Session 001: Shipwrecked Report

The Mighty Menagerie find themselves shipwrecked on Outding Refuge.

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (1)


Lowsun 01, 2020KC

  Port Menagerie, Kampos     The Party came together at Port Menagerie (Kampos) aboard the Ship "The Frontenac" (standard sailing ship) en route to Neyer on the west side of Eushia.    
  • Barlo
    He used his "connections" to get on the ship.
  • Reginald Ivoryclaw
    He used his papers and "place in society" to demand a room.
  • Sas W.T. Rayce
    She was able to elicit some charity and sympathy with her lack of resources and her kind words to get a space on this cargo/passenger voyage.
  • Shadow in the Snow
    She promised to help do some Work.
      Port Menagerie, Kampos was to go to Neyer, Eushia but 1/2 way there it was diverted through Carrune Islands and finally ends up at Outding Refuge, which took all of Lowsun.   It was supposed to be around 15 days (give or take, depending on conditions), not the full month they spent on the ship.    

peyton truegust.jpg

  Peyton Truegust, Half-Orc Captain of The Frontenac, an ex-pirate gone straight. He was in the pre-story, and is presumed Dead.   Heard of: Ex-wife: Anastas Redstream. Son: Shamar Truegust. Both live in Neyer.  

Vernon Lazarius - Human pirate, went mutiny on The Frontenac.
    One of the crew, Vernon Lazarius (a large Human pirate), ends up starting a mutiny and taking over the ship. He locked up the captain and his most loyal crew, including the members of the Party. This happened a few days into the travels, but since Vernon seemed a bit incompetent as a sailor, he ended up getting the ship lost at sea.   While they sailed, the Party had opened up a bit about their lives.    

Party Backgrounds, as told:


Barlo: Dark brown Orange alley cat. 40 years old, 5;6:, 150lbs. Blue eyes, big studded Bat of a maul. Help you get things and transport things. He does knitting. Doesn't see eye to eye with the ol' man. A Tabaxi
Reginald Ivoryclaw: Noble, not as great of holdings as he thinks they should be. 32 years old 6'8", 280 lbs. Golden eyes, tan fur, blond mane. He is a Leonin
Sas W.T. Rayce: bald, brown skin, purple eyed Tortle. Abbot Grok is town leader, he has some wise proverbs she likes to share
Shadow in the Snow: from the snow, acclimated to the cold. A snow leopard Tabaxi from a small clan. It tends to be isolated, and she can be a bit of a kleptomaniac. She is somewhat defined by an incident where she tried to save an Owlbear and lost a major piece of her ear.

Redfall 01, 2020KC


Dragon Attacks, and Snow at the Equator

In the Dead of night, the ship was attacked by a dragon*. They noticed the air had grown cold, then out of the sky, this White Dragon with a crazed look in its eyes set down on the ship.   The attack gave access for the team to escape, with the captain staying behind to help defend their escape. The ship fell apart, and the Party remembers swimming in near-freezing waters for their life.     Shipwreck Shore, Outding Refuge.   They awake on Shipwreck Shore to the sounds of a Halfling asking if they are Dead. His name is Jeets. He talks about how he lost his Friends the night before as they slept. He had heard a noise and went to investigate, yet when he returned to the group, they were all gone. He is really worried about them. He had been looking for them and found a cave hidden on the hill path. (This will be Grotto of Outding Refuge)    

Jeets: He talks about how they are on Outding Refuge, a popular spot for adventurers in the area with good booze and some Gambling. He hadn't been here in over a year and never on this side of the island. It is very odd that it is snowing and that the Dragon seems to come from the large mountain on the SE side of the island.   It is Widow's Peak, so named due to the many who had jumped when their spouses were lost at sea. Jeets and his party were en route to Carrune for a mission.
    The Party got warm and dry then went to the cave. They saw the entrance was very hidden and a bit tight to enter.    The Party enters the Grotto...  

  They got in and started to explore. They first came across a Gate that the Party was able to raise with three of them pulling, then Jeets crawled in and locked the Gate. They were able to raise the Gate.   Then Jeets got lucky and stopped Reginald from falling into a pit trap, one with a tarp painted to look like the ground. He snuck around the edge, and the Party all leaped across the hole.  

Pit Trap  
t Milestone XP: 50 (12 ea.) | T: 12 (Goal: 300) t
  Shortly after this, they came across 3 small Rats, which were ravenous with hunger -- but also easily defeated. (Shadow killed two, Sas killed one) Sas took the rats for later.  

3 Rats

The Battle:

☠️ ☠️ Shadow ☠️ Sas

t Combat XP: 30 (7 ea.) | T: 19 (Goal: 300) t
    They continued around some corners, and then Jeets heard some snores and knives at Work. He opened the kitchen door, and combat ensued.  



The Battle:

  Combat Round 01, This is a Spoiler Tag - Click for more info
☠️ ☠️ Jeets (Reginald wasn't very appreciative)

t Combat XP: 200 (50 ea.) | Total: 69 (Goal: 300) t
  The sleeping chamber was searched, and Reginald uncovered a few "treasures."  

11gp, 11sp, 17 beads of various colors
    They continued on, and once again, Lucky Little Jeets heard a noise. They find a room where his friend, Talbron Tewn, is tied and being harangued by more Sahuagin, as well as Sahuagin Priestess that are all chanting. The room has a triple waterfall of sorts into a little lake and two pedestals made of skulls with long dried blood.   They come in, and a major battle ensues. Sas killed one with her Shillelagh but also almost died herself (1 hp). Shadow kills another one with an arrow through the ear. Barlo Killed one. Reginald got the last one.   



The Battle:

☠️ Sas ☠️ Shadow ☠️ Barlo ☠️ Reginald

t Combat XP: 900 (180 ea.) | T: 249 (Goal: 300) t
  After the fight they untied Talbron Tewn, and Jeets unlocking the cage to the south to free Cellymas & Pradam Estorich. They were able to learn a few new things  
  • There was a humanoid in a dark grey cloak who was here and left through a secret door shortly before the Party entered.
  • Learned how Pradam is new to the Party and his previous Party died.
  Cellymas gave some healing.   Shadow searched for the secret door and found it. The Party went through a hallway to another secret door. This one is a bit newer; it seems, in fact, this part of the caverns with the two doors both seems much newer than the original tunnels. In the next room was a bit of a storage room. All manners of food, water, some alcohol, including a nice looking bottle of wine with a "Wavecrest Tavern" label on it.   In here, the Party took a short rest.  

130 sp, 20 gp, Bottle of wine with a label for "Wavecrest Tavern"

t Milestone XP: 40 (10 ea.) | T: 304 (Goal: 300) t   t Group Levels up to Level 2 t

Fortunate Mead Heroes


Jeets - Halfing rogue, found on the shipwreck shores of Outding Refuge
Cellymas - Human cleric, found in a cage in the Grotto Caverns
Talbron Tewn - Human Fighter, found in same cage
Pradam Estorich - Human Wizard, also in cage. (Made comments about past Dead party later on)
  Finished the Grotto: That's where we left off…    
**Left in storage room about to take a short rest**

Rewards Granted

  • 11gp
  • 11sp
  • 17 beads of various colors
  • 130 sp
  • 20 gp
  • Bottle of wine with a label for "Wavecrest Tavern"

  t Milestone Experience: 50 (12 each) | Total: 12 (Next Goal: 300) t   t Combat Experience: 30 (7 each) | Total: 19 (Next Goal: 300) t   t Combat Experience:200 (50 each) | Total: 69 (Next Goal: 300) t   t Combat Experience: 900 (225 each) | Total: 294 (Next Goal: 300) t   t Milestone Experience: 40 (10 each) | Total: 304 (Next Goal: 900) t  
t Group Levels up to Level 2 t

Missions/Quests Completed


Character(s) interacted with






  • An introduction to the game, world, and players. Learned of each other's backgrounds (a bit). Learned about Peyton Truegust's family and background
  • Taken prisoner. Is it D&D if you don't start in a tavern or as a prisoner?
  • The party experienced a mutiny, why did it occur?
  • The ship was destroyed by a White Dragon, why?
  • Where are they? They learned they are still in the equatorial zone, on a small secluded island, Outding Refuge.
  • Met Jeets, rescued his friends. Who are they? What are they doing here? Why were they being held prisoner?
  • Who was the figure in a grey cloak, and what is his relation to these creatures? (later believed to be Jacoby Drexelhand)
  • What is this Grotto of Outding Refuge?
  • Why does it lead to a storage room with a secret door?
  • What is the Wavecrest Tavern, and why is a bottle of their wine here?
* errata   Later the party would learn that the white dragon which attacked them was Canthenth. And later it would be discovered that is actually a modified simulacra polymorphed into a white dragon from the bronze dragon, Remington.
Area Map | Carrune (Hand Drawn, c. 0KC)

Carrune Drawn Map circa 0KC

  This is one of the most accurate maps of recent times. It is currently not available to the public of Dierde, but it is the most representative of the lands. It was one of the many commissioned by The Last Great King.
Area Map | Outding Refuge (Battlemap c.2020KC)

Session 01: Shipwrecked Report

Table of Contents

The Wild Cards
Reginald Ivoryclaw
Sas W.T. Rayce
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP
Shadow in the Snow
Report Date
28 Nov 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

Timeline of The Wild Cards
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie


This article has no secrets.