Session 014: Mindflayer Colonies & Wizard Hideouts Report

The Mighty Menagerie discovers a wizard's hideout and the abandoned Mindflayer colony.

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (2)


Redfall 22, 2020KC

  Tharros Underdark Hideout "Near" Outding Refuge, The Underdark     The party investigates the rooms.   The runes look to be Abyssal or Infernal on the well. As the party went into the Right passageway, they saw that the walls were rough stone, not carved blocks as the previous rooms.   It looks to be a strange workplace of some kind.   • Team heard something moving…   The tables here look to have old bloodstains. A few Full Plate armor stands, and a glow is coming from the arcane structure in the North hallway. There are animal heads on the far wall.   In a southern nook is a private library with a desk and chair. The desk is full of notes and a book. There is a statue and an urn between the bookcases. On the West wall, there is a large Rock from floor to roof, and on both sides of it, Iron bars with a strange runic circle that goes around that Rock and under the bars. There are three large Crystal structures in the walls, two in the "cage" and one outside it.   Inside the cage is an elven woman; her name is "Vyerith," who claims she was taken and then put into this cell.  
  • She was taken while walking on the Triboar Trail on the continent of Eushia. It was north of Philander and happened a few months ago.
  • It was an Old Man (wizard) and his apprentice. They left weeks ago, and she has been alone.
  Concerning other details:         The party decided to let Vyerith out.   They then explored the arcane doorway. Looking through it, they could see a forested rocky hill area. (possibly on Eushia based on some of the vegetation, season, and time). It is also very particular to the Wizard, Tharros the Wanderer, that cast it.   When Shadow in the Snow went through the notes and Journal of Tharros, she saw the word Scepter, and she had said the word with then revealed a shimmering rectangle in the air, a door.   It disappeared after apx. 15 seconds. It also has its location based on where she was at the time; it seems—possibly attached to the book, The Joy of Extradimensional Spaces. They have the word to get in, but possibly not the same to get out.   Northernmost Room:   It extends into a long passageway that opens into a large cavern and continues. There is a tan/gray Rock and a passageway ahead and to the left. The left is smaller and has a muck pit.   Straight ahead leads to an Iron door with an intricate design and a face carved into it. Using the Mage Hand to touch the door, the face comes to life and speaks. The Mindflayers were last seen on the other side of the door, and it has been a very long time.   Talking Door of the Underdark He was cursed by a Wizard to become a door. Must do two truths and one lie to pass.   The party made it through  

Redfall 23, 2020KC

  The passageway opens up and continues.   Doorways to the sides are too narrow to go through.   Abandoned Mindflayer Colony Under Outding Refuge, The Underdark   Passageway Dead ends and extends up into a shaft.   Climbed up the shaft, and there is a hallway into a room. Dropped down a rope w/ rod for others…   Odd, alien architecture looks to be the colony. Many archways into rooms, Rooms w/ tubs of water, salty brine smell.   Main room - large pool mostly dry, glass-covered pods   Feel like it's a wild goose chase and head back to the "Hideout "Near" Outding Refuge."   Vyerith was gone.   Barlo steps through the portal but can't get back… has to be a way, but luckily shadow reached through and dragged him back through.   Perhaps a word or item to make it passable.   Bastion Bladesinger was studying the book to try and gain info.   Fistandia was the author and had all types of added handwritten notes to it...   Then Shadow in the Snow decides to put the Imp statue in the Bag of Holding, and the armor comes to life, and a flaming skull comes out of the dragonhead.  



The Battle:

  Combat Round 01
  • Shadow attacks an Animated Armor and barely hits.
  • Bastion shoots Ray of Frost which it seems the skull is immune to, and then puts up his Hex.
  • Barlo strikes at the Flameskull and misses, the small wiry skull moves around the hit.
  • Animated Armor clunks up and attacks Shadow, but Arktos helps with his reaction to protect her, but the second one connects and he slaps her across the face. The other Armor strikes at Sas and hits twice, connecting with one.
  • Arktos gets a Critical Hit and bites off a large piece of the armor.
  • Sas shoots out her Chill Touch on one of the armor and hits.
  • Flameskull shoots his firerays from the eyes at Bastion, after seeing who the caster was.
    Combat Round 02
  • Shadow misses with her first attack, but her second sword pierces the Animated Armor and the swarm pulls off a few chunks of metals. She gets hit by one which she couldn't disengage from.
  • Bastion moves up to the Flameskull, starts his bladesong routine and attacks with his rapier, which misses.
  • Barlo Attacks with his raging maul,
  • Animated Armor moves up to Shadow and strikes out hitting her, the other one misses, and the one by Sas takes a tiny bit of Spore damage and he strikes at her making contact.
  • Arktos attacks an Animated Armor and hits, killing it.
  • Sas uses shilleligh and hits the Animated Armor next to her, making him bloodied.
  • Flameskull, after getting hit by Barlo, goes after the Barbarian with his eye rays -- both hit, even as the tail tries to help defend him.
    Combat Round 03
  • Shadow attacks the Animated Armor next to her and hits, and cuts it's health more than half.
  • Bastion uses his rapier on the Flameskull and hits, but it is resistant to the full blow.
  • Barlo gets a Critical Hit and murders the Flameskull and it makes shards fall all around.
  • Animated Armor misses and then hits Shadow with a slam attack. The other has the same luck with Sas, one miss and a hit -- but gets hit with Sas's Spores.
  • Arktos strikes out and kills the other Armor.
  • Sas attacks the last Animated Armor, and hits.
    Combat Round 04
☠️ ☠️ Arktos (Animated Armor) ☠️ ☠️ Barlo (Animated Armor & Flameskull)

t Combat Experience: 1700 (340 Each) | Total: 5,228 (GOAL: 6,500) t
  Threw the Flameskull through the portal. Found out the cloak was an Uncommon Glamerweave    
**Left the party about to take a long rest in the hideout**

Rewards Granted


  t t Combat Experience: 1700 (340 Each) | Total: 5428 (GOAL: 6,500) t  

Missions/Quests Completed



  • The well.
  • This hideout.
  • Vyerith?
  • The statue and book?
  • The door.
  • The colony.
Area Map | Outding Refuge (Battlemap c.2020KC)

Session 14: Mindflayer Colonies & Wizard Hideouts Report

Table of Contents

The Wild Cards
Bastion Bladesinger
Sas W.T. Rayce
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP
Shadow in the Snow
Report Date
12 Jun 2021
Secondary Location
Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

The Menagerie Timeline

This article has no secrets.