Session 042: A Deal with a Devil Report

The Mighty Menagerie continue to explore Jacoby's Eushia Hideout

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (3)


Lowsun 7, 2023 KC, Early Evening

  Jacoby's Eushia Home houpetor skatuch', Possibly on Eushia Not sure exactly.   Adventure Recap
So as it stands right now you guys are in a I know that seems to be Jacoby's hide out fact that we've just got drag you guys over there you guys came here looking to find Solak, which is Sassa's father. You guys believe you guys found him?   But shortly after finding him, he disappeared with Alien in that. After that happened, you sass heard from Jacoby inside of her head saying that that he had solak and that for you guys to bring the book and you guys could have solak if you came to his house and he would pay for your travel if you used his mirror, you guys.   Well, also, if you guys can survive the get to the mirror, you guys are able to kind of get through that part of the of his of the underground area which is on the the keep that you guys were clearing out originally. When you guys got through there, you guys found the mirror. You guys took a long rest inside of a little mansion and then you guys went through the mirror and found Solak being held by a statue type creature and Jacoby.   A fight ensued because you guys didn't want to be peacefully parts of that trade. And after the fight, you guys discovered that that really wasn't Jacoby. And then it turns out that probably also wasn't Solak after that. So he disappeared. And you guys inside this are kind of exploring the chambers, the first rooms you guys kind of went through.   You guys found an alpha, Greek alpha that was hiding up in the ceiling. From there, you guys going into another little room and you guys found a little chamber where there was a trap with four large gelatinous cubes that fell down and started coming out of your party. So after that, you guys were decided to take a long rest thinking about some of the things that you guys have gone through.   You guys started talking, though, also during that time. It was before the it was after the combat. But still, you guys started talking about the fact that it seems that there's a Captain Maclin who you some of you guys know as Captain Maclin. Some of you guys know him as Grignon and if the person that was talking was to be believed, he talked about how that person was traveling in and out of time and to set in motion things that would help handle some.   The large Dragon that has been a long standing myth that slips inside of the earth. It seems that he was also friends with a guy named Jeremiah. So that's where Jeremiah comes from. And Jeriah is a chronomat sir who uses Chronomancy. And so that's magic that deals with time. He also put together the book it according to this guy that has secrets in it and spells that could probably help to handle that Dragon.   It also seems that there's the Arcane Order which Bastion has talked about before that he knew a little bit about from his college days and how they are an evil or well, they're a power hungry organization that I was also looking for this book and I think that's pretty. Oh, and then of course, there was the whole situation where it kind of caused Calliope to come into the party where her village disappeared and went back to the fair wild.   There was a situation around seems coincidentally around the same time, the whole thing with the first Dragon awakening where they were trying to make it a port, a village that existed both in the Material Plane and the shadow fell, which is like the the plane of shadows. Instead, it seems that it became a conduit between the fair world and the Material Plane, which is why this is such a wonderful rainforest that you guys are were in, because we're actually on a different continent now.   That whole thing, there was something that was being led by a guy named Bargle who you guys haven't really heard much about since you guys came back from the sea wall, except that he turned into a Lich. So hopefully that kind of clears up some of the confusion. I'm sure confusion. That's kind of where we are. You guys are about to take a long rest.  
  Shadow checks the Bluestone, with Bastion using Identify. It no longer has any magic attached to it, but it was responsible for altering the Meenlock and tying it to the situation of Village of Skola Vale being stuck in the Feywild. It seemed to use some different kind of magic and it was causing interference, it was connected to the one which the Hag (Green Hag) May Greenteeth had used to return the Skola Vale.   They also identified the Gem given to the party by the Almiraj when they were in the Spider Forest of the Feywild. Turns out it was a Ruby Weave Gem.   Sas also discovered her Arcane-Forged Club of Outding Refuge had gained the Cold ability.   Bastion checks out the Spellbook of a Feywild Botanist, learning his names is Chlyoris.   Shadow reads from the Green Thumb book, they found a "simple recipe" to brew a Healing Potion, learned a lot about the Plants of Dierde. There was also a bunch of strange symbols that will help a Druid learn a new cantrip, Decompose.   Bastion reads from Rocks, Crystals, And Gemstones, where it discusses a lot about Gems across Dierde, about Gnomengraad which seems to have some Gem Magic, Residuum, and it seems to help explain how Outding Refuge is home to strange crystals because of the Dragon Hoard and the Arcane Forge with a connection to the Far Realms. It even discusses a bit about the 333 Gems of Tharizdun.   Sas then takes over the Green Thumb and learns Decompose.   Bastion starts pulling things they have collected out of the bag, and starting with Chardalyn.   Barlo drinks some beer from the Alchemy Jug.   They decide to cast Detect Magic, and so they pull out the Books, including the The Joy of Extradimensional Spaces which seems to be coming apart in some magical way, and then the statue from Tharros Underdark Hideout "Near" Outding Refuge which comes alive as a real Imp.    
The Joy of Extradimensional Spaces by Fistandia   "Kind of as it looks like it's kind of fraying on some of the edges and throughout it almost kind of like it's getting kind of bare thin a bit. But as those parts that look like they're fraying, you kind of look at it and it looks like you're actually looking into like the night sky kind of thing."
— The DM

The Imp comes alive and starts going for the book.   Sas screams for someone to grab the Imp before it gets to the book, and so she goes to grab it, but the Imp gets away and goes Invisible. He then tries to grab the book from Bastion.   Shadow uses her Ring of Alertness to cast See Invisibility. She sees him investigating the mirror. She then leeps to grab him.   As she grabs he flutters up with his wings. She points him out, he is above me!   Barlo goes to grab him, the Imp tries to bite at Barlo and it doesn't get through the Armor, and he is now visible.   As he is about to fly away, Barlo grabs him. Shakes it and says: "Turn back into a statue."   It starts cursing in Infernal, and then in common: "what am I doing here? What are you doing with the book?"   Shadow in the Snow: "What do you want the book for?"   Bastion Bladesinger: "What is the book?"   Strange Imp Statue: "It's. It's a book. I was supposed to protect it."   Shadow: "Who is the book?"   Bastion: "Why is the book?"   Barlo: "We got the book now. So you're going to protect it with us? Not from us."   Strange Imp Statue: "It looks like you guys have been destroying the book."   Sas: "How? it's been in our bag."   Imp: "Yeah, but it wasn't a regular bag, was it? That's why I've been gone for so long."   Shadow: "Yeah. You been in a bag too."   Bastion: "Whoa, hold on to that thing. I cast Identify on the book."  
This book is a unique item with a permanent hidden Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion attached to those who hold the book and say the magical word. "Scepter", which also helps you leave the mansion.   Because the party had put the extradimensional space book into an extradimensional space (Bag of Holding) it was tearing the book apart, but the protective Crystal was slowing down this process. If this is put back in the Bag of Holding it will tear them both apart into the Astral Plane.   The mansion has been released from its tether and is not there anymore.
    Bastion has a bit of insight as he recalls Tharros the Wanderer bringing up this book in the Metallic "Water Well" in the Feywild when they were in the Feywild. He had said the book doesn't work anymore, it was a one-time use thing anyways. So, it's hard to discern exactly what he may or may not have known when he said that.    
Shadow: "It's not going to hurt to give him a broken book."   Barlo: "You guys wanna give him the book?"   Shadow: "There's nothing in it anymore..."   Barlo: "What's going was this little guy going to do. What does he want to.. can you help us?"   Imp: "Hmm?... It's not.. that... I help you with what?   Bastion: "Can you repair the book?"   Imp: "I'm not. I'm not a Wizard. I don't. I just work for one."   Bastion: "Can you help me repair the book?"   Imp: "I don't have that kind of power. No."   Bastion: "Do you have the knowledge?"   Imp: "No, I don't have that kind of knowledge."   Shadow: "You were looking at the mirror. Do you know how to get out of here?"   Imp: "I've used some mirrors for travel."   Shadow: "And."   Imp: "I was trying to see if this might be one of the mirrors I might know how to use for travel."   Bastion: "And"   Imp: "it doesn't seem like one of the mirrors. I know how to travel through, otherwise I would have traveled through it."   Barlo: "You sure you didn't have much time to take a look at it?"   Imp: " I Oh...."   Barlo: "Where are you going to go? Well, if I let you go, what are you going to do? Yeah, somewhere you need to be real quick or something. I mean, you've been a statue for days. Months? Shit.   Years, .."   Shadow: "Years!"   Imp: "Well, I was supposed to protect that book, but I've also been kind of cursed. I think that kind of drove that."   Bastion: "Well, because you well, let's go back to this curse. How were you cursed?"   Imp: "I was captured by a Wizard long time ago. That curse been kind of tied. My existence, that book and that. But seeing that what you guys put on, destroying the Books like you did, it's kind of cut in that tie as well."   Shadow: "and you're going to die?"   Bastion: "You're still around."   Imp: "And I'm no longer bound to the book."   Bastion: "Oh, you're no longer bound to the book now."   Imp: "That's what it seems that."   Bastion: "Well, then, why did you want the book?"   Imp: "It was just, uh. . "   Shadow: "habit!"   Imp: "..Yeah, there you go. But now I'm starting to realize as I, I don't feel, feel the tie anymore."   Bastion: "I, I, I'm, I'm thinking that this guy's lied to us ..." And he does a bit of insight checking.   Bastion's Insight Check
he seems honest, if not just confused. You don't pick up any lies, He is studying you all though  
  Imp: "If I could figure out who the Wizard was maybe I can hire you guys. I don't really have anything to hide you with. I could probably ..."   Bastion: "Well, if you are no longer tied to this book, what would it take for you to be, say, in our employment?"   Imp: "I'm not really looking for work. If you want. I mean."   Bastion: "Well, that's a shame."   Imp: "Besides that, you guys aren't exactly the kind of caliber that I tend to work, tend to serve or work for."   Bastion: "And what does that mean?"   Shadow: "Racist much."   Imp: "Not so much. Race. It's you guys are just a little bit too goody shoes two shoes for me."   Bastion: "Oh, maybe you should change your tone."   Imp: "I mean, do you guys know what I am? I'm an Imp. I'm so from the Nine Hells. I don't exactly work for good people, if you will."   Bastion: "But what you don't want to do with the devil."   Barlo: "Doesn't mean you have to work for evil assholes either. Come on, we can make a deal. Be like they can deal. Don't you?"   Imp: "I like making deals."   Barlo: "Oh."   Shadow: "What you see would be to us, to be honest"   Barlo: "that's true."   Barlo: "I mean, that's true. We don't really need them.   Shadow: "And a statue in our bag.   Barlo: "Yeah, well, you want to go home then? Like I send you home.   Imp: "How can you send me home, huh? How can you send me home?   Barlo: "I can rip your wings off and smash your head in. Well, that sends you back to the hell's.   Imp: "That's one way of getting there. And that's not one I'd prefer, that's for sure.   Shadow: "Yeah, but you'll, won't you? Remake yourself? In the Hells and you'll be fine."   Imp: "No, it doesn't exactly work that way."   Bastion: "You Sure?"   Imp: "Yes."   Barlo: We can definitely force his hand into working for us.   Shadow: but For what?   Barlo: I mean, yeah, use them as a scout, use them as I don't know but it decorate someone's mantle too.   Shadow: I mean what's our bargaining chip? We won't kill you, but I mean, really keep him tied to us.   Barlo: Nothing in the Books no longer any bit of any interest to him. He doesn't need protect anymore because it's destroyed, basically. Okay.   Shadow: I mean, he could be food for Artie, but.   Bastion: Just give him to Artie.   Shadow: Hungry, buddy?   Bastion: "So. So. Okay, so let's make a deal. How can we help you get back?"   Imp: "I don't need your guys help. You can just let me go and I can figure out my own way, right?"   Bastion: "Oh, we'll let you go on the guarantee that I don't know what."   Shadow: "Don't fuck us over."   Imp: "Why would I fuck you over? If anything, it seems that through happenstance and whatever, you guys kind of freed me from a curse."   Shadow: "...Ignorance..."   Barlo: "That's true. There's nothing you would want for any sort of compensation for assistance."   Imp: "Nothing I can think of."   Barlo: "Help us. Nothing."   Imp: "It just be nice to be able to kind of stretch myself, stretch my legs and wings a bit, since it's been a while."   Barlo: "Well, all right. Well, before we let you go, then, what do we call you? What's your name? Case. We meet again."   Imp: "Oh, well, it's been a while. I can't really give you what my real name is, but."   Shadow: "Sure, you can."   Imp: "no and I really can't. But what I can tell you is that most people call me, Likkec."   Barlo: "Like kick?"   Bastion: "Likkec is your real name?"   Likkec: "More like a common name."   Shadow: "We have power over him if we know his real name. Don't have any use for him."   Barlo: "I don't really care that you guys do. Wanna give him the tattered book anyways? I mean, can you do anything with this book? Repair it."   Likkec: "But maybe I can use it to find the person. That cursed to me."   Bastion: "And then what would you do?   Likkec: "Oh, not sure yet.   Barlo: "But I could help you. All right, well, since you're going to go look.   Shadow: "Who Cursed you? Tharros?   Likkec: "I honestly, at this time, I don't who was a curse? And that's what I'm saying. Since whoever was a curse pertaining to that book, that book might be helpful to figure out who was ..   Shadow: "okay.   Barlo: "Yeah, I have no problem. Let them go. I mean, is going to go after the person that. Cursed him seems fine by me. I do the same thing.   Shadow: "Yeah. Just don't fuck us over.   Barlo: "Hey can either assistance this look me up and.   Bastion: "This really quick Bartolo before you let him go.   Barlo: "Sure.   Bastion: "I'm going to cast Identify on him.   Shadow: "Have you always been able to turn into a garden Gnome?"   Bastion's Identify finds no current spells affect it.   Likkec: "Your spell tells you that I'm no longer cursed... nice."   Bastion: "Yeah.   Likkec: "Very interesting.   Bastion: "I would like to make one amendment to letting you go.   Likkec: "Okay.   Bastion: "If you find who was able to make this book and bind you to it before you do anything, I would like you to come and tell it who It was.   Likkec: "Hmm.   Barlo: I'm going to be able to help you.   Likkec: "So if you give me the book, you want me to come and tell you who was that cursed me.   Bastion: "Mm hmm.   Likkec: "Interesting.   Barlo: "One little reason we had this book was trying to find out whose it was."   Shadow: "Yup."   Likkec: "I can do that. And while we're making. Hmm. Yeah, I will try the. How would I find you, though?   Shadow: "Figure it out.   Barlo: "Yeah. You know, we look like you know my name.   Bastion: "You're from another dimension.   Likkec: "Okay. Yeah, I'll see what I can. I will definitely I will try to honor that deal. Because a deal is a deal.  
  They give the The Joy of Extradimensional Spaces book to Likkec.   Barlo: "Good luck, little buddy. Like it? Good luck to you.   The party looks around to determine the next room to explore.   Funny tabletalk about the deal with a devil
By way, I feel like as players, we just made a very grave error. This is going to be the next big, bad, evil guy.   The Imp.   I hope it comes back and bites us in the act. That's where I live for.   Nothing's.   Going to happen down the road.   Makes it interesting. Yeah. Yeah.  
  The party takes a long rest. Bastion starts casting Identify on things they overlooked. They also noticed the mirror pieces and mirror coins they stole from Tharros the Wanderer have disappeared.   At this point Likkec cuts himself and begins drawing strang symbols on the corner of the mirror and with a few foreign words he walks into the mirror. He looks back "A deal is a deal." and with a grin he is gone.   Shadow looks at the evil looking symbols.   They found an old Potion, it is a Potion of Growth.   Shadow draws the patterns on the mirror.    
Throughout the night as you guys are resting, you don't really hear too much. You hear a little bit of scurrying though, from Time to time in the room. That's north of you guys.   Like rodent screeching.   You're not sure since you guys are kind of camped out. And you can also hear from the east wall a little bit of a slight hum from time to time as well. Who used to enter the room? Nobody else seems to disturb you guys.  
— DM

Lowsun 8, 2023 KC, Early Morning

  Morning has come to consciousness. The dome has hit its eight hour mark and it slowly fades into nothing.   Calliope: "you know I just feel kind of out of it. So I have been very quiet. What are we doing, now?"   They listen at the door to the East    
21. Um, as you're sitting there, you don't really hear anything too loud, okay? You hear a little bit of that hum that you guys kind of would hear from time to time in the night. But it sounds like it's kind of distant. It doesn't sound like it's right there or anything, though.  
— DM
    Barlo investigates for traps as he learns the door is locked. (18) He sees it is definetly trapped.   Calliope gives him Bardic Inspiration (d8)   He is messing with the cords he sees in the space between the door and wall, he pulls too much on one, and it ignites the lightning trap on the floor plate, killing the trap and saving himself from full damage with his Barbarian abilities.   He fails to get the door unlocked and so he stands up and kicks it in. At least he attempts to and fails.   These are wooden doors with Metal inlays...   He takes out Bastion's crowbar from his bag and tears open the door.  
"It's very much like what you've seen already. For the most part. It goes, though. The roof is about 20 feet up in the air with a very rough kind of cave, like situation. But the rest of the of it is very much how you've seen with the Plants, with the the little bit they kind of radiate a bit of light.   As you look in here from from your vantage point right now, you see that there is a door to the south and you might be able to see the door to the east. Excuse me. It's a hallway to the north."  
— DM
  Barlo: "Well, the last time we came in here, the damn rug that did, you know, go really careful. Go Slow."  
"And so as you start walking into the room, you look up to the north, you see that there is another door that goes to the east. There or sorry, west, and one that goes to the north. And just for you're not totally certain if that's north, east or west, we're just use that for the sake of here."   I well, as you walk in here you start with that was kind of like a smell of ozone you kind of pick up a little bit. And as you kind of come in here.  
— DM
  They start looking at the ceiling. 20 feet high. Everything looks safe...   Barlo pulls away the rug. nothing.   They go to the East door and Barlo checks it out. Bastion investigates the room with Sas  

Bastion finds 2 EP
  Shadow casts See Invisibility from her Ring of Alertness.   Barlo goes to pick the lock. fails.   He pulls out the crowbar and uses it to open the door, as he does so he is attacked with a blade that comes out of the side of the wall. He takes some damage.   In here they see a little chest, a bed, and some more Plants, as well as a little work table.   As he is looking around he sees a shimmer of blue energy as a large hand comes up and punches him in the face.  



The Battle:

  Barlo Rages, and attacks two times, his tail comes out. Barlo: "There is a big blue hand punching faces here!"   Shadow casts Healing Spirit (3rd level) on Barlo. Then 2 bow attacks, the first hits and not the second. That was enough for the glass canyon as the arrows go into the fingernails  


t Combat Experience: 1100 (220 Ea) | Total: 44,220 (Next Goal: 48,000) t
  blue sparks like confetti and the smell of ozone as it disappears. Barlo gets more healing from the Healing Spirit.   Barlo rages checks the bed Shadow checks the chest Bastion checks the table. Barlo finds A glass orb filled with water, in which swims a Clockwork Goldfish fits in the palm, a steampunk looking goldfish. Not exactly a pattern, and didn't respond to Barlo tapping glass.  

Desk: Basic Carpentry For Complex Dungeons A Short History of Dwarves book an expensive-looking, Platinum ring chest: Coins: 855 cp, 10083 sp, 1742 gp, 125 pp Gems: 15 gems worth 100 gp each (1 Jet, 3 Jade, 2 Coral, 2 Amethyst, 4 Pearl, 2 Chrysoberyl, 1 Amber)   Clockwork Goldfish
  Shadow splits it up: 171 cp, 2016sp, 348gp, 25pp   Bastion investigates the ring, no magic -- probably worth some Gold. No one seems to have jewelry skills to analyze it.   They took the chest to the mirror, filled it with stuff, and put it in the Enderbox Everyone took 25 Platinum, sent back the rest of coinage...    
***MESSAGE TO Ursa/LARS*** using Scroll of Telescription:   "Sending money for expenses, projects, material costs. Let us know if you need anything else."

t Milestone Experience: 1000 | Total: 45,220 (Next Goal: 48,000) t
**Left at Jacoby's Eushia Hideout as they are about to take a long rest, which would be reconned a bit as it had been too close to last rest.**

Rewards Granted


  t Combat Experience: 1100 (220 Ea) | Total: 44,220 (Next Goal: 48,000) t   t Milestone Experience: 1000 | Total: 45,220 (Next Goal: 48,000) t  

Missions/Quests Completed

  • cleared out more of the dungeon
alchemist lab 24x32-worldanvil-min.jpg
Area Map | Eushia (Hand Drawn, c. 0KC)

Eushia Drawn Map circa 0KC

  This is one of the most accurate maps of recent times. It is currently not available to the public of Dierde, but it is the most representative of the lands. It was one of the many commissioned by The Last Great King.

Session 42: Still in Jacoby's House Report

Table of Contents

The Wild Cards
Bastion Bladesinger
Sas W.T. Rayce
Calliope Galanodel
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP
Shadow in the Snow
Report Date
09 Dec 2022
Secondary Location
Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

Timeline of The Wild Cards
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie