Session 002: Gambling Trip Report

The Mighty Menagerie enjoy the fun of Heyton's Thorpe.

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (1)

Redfall 01, 2020KC

Heyton's Thorpe, Outding Refuge     The party exits the Grotto, and as the afternoon Sun warms their faces, they realize the storage room was in a secret room in the Rock facing. The party asked Jeets about their location, and he explained they were very far south and to the east side of Carrune -- way far away from their intended destination. Apx. 10 days to Neyer through the Carrune islands, but many dangers with pirates and other things. Around a month to go around.  
Area Map | Outding Refuge | Heyton's Thorpe (Hand drawn by Jeets, 2020 KC)

Jeet's Handrawn Map of Heyton's Thorpe

  Jeet's threw this hastly drawn map of the thorpe for the Mighty Menagerie when they needed some help knowing the island.
Jeets: Jeets also gives some insight about the island as well as a crudely drawn map and gives a quick overview of Outding Refuge and Heyton's Thorpe. It is a democratic thorp, small village, last run by Viggie Storr and possibly still the mayor. He is a decent chap, in his opinion. There is a gambling den on the East side of the village. The garrison here is present but loosely staffed. The Mayor controls this police force.   There is a library here, not the most prominent (such as the Grand Athenaeum of Elhyrst, a large library of Elhyrst in the Empire of Caedal (on the westside of Æwrûn .)   There is an interesting lady, Helga, with interesting wares to the North, Helga's Herbs & Oddities. Also, some of the rocks in the harbor seem to have strange runes carved in them that glow; it looks helpful for ships navigating the entry.
    Went to: Wavecrest Tavern owned by Sigmund Bowerston and his wife, Ingrid Bowerston  

  Sigmund Bowerston and his wife, Ingrid Bowerston: They say the Dragon attacks all ships coming or going. There were three ships last year at the beginning of Fall, and they were destroyed, but there is one ship in the harbor waiting for the Dragon to stop. It is owned by Drusen d'Jorasco and the shipmate Handsome Wilm.   He also goes on about Sahuagin issues lately. They have been attacking anyone outside the village, and this seemed to start around the time of the Dragon attacks.

At the tavern, Pradam Estorich:   He got very morose and went on about the party he used to travel with and his claims how he is not of this world. He has a Silver chain necklace with charms that represent his friends that were killed. He has been with this group for a year and is in his late teens.
  The gambling hall had an Orc doorman, and the party played a few games.   Went to Heyton's Thorpe     Slept at the Wavecrest Tavern   Villagers (in the Heyton's Thorpe):   Villagers spoke of:  

Redfall 02, 2020KC

  Welcome Strangers They went to sleep it off at the Tavern, and in the morning, they went to the Mayor.    

  Viggie Storr is an older gentleman Human.   Viggie: He speaks of how the Dragon turned the tropical island into the snow. The Sahuagin were long kept at by a Crystal that makes a hum only they can hear, and it was frozen over. The Mayor sent a party of 5 to take a Metal netting with some magical rocks, but they never returned.   There are tunnels all over this island, and that is how the Sahuagin are now coming in because some of these tunnels do go to an island south full of Sahuagin.   The Mayor needs someone to find the party and finish the mission.   He will provide free rooms, some magical items (Ring of Alertness & Ring of Cold Resistance), Healing Potion, and gemstones to anyone who can finish the mission. He would also like the fallen for their families or for their safe return if not Dead. If they find the crystals and netting, they just need to say "Ignitus" to activate its magic. Be careful; it gets hot fast.   Be careful of the Sahuagin, especially the Sahuagin Baron "Vekz Spluhr."   There were also discussions on how some villagers are convinced that the Sahuagin and the Dragon are connected in some way, but others are not so sure.
    Villagers (in Heyton's Thorpe):   Hostile (spoken of)   That's where we left off…    
**Left at Mayor Viggie Storr's office**

Rewards Granted

Outding Refuge Handrawn Map

Missions/Quests Completed



  • The White Dragon is attacking any ship that tries to enter or exit the area around the island. There is a single ship in the harbor waiting to leave.
  • Since then the Sahuagin have become a major problem and they attack anyone outside of the village. There is a Crystal that used to keep them away from the island. A party went to fix the problem, they never returned.
  • Reward if the Crystal and netting is handled, would appreciate info or possession of the lost adventurers.
  • Some believe the Sahuagin and Dragon are connected...
  • There are tunnels all over the island, and an island of Sahuagin south of here.
  • There is a very dangerous Sahuagin Baron, Vekz Spluhr.
  • Pradam Estorich is not of this world, and his party was all killed.
  • Helga has a very interesting Healing Balm
Area Map | Outding Refuge (Battlemap c.2020KC)

Session 02: Gambling Trip Report

Table of Contents

The Wild Cards
Reginald Ivoryclaw
Sas W.T. Rayce
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP
Shadow in the Snow
Report Date
12 Dec 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

Timeline of The Wild Cards
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie