamp and reed filled wetlands that is home to unique flora and fauna not found anywhere else on Devorn.   The economy of the Untolek Republic is based primarily on the unique crafting and alchemical ingredients found on the Isle. The Guild of Enchanters also pays an annual tithe to the Republic and in exchange receives dispensation to train members of the Guild within the Marais Swamp away from both prying eyes and destructible property. The Untolek Republic maintains trade relations with the Estarin Empire, Zeran Duchy, Drastunov League, and many of the settlements in the Independent Tornett Isles. Many Bards whether they are Untian themselves or have simply trained within the Republic maintain places of residence on the Isle in an effort to keep up with entertainment trends as they develop and to be at the heart of creation.


The charming people of the Untolek Republic are regarded by many as the finest entertainers on Devorn. The Untian are not often seen without a bright smile and a witty repartee on the tip of their tongue. Famed for producing some of the finest Bards Devorn has ever seen, the Untolek Republic attempts to maintain that reputation by funding acting schools and performance troops that the children of the Republic can attend for free. Celebrations are common on the Untolek Isle with many of them halting the productivity of entire towns for days on end and each celebration taking on its own unique style.


The Untolek Republic was formed in the first year of the Post Unshacking. The Untolek Isle was during the Shackled Years home to the Kingdom of Untolek which fell into disarray during the Great Unshackling and Darkened Years that followed. Following many years of raiding by pirates from the Independent Tornett Isles the people of the Isle came together to rebuild the destroyed towns and villages along the coast. This led to creation of the Republic where citizens of the Isle would vote every 6 years on a local representative from their town or village and on a leader for the nation as a whole. The leader of Untolek is known as the Prime of the Republic and is granted access to the Prime's Residence in Aviere in return for their service.   The Untolek Republic has fought a single formal war during its existence, when it took part in The War for the Isles over the status of the Independent Tornett Isles in the 9th century of the Post Unshackling. During the war the Republic gained a reputation for using Mages as devastating naval artillery and even appointed the gifted mage, Alonso Leitner, Admiral of the Untolek Fleet. Having seen the willingness of the Untolek Republic to reward skilled Mages for their service, the Guild of Enchanters constructed a large guildhall in Aviere, capital of the Republic, and have made use of the Isle for training and research purposes since.

Hear Our Voices

Founding Date
1 P.U.
Geopolitical, Country
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Democracy, Representative
The Untolek Republic accepts the use of Mestor Crowns, Oasian Drin, and Gemellan Fins.
Controlled Territories


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