Session 58: Kobolds and Conspiracies


9/10 21:00
11/10 9:00

  The Wild Cards get to Outding Refuge

The Mighty Menagerie (3)


Redfall 09, 2023 KC, late evening

  Where Beach of a Thousand Colors and Fossilized Forest meet on the Eastside of Kampos   Recap
The party is on their way to the City in the Mist to assist the goddess Bast who has spoken to the party when they are near special obelisks. She needs them to take a mystical orb to help her dying pharoah.   This orb is one of 333 gems that it is believed will release the darkest god of them all, a god of pure chaos and ultimate destruction -- Tharizdun. As they have learned in their travels there are those in the early days of various worlds who seek such power they hear the whispers of greed and an evil deal to be struck with this dark god. The rituals they perform grant them such power and wealth, and the cost is their universe… whenever it shall fall. For in the final days of their world it will be "preserved" as one of these gems and will appear in a random universe at a random time… In the Ancient Dragon Prophecy it speaks of how one world will find 333 of these brought together and that will Lead to the release of Tharizdun… and the destruction of all life forever.   For Toril this ritual was performed by the ancient Netherese, the people who found their destruction on the day that Karsus, one of their mightiest casters, tried to become a god, instead he very briefly took the power of a goddess… Mystara and that destroyed The Weave. He did this spell to end the destruction of his people at the hands of the Phaerimm. Strange creatures that fed on magic. Karsus was so sure he had the spell correct and this was Karsus Folly.   Well, as we said the party is on their way to the City in the Mist, with a layover in Thornwinds to deliver a package, and before that they told Ursa they would stop in Outding Refuge so they could take one of these crystals for study as it is cracking and releasing some strange magical energies.   This journey was stopped as they were attacked by a large Blue Dragon who lived in the ancient Fossilized Forest on the Eastern shores of Kampus. The party took the hours after the battle to harvest the parts of the Dragon as the crew did repairs to the ship. In the evening the party, sans Bastion, was visited by a form of Captain Meklan who was stuck in some time warp, being chased by Jacoby who was cursed to the timewarp by trying to use the book and Solec's Shell sigil without the "game cubes" that Barlo long ago lost to a rogue.   Seems that Meklan was the real reason for Karsus Folly, he stole the working spell as he sought to use it to stop the end of all things as opposed to a stupid war between the Netherese and the Phaerimm. Seems Meklan had been visiting all types of people and events through time trying to fix things, and breaking more than he fixed. Leaving various messages and then trying to change the messages, and now he says he is done trying that tactic. He has learned that he can't steer this group of adventurers. Some of this was locked in a memory of Bastion locked away with a Modify Memory spell. He feels whatever this group does will be the best option, as they are the Wild Cards and they make their own path regardless of what the gods, the fates, or the wold may try to do in controlling them.  
  Table talk
NOTE: Did not pay for the saddlebags, as he needed the Beholder and was willing to spare some of hte skin for a set if the rest was given to him, as well as he had gems already in process for it..   MORE descriptions of the forest and beach... Rock beach, some sand -- but all seems to be from the fossilized trees.  
  Shadow and Arktos slept on deck, out of Fear of another attack. Barlo sleeping on deck. Calliope is still reeling from the battle and so goes to her bunk. Bastion reads his book, and watches then rests. Sas thinks she might want to see what Books are in the library, as well as remembers they have the Green Thumb and the Journal of a Botanist.   She does find The Alchemist's Laboratory: A Guide to Brewing Potions for Profit and Adventure, (This book is more about alchemy, but there is a lot of crossover that would help as it does go into Potion brewing, different types and processes of Potion making. Over time it might show some recipes.)   She didn't spend much time on the book as Shadow reminded her about the Journal, so she looked into that book which seemed more aligned. It has various notes on flora and fauna, personal notes especially about himself - Chlyoris. He is known for the bottles he has created.  
Chlyoris grew up in a small village, and from a young age was fascinated by the natural world around him. As he grew older, he began to take commissions to capture creatures and Plants, which he preserved in his magic jars. He has since traveled the world, seeking out new and interesting creatures and Plants to study and collect  
  The book also seems to go a bit into the crystals and reading between the lines it seems possible one could use the book to create these crystals. They would need to find a lost spell called Soul Gem.   It also spoke of a client, Emmerick who was the one who commissioned the creatures they found in the bag and how he was to contact the client. (There is also notes on how a client, named Emmerick had hired him to capture the creatures (beholder, Displacer Beast, Fomorian, Ettercap, and a pixie) it also says when all are captured he is to go to Wideberth and leave a Message on the job board at The Yawning Portal (instructions on what should be posted). Whereas he will be met w/in 24 hours of the posting and a trade for 25,0000 gp would be made.)   tabletalk on why this spell was not in the spellbook they found
Wizards do not have to have just one spell book of all their spells. It is common for them to have multiple spellbooks, and to have some segmented for specific purposes as well as hidden spellbooks with spells they don't want to get out.  
  Bastion (9) does first guard, then shadow (19) and Barlo...   Bastion doesn't seem to see much, as he is focused on his book. Shadow feels a burr that got into her Armor, a white "tooth" around an inch long. She examines it and it looks reminescent of those on a Dragon and she realizes she saw some similar ones in the rocks when they were carving the Dragon. she pockets it.    

Redfall 10, 2023 KC, Early Morning

  Where Beach of a Thousand Colors and Fossilized Forest meet on the Eastside of Kampos   in the morning she shows Barlo and asks if he might know what it is. Survival (22), he is very certain this belongs to a Kobold, as they tend to lose a lot of teeth from time to time.   Many know that kobolds love to mine, and they are one of the more "monstrous" creatures that have slowly been accepted by more civilized areas. Generally they stay in their tribes and mine, they are generally found in large groups dedicated to their society. They tend to not be much of a problem when they stay in their mines, it's when they go in search of a new mine that problems arise.   the crew is still working on the ship and plan for the flight later, unless it is an emergency. Barlo uses elbow Grease, Bastion uses Mending, and Sas is using Guidance to help.   As we get to lunchtime, Shadow in the Snow and Barlo start to see some movement at the woodline and hear some 'YIPS'. Barlo suggests they should get things ready, suggests having Wall of Fire ready.   Shadow and Arktos do some guard with shadow throwing a chunk of Dragon meat for Arktos to go to town on.   A bit later they say the ship is ready. It looks like a cloud cover is coming in from where they are going to head off into. There is a bit of discussion on whether to leave now or wait. So they board the ship, leaving behind a large carcass of a Dead Blue Dragon, which sas casts Decompose on before they leave. There is some mushroom and spores starting to grow on the carcass.   As they take off the party is looking around. They lift off and shortly after they are airborne they see some kobolds coming out of the forest and then a few moments later there is a flash of blue Light, not too far from the Dragon carcass. Out of the blue Light there are four humanoid figures who walk out of it and start to walk towards the forest and the kobolds. Shadow realizes that the Halfling leading the party looks to be Jeets with a strange helmet. She then notices it is the Unfortunate Mead Heroes (Remington, Acira Neridithas, and Arica Neridithas)   Shadow shouts "JEETS!" but it looks like them being about 100 feet or so in the air and the loud waves with the rocks makes it hard to hear   Barlo shoots off a bottle rocket at the same time.   Firework notes
Dwarven Bottle Rockets   1 for 1sp or 1 dozen for 1gp   The dwarven bottle rocket is a curious thing. The rocket consists of a thick paper tube with a carved wooden cone on the front, and long stick protruding from the rear of the rocket with a fuse. When lit, the fuse quickly burns and the rocket shoots off at 120ft/round. After 12 seconds (two rounds) the rocket explodes into a ball of sparks and Light making a thunderous sound. If the rocket contacts anything on its flight it explodes immediately. When used in combat, targeting is imprecise. On firing, roll a DC 13 Intelligence save to intuit the rocket's trajectory. On a failed save the rocket veers off course and the DM rolls a d6 to choose a new trajectory and/or target for the rocket. A creature struck by the rocket can make a DC 15 Dex saving throw. A target takes 2d6 force damage or half as much on a successful save. Creatures within 15 feet of the target are Blinded and Deafened for 2 rounds, and any spell casters currently focusing on a spell must make a DC10 concentration check.  
  Goblin Firecrackers   5 for 1sp or a string of 25 for 1gp   These tiny explosives come in a pack of 10. The minuscule paper cylinders are filled with small amounts of volatile substances. When lit, their fuse quickly burns down and the resulting explosion makes a loud cracking noise and deals 1 point of force damage. In combat these can be lit and thrown as an action. If they go off within 10 ft of a caster currently focusing on a spell, the caster must make a concentration check at disadvantage, even if they take no damage from the blast. “Who taught the goblins about explosives?!”  
  Flying Dragons (illusion of dragons with sparks, colors come in all chromatic (black, white, blue, green, red) and metallic (gold, Silver, Bronze, Brass, copper) flavors.)   1 for 1 sp or 1 dozen for 1gp   Creates an Illusion of a Dragon and when done with others they will "fight" putting on a show.  
  Wand of Warrior Candle   3 for 1gp   This wand can be used in combat to fire small balls of fire. Once activated, it fires 2d4 projectiles, one each round, and cannot be stopped until all have been fired. The projectiles are bright pink flames that deal 1d4 fire damage and Fly in a 60ft straight line. Each round the caster may choose a new target who is within line of sight once the wand has been activated. The wand does not require concentration and can be activated as an action.  
  They seemed to have heard something, but don't seem to have noticed the ship yet.   The Captain asked if everything was alright.   They said they saw a friend down there. Shadow wondered if the delivery had a hard deadline on the delivery, there was not one given.  
  We did retcon that they fuelled up before take off. (DM realizes as he writes these notes he needs to do better on this)   They land, and see Jeets talking to a Kobold, Barlo yells out to him. Seems he is a bit too involved in the conversation, but in a beat we see Reginald look over and then whisper to Jeets. He takes off the helmet), puts in a bag on his side (possible bag of holding), and then seems to speak a few words to the Kobold before motioning to the team and turning towards the party.   They come up.  

Shadow: "What's up?"   Jeets: "Interesting seeing you guys here..."   Shadow: "That's what we were thinking. What are you guys doing here?"   Jeets: "Just handling some routine business we have here. We had gotten word that someone had killed their Dragon, so trying to see how that changes some negotiations we have with them."   Bastion: "yeah... about that...   Shadow and Calliope also chime in a bit   Barlo: " you mean that Blue Dragon?   Jeets: "Yeah, the carcass over there. That has been protecting them for some time and now they're nervous if this might mean Harm to their community.   Bastion: "in our defense, it did attack us first."   Barlo/Shadow: "yeah.   Jeets: "Yeah, dragons tend to do that to those who Fly over their lands.   Shadow: "We were just flying ahead   Jeets: "I'm sure things will change as more sky ships now will inevitebly take to the air.   Bastion: "It wasn't just that, someone sent it after us   Jeets: "Someone sent the Dragon after you?   Bastion: "yeah. her words were 'someone told me you were here'   Sas: "I think it was ..   Sas/Shadow/Barlo: "it said 'she told me you were coming' or something like that.   Barlo: "We gave it all the chances to leave, but...   Jeets: "Give me a second here..   He takes Remington to the side and they talk privately. Then he returns: "That's all very fascinationg, I'm going to have to look more into who this "She" might be. I hope it didn't hurt you all too bad   Barlo/Bastion: "It tried...   Bastion: "Wait, how are you here?   Jeets: "I have a Helm of Teleportation. It's how we are able to traverse a bit quicker to handle some of the things we are involved in.   Bastion: "That makes sense." then looks at the party "no one was that interested in how he got out here so fast?   Jeets: "We had gotten a Message from their shaman who tends to Message us when situations arise as there are contracts in play.   Barlo: "so, you're working for these kobolds?   Jeets: "I don't Work for them, but there are contracts as they mine out under the Fossilized Forest some of that material is used for the experiments and Crafting done at Outding Refuge   Barlo: "oh. So the Dragon was their protection?   Jeets: "The Dragon and the kobolds here, which are actually blue kobolds, have lived with the Dragon so long they have taken on his coloring. The truth is that the population of this mining group is busting at the seams. In a normal Kobold community they would have split into two already. That Dragon kept them in a single group, so now I'm sure there will be a migration. ... some murmuring and thoughts... yeah, so there is symbiotic ecosystem that was here. the Dragon kept others out so the kobolds could continue to mine.   I mean, you have the weapons that Ursa, and I mean Lars made for you. Where it uses the Wood that was found on Outding that originally came from here.   Barlo: "So, Outding is close to this location? It's not too hard to get here from there?   Jeets: "yeah. This is one of the nearest land drops near it. But no one would come near here for a long time due to the Dragon, I was lucky that in one of our travels I had met some of these kobolds. I had told Ursa about the kobolds, so with her we made a deal to purchase some of their mining as the Wood is not that important to them and they really like the crystals found on Outding. So we are merely the middle people for these deals.   Barlo: "So you are transporting back and forth. Like a courier   Jeets: "We don't do the courieing so much anymore, but as I was saying we tend to step in on major concerns - such as their guard Dragon being killed. That's when we get called.   Barlo: "Don't bullshit me Jeets, did we just disrupt some shipping situation? What's going to be the biggest fallout from this, if any? Besides this migration of kobolds.   Jeets: "I think that is the big one, and I think there might be a bit less trade as ... I am sure that Ursa will pursuade that half of the colony to mine under Outding. Which would be to their benefit.   Shadow: "Would the kobolds know who this "she" was that sent the Dragon?   Jeets: "I'll see if there is anyone else who comes by and talks to them. As far as I know, I am one of the very few. As far as who the Dragon speaks to, I don't know. I never actually met the Dragon, so I don't know much about it. The kobolds had told it to not Harm us. I know that a lot of blue dragons tend to have henchmen and so he probably had some network. I will look to see if I can find about any females who talked with the Dragon.   Barlo: "Is there any way we can keep in touch with you?   Jeets: "I know that Ursa is working on some mirror system, but um.. (he trails off a moment in thought, but comes right back) more and more lately, I ... I'm not gonna lie, I a..   Bastion: "Let me guess, you think Ursa is the one.   Jeets: "I am having my doubts about her.   Shadow: "OH!   some insight roles
Shadow and Bastion are picking up on his doubts towards Ursa. He seems to even be testing the party to see how much he can trust them, he seems wanting to tell more but wants to be sure he can trust them.  
  Bastion: "Out with it, what are you thinking?   Jeets, a long sigh... "There is just little things we've been picking up on... I don't know. I mean, when we met on that beach as I told you I had been to Outding many times over the years and I have known Ursa for a long time, and she has changed a lot. Including Lars who seems unable to think unless she's around.   Shadow: "like she's controlling him some how? or...   Jeets: "To a degree, I guess. I mean one could write it off as he is just that much in love with her, but ... It is just that she worked for him for so long and then out of the blue the whole dating, and marriage and...then they've grown the whole ... I mean granted a lot of it comes to how they've been able to exploit the Arcane Forge, but I mean   Barlo: "They're married now?   Jeets: "Yeah. For a few years now. Oh right you were all gone for a few years   Shadow: "They told us at the ... Barlo: "Must have been while we were away   Shadow: "They told us at the Ceremony.   Barlo: "Oh right, when we were gone for those three years.   Shadow, to Jeets: "Is Ursa a magic-type person? I know Lars has some arcane whatever   Jeets: "See, that's the thing. She seems as she doesn't but there are times where I am sure I caught some bits of magic from her. She seems to have some arcane ability, but doesn't want people to know.   Calliope's ring
Calliope looks at her Ring of Truth Telling and so she tries to insight on Jeet's honesty -- and he seems to be telling what he believes to be true.   If anything is being held back it is only because he is trying to guage what he trusts to tell the party has he has worked with Ursa and Lars for a long time now. So, if he is having such extreme doubts about her -- he isn't sure if the party is in on it too.  
  Shadow: "So we haven't been to Outding in years, so what are we walking into?   Jeets: "Well, I .. what is it you are stopping there for?   Shadow: "Didn't they tell us to just stop by? (she says to the party)   Bastion: "Yeah. we got a Message were supposed to just stop by.   Shadow: "Yeah..   Jeets: "Oh, is that all? Then I don't know.   Shadow: "I think from Ursa   So they tell Jeets about the Message    
  Message from Ursa to Bastion   "We're still looking at these jars, we think may have .. at Skola Vale we discussed those orbs, and then we heard you had one that is possibly breaking."   bastion: "yes"   Ursa: "We are genuinely curious about these things, and we heard you may be passing by. If you want we can possibly take that one off your hands to see if we can keep it safe. Just an idea. Just wanted to throw it by you. Also, We're working on a new communication device so you can keep up with others, especially as we don't trust the T.W.I.T.T.E.R. service."   Bastion: "I hear it might be terrible. Okay, ..."   He tells the others, how they think they can keep it safe. The party says they trust Ursa and Lars. Bastion also learns about the situation with the Harpy.  
  Jeets: "Yeah, that's part of it for me. They seem to keep trying to find all these different things.   Shadow: "Is there any residual magic in that cracked orb?   Bastion: "What do you mean they keep trying to find all these different things... Like, have you collected other orbs for them?   Jeets: "They already have two. One we got from Bargle, see... that's (he seems to have a bit of mummbles and thoughts).. We got that one and then we found the one Pradam Estorich happened to have in his hat. I mean they haven't been exactly looking for those, but there have been various other artifacts that they have hired us from time to time to look for, investigate or find.   Bastion: "Can you get me a list of these artifacts?   Shadow: "Maybe they all tie in together somehow...   Jeets: "I'd have to check, I don't know off the top of my head all the items. I don't recall too much connection, but I can check my notes. oh, speaking of which.   he reaches in his bag, which does appear to be a Bag of Holding, and pulls out a Sending Stone and hands it over, then says: "so we can keep in touch and I can send you that list. I know Ursa is working on a Mirror-based communication system, but now I'm not trusting that. The reason she is pushing different governments towards that is by telling people that Morenars Neyers' T.W.I.T.T.E.R. service is to not be trusted, besides just being overpriced. She has been telling people that she believes Morenars is using it to spy on all the messages being sent, but if that's possible then why wouldn't she be doing that with hers? I am getting a bit of an "accusation is a confession" thing going on. I mean she... well she - She has had us looking quite a bit into a Wizard, I'm sure you have heard of Tharros?   Bastion/Shadow: "Yes.   Jeets: "He hasn't been seen in over 3 years and yet she's having us constantly look into reports about him, with no explanations.   Shadow: "Do you know much about the orbs?   Jeets: "I had Pradam do some research on it since the one we found in his hat supposedly looks to be the one for his home realm, and so he was looking for a way to get back to it.   Shadow pulls out the cracked Orb found with Beholder and asks: "What do you think she can get out of this one? Is it still magical? Is it something she can manipulate?   Jeets: "That, I don't know. What I would say is if you told her you were going to let her have it and now decide not to, she might get suspicious. Something to be aware of as well. I've been keeping my suspicions close to the cuff. and not until this conversation have I really put some of these pieces together.   Bastion: "How soon until you can get us that list?   Jeets: "I don't have my notes on me, but I'll have to review them. I will definetily get that to you as soon as I can. But seriously, don't let her know of your suspicions, especially since we might be wrong -- I don't even... I mean there are various things I am suspicous about, but like how this whole even here works to her benefit. Now she is going to have a whole colony of kobolds to mine under Outding.   Bastion: "So she could be the one who sent the Dragon after us, huh?   Jeets: "That's what I'm wondering, what I'm worried about. It could be just that she wanted the Dragon out of the way and figured you could take it down.   Bastion: "Or it takes us down and she gains access to another orb.   Jeets: "Another orb and down goes another group of adventurers she may worry could discover what she is up to. and that's even if we are correct. For all we know it is Lars trying to put her up as the front to keep suspicions off of him, or who knows? I am just not certain of anything right now.
    Barlo & Bastion insight on the Unfortunate Mead party
Barlo is picking up that the elves Acira Neridithas & Arica Neridithas are doing their own thing, Remington is paying attention.   Bastion, same with elves -- who seem more to the shadows and uncomfortable around others. Reminder of their village being wiped out. Remington is taking things in, he is also analyzing the party. He seems a bit more weary than Jeets. A reminder he is a Dragon.  
Bastion looks to Remington: "Did you know this Dragon?   Remington: "No. I tend to steer away from any chromatic outside of my doppleganger of sorts at Outding doing the stand-in for that Dragon. I'll admit, when we started dealing with the kobolds I had thought we should get rid of the Blue Dragon, but the Dragon had a strong bond with the Kobolds that I didn't push for that. The Dragon side of my heritage has a fond look for kobolds who are not hurting anyone.   Bastion: "Is it possible to get a metallic Dragon to take the place and protect them?   Remington: "I'm not sure how that would Work, to be honest. I mean, it's not like all of us dragons know each other. I do tend to steer away from other dragons as I focus on my missions, which is where I am getting concerned about this matter. As it puts the Arcane Forge in the hands of the type I was trying to stop.   Bastion: "Do you think Lars is under a spell or curse?   Remington: "I've had my suspicions, as I have shared before with Jeets. And as he said, it's only in this discussion I am even starting to put some pieces together althought I am sure we are missing some large part of the puzzle. Something we are not seeing.   Shadow: "Maybe we can try to seperate them and cast something like Greater Restoration on Lars Heyton.   Bastion: "Or Dispel Magic or Remove Curse...   Shadow: "But I think we need to seperate them, obviously.   Remington: "I will say, that they have had 3 years to get their claws in them, that's the risk. They might have something strong on them.   Shadow: "Yeah.   Remington: "See, that's the thing that's odd. If there are such dwomers then they should have been spotted at your coronation as the Ceremony had all types of protections to protect from illusions and such unless she got into that... lots to think about.   Sas: "Lots.   Remington: "I think for now we should continue to be the middle for her and the kobolds. See what her plans are, if she is going to move them. See what benefit that might get for her.   Barlo: "yeah, we should get going...   Remington: "You have the Sending Stone, so you can reach us. We can talk soon.   Bastion: "Do you want to come with us?   Remington: "I Fear that may be suspicious. I don't want that kind of confrontation yet, besides who knows what safeguards she has. And what if we're wrong?   Barlo: "Besides you can just get there right away with the helmet, whereas we still have some travel ahead.   Remington: "Besides I think Jeets still has to finish some negotiations and coddling here...   Jeets: "Yeah. We're going to finish our business here, but if you do learn anything, let us know. We will need to learn more of what her plans may be.   Barlo: "Before we go, ...   he takes Jeets away: "let me speak with you a moment", and takes him away to whisperspeak   Barlo: "How well do you know the crew you're with now, and do you trust them 100%?   Jeets: "The twins have no connection to Outding. I trust them. With much of what we've done it has had nothing to do with Outding, helping others. With Remington, he is trustworthy. There are still things we haven't discussed, especially about his lineage. He's the one who was harmed from the events on Outding we first saw. The things Jacoby Drexelhand did messed up his Simulacrum so much, it put things at risk that using the Arcane Forge could wake up the Dragon That Slumbers.   Barlo: "Okay, I just wanted you to watch your back with the mistrust about Ursa.   Jeets: "That's why I had my doubts, as I have doubts about everyone I meet in my travels. I'm not going to lie, the only one I ever truly trusted was Cellymas.   Barlo: "can I see that helmet of yours?   Jeets: "Sure." and he pulls it out. The Helm of Teleportation is Metal with runes. It is not a cloth hood or the helmet of the Shadow Thieves it is also not of any resemblance to what seems to be from Lars. He asks about that. Jeets said he got it on an adventure, and it has been handy. He points to the ship and says he wants one of those.   Barlo: "If we find another, we'll let you know.   Jeets: "I'm sure we'll see more soon enough.   Barlo: "You think she wants to look at our ship?   Jeets: "If she is as bad as we are thinking, and she has the network I Fear she might -- she probably already had spies in Skola Vale when the worked on the ship. As I said, she keeps having us look for this Tharros and with the intel she has, she has to have access to some network.   Barlo returns to the group with closing salutations. He throws him a Platinum coin and thanks him for the stone. Jeets waves down his party and they return to the kobolds, as Barlo tells the party what was discussed.   Then Jeets runs back...: "Real quick, let me ask you if you know this name...   Bastion: "grognard?   Jeets: "no, we've heard of him. It was a name I heard once said in her presence and she reacted in an odd way, 'Vyerith'   Shadow: "yes.   Barlo: "Vyerith?   Shadow: "We freed her from that ... jail cell under outding.   Jeets: "you freed a 'vyerith'?   Shadow: "Yeah. She said she was on the Triboar Trail and taken by some old man Wizard. We had freed her.   Jeets: "old man Wizard?   Shadow/Barlo: "Yeah, we assumed Jacoby.   Bastion: "What do you know of Vyerith?   Jeets: "It was something that came up in one of our investigations, when it was said there was a Weird look on her face. Since then I've been trying to figure it out. And now you tell me you freed a woman named Vyerith who was held prisoner by a Wizard...   Bastion: "Was her look concern, like relieved   Shadow: "or 'uh oh'?   Jeets: "more 'uh oh'. And if this person was held by an old man Wizard yet we keep being sent to look for an old man wizards, I have to wonder.   Barlo: "Wait, didn't we meet Vyerith again? On the road to Skola Vale? . ... no that was Volo. but there were a few other instances of hearing the name...   previous mentions of Vyerith

Session 14: Mindflayer Colonies & Wizard Hideouts Report

Inside the cage is an elven woman; her name is "Vyerith," who claims she was taken and then put into this cell.  
  • She was taken while walking on the Triboar Trail on the continent of Eushia. It was north of Philander and happened a few months ago.
  • It was an Old Man (wizard) and his apprentice. They left weeks ago, and she has been alone.
The party decided to let Vyerith out.  
Feel like it's a wild goose chase and head back to the "Hideout "Near" Outding Refuge."   Vyerith was gone.  

Session 26: The Ziggurat of Tharizdun Report

  Conversation (overheard)   "Bargle, so, what now? We have searched this area, and that orb is not to be found."   "I realize that. I don't know how it could have been removed. That orb should have been in the ship or somewhere around here, but with the other deific artifacts stored in this temple, I would have assumed it would be in here.   "Why not just the orb you have to get back?   "If I just wanted to go back to Mystara, I could have done that at any time since I got this orb that holds my Realm's power -- I'd leave that behind. All that was and will be, but that would mean I'd have to sacrifice the orb. I have yet to find a way to return with the orb. That's why it's so important to find another one. I was sure this one would be the easiest to get.   "Hey, now that the winter issue at that island is handled, maybe we can try to find that kid. Didn't you say his hat might have an orb to Vader's Realm?   "Venger's Realm. " he corrects him., "And it is possible it is in that magic hat of his. I suppose that is one trail we can go down. All I know is that hiring this merc outfit has drained a majority of my financial resources. I suppose we can take the ship as a "prize" -- we can take that to Arcane Order and see if they will fund the excursion to Outding. besides -- the rumor is that they have built a bit of a magic research facility there now. Maybe the rumors of a Mystical Forge on that island are true.   "I know my contact from Philander said they had a Forge out there, but it is in control by the local village. She said to leave that one alone for now, but then again, I haven't heard from Vyerith in some time. She was supposed to leave via Neyer, but she never made it there, and it seems her contact from the Road never made it either. He was lost at sea.   Fine… I'm done with this place. Let's go see if we can find this Pradam kid; even if he doesn't have the orb, I know he has some very interesting items anyways. "  

Session 44: Purple Worm and Falling Baseboards Report

There was a discussion with Teeka...   ... She warns them about Tharros. Jacoby is more powerful than he should be. She tried to sneak into his room. knows he has other hideouts. She never could use the mirror.   She seems honest according to insights, she is very trusting due to Barlo. The ring doesn't Light up. She wants to get back, otherwise ruin her cover.   They ask about the Dragon That Slumbers. She brings up how the shadow governments Work and how Tharros, Vyerith, and Jacoby want to control the Dragon to control the world or be the one to stop it to get them power.   Jacoby and Therros are part of Arcane Order, they hired the Blood hands -- a loose organization of criminals and thugs now more organized.   She will sneak back in and will get word back to them. She says Meklan knew they would see each other. She touches a tattoo which disappears then teleports away.  
  Jeets: "well, what we had come across was about a Vyerith who was in a little town of Philander in Eushia. They also have an Arcane Forge recently uncovered. It had been found shortly before all of us had met. My understanding was that there was a Vyerith out there working with a Wizard named like 'spider' or 'the black Spider' or something like that. There was a group of heroes up there looking into some other issues, but they found the forge helping a Dwarf up there. I guess one of their party turned out to be evil or something and tried to kill them all, then some monk had to put them down. She brought up the Vyerith but the details were sketchy as she might have been connected to some underground organization or something. We didn't have much to go on, but I remember the look Ursa gave... granted you said she was an Elf.   Shadow: "Maybe Ursa had her captured?   Jeets: "We'll have to look more into it.   Bastion: "Maybe Tharros double-crossed her.   Jeets: "possible. Tharros doesn't have the greatest reputation, as much as he has helped some he has always seemed to be in it for himself. Whenever he has done a good deed it seems it was to his benefit in the end. He's not the most evil of wizards, at all -- but as I said, no one has seen him in some years.
    The party recalls the last time they saw him...   The last time the party saw Therros

Session 31: Stop Hitting Yourself Report

  In the center of the room is Tharros the Wanderer. Tharros the Wanderer: "I knew that with you guys, the well would bring you here. I've been watching you. At first, it was because I wanted my stuff back.   Then I realized the Monster Hunting Guide was a bit outdated and I have a better copy, besides most of the notes in that one are not true.   I'm not too concerned with the notes and the book you took from Fistandia was a temporary experiment. No longer works and it's a good thing as it is in your Bag of Holding."   after the fight with some metallic mimcs of themselves they were given some awesome gear  
Session 33: Spider Forest of the Feywild Report   Bastion sees the fence and house in the distance, then a rustle. Tharros the Wanderer appears during Bastion's watch and tells them they are afflicted by a Pixie curse, gives him a flat blue stone to combat the curse. He says "I see you almost made it to the Hag". His doppleganger creations helped him realize this. Seems arcane spells should max damage when they hit, but Bastion has not been doing so. He also says how he has been keeping an eye on them. He also knows Shadow has an object that should have saved her from a curse, but it wasn't working.   Bastion recalls tharros is called the wanderer and he pops in and out of history.  
  Shadow: "We have the Sending Stone, we'll keep in touch.   Jeets: "yeah. I'm starting to see some things a bit more clearly. It's helping make sense how they built things so quickly.   Shadow asks Sas if she can cast Scrying so they can spy on Vyerith or Ursa, she will need a long rest before she can. Barlo recalls how freaked she was about getting scratched. Also a discussion of how Viggie Storr had tried to warn the party about Lars being strange. Which they left a note with Ursa to warn Lars. They discuss talking to Viggie.   flight NEW DAY ...------------------------------------------------ Flight Shadow   Calliope   Sas Bastion Barlo ------------------------------------------------   The clouds start to come in a bit more, and the air gets a bit cooler. The mood is grumpy as the crew gets back into their Work. They left after noon, and so the next day...  

Redfall 11, 2023 KC

  Between Kampos and Outding Refuge   As they come up they see in the distance there is the island, with a much larger flying city and before that city that rests on the top of an upside down mountain which seems to have come from a long stay under water. There are three large towers before the city. Black Obsidian, white Marble, and a red Crystal. The three large towers are round with a point on top resembling in some ways an obelisk, more round though. The point of the city has a few hundred feet before it touches the ocean. The towers have a large block of land under them that also floats above in the air.  
As your players' airship approaches the legendary Flying City of Outding Refuge, their breath is taken away by the awe-inspiring sight that unfolds before their eyes. The city hovers majestically above the clouds, its massive structures creating a striking silhouette against the endless sky.   As they draw closer, the three immense obelisk-like islands come into view, each distinct in its appearance and purpose.   The first island they encounter is adorned with a gleaming white obelisk. Its surface seems to reflect sunlight, making it almost glow with an ethereal radiance. Surrounding the obelisk is a vast expanse of lush green grass, stretching as far as the eye can see. The green field is dotted with colorful flowers and various magical creatures, giving this island an aura of tranquility and natural beauty.   The next island is the largest and most imposing of the three. A black Obsidian obelisk dominates the skyline, its surface as dark as the deepest night. The Obsidian is marred with faintly glowing runes and symbols, hinting at the ancient arcane power that runs through the city's core.   The third island boasts a vibrant red obelisk, adorned with intricate carvings that seem to dance with flickers of magical energy. IT is wider than the white one.
Barlo, to Captain Johnas Scott: "Captain, you weren't missing in the Feywild for three years, were you?   Captain: "no, Can't say I was.   Barlo: "So what the fuck is this?   Captain: "As I understand it, they have been doing all types of magic research here. At some point they created this larger city. I do believe they have some transport between the two, I am not sure where to park this, so I will go to the original docks.   Barlo: "Can we get a Slow fly-by of this thing? I want to get a view from above.   Captain: "Certainly.
    As they come closer they see these little towers that seem to circle the whole island masses. They are like small flying Light houses and they are nearly Invisible, but as the Light hits them and they shift they can slightly spot them. As they come near the closest one, a guy comes out on a Griffon. He is in a uniform of some sort. He flies over, with a look of authority and lands on the ship. He asks who they are as he has his hand on the sword.   Bastion shows their Skola Vale pins and the guard seems to recognize them to a degree. Bastion speaks of how they Work with Lars, and Shadow says they live here. He tells them they are the protectors of the Cities. He tells them to take it to the dock for check-in with the harbormaster, and he says he will look to ensure there is no issue in the future if everything checks out. Barlo asks for an escort. He then talks into his lapel and says he will escort them in.   They come in and notice how the towers are camouflaged in magic and how security is more than it used to be. They land at the harbor. The new city is still under a lot of construction and much of it seemed to be a very old construction. All the Work is being done on the new lands, the original area is mostly unchanged. Barlo wonders where the wealth was coming in from, Bastion says the forge.   Teh Griffon lands, talks to the harbormaster. He then asks if their home is up on the Crown or in the Island Proper. They describe where he lives.   Shadow: "hey is Viggie around?   Guard: "His tombstone is still here.   Bastion and Shadow ask about this and they find out he was put to death a few years back after a trial. They tell him they have been gone for three years. Seems the city was pulled out of the ocean by Lars. The captain works with the harbormaster. Barlo asks about Helga, who still gets business, but most big projects and items come from Lars.   no sign of lars or Ursa. Bastion suggests talking to Kyleanna Heyton as she may know some things..   The kids seem to watch the Griffon Fly off and they admire it. Barlo shouts at them "WE came in a flying fucking ship!"   kid: "oh, right, that's cool.."  

t Milestone Experience | 1500 Total: 76,500 (Next Goal: 85,000 ) t

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Outding Refuge
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