Session 040: Beneath River's Keep Report

The Mighty Menagerie go to Jacoby's Eushia Hideout

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (3)


Lowsun 6, 2023 KC, Early Evening

  River's Keep, The Dark Rain Forest, Kampos     The party starts at the cells in the dungeon and Kryrez Roughpride, the supposed Leonin slave, just teleported out with Solec.   Shadow in the Snow begins to investigate his cell and notice that it is not as old or used as much in this place. There is a latch on the inside of the door which seems to make it easy to unlock the gate from the inside.   Bastion Bladesinger investigates the Tortle cage and just finds that it is well-used, run-down, and has some pieces of shell and other animal bits.   Sas W.T. Rayce gets a Message from Jacoby Drexelhand. he wants the book and will trade for her dad.  
"Hello there, Sas. I have your father and I would love to return him to you, I just need the book"  
— Jacoby
sas: whats the long way ... Jacoby: I'm in Eushia... many days travel. I might be willling to travel there if I deem it safe.
  He tells her there is a transportation device in his room, but it will be very dangerous to get to it. Or they can waste a long time trying to get to Eushia.     Bastion asks the Basalt's Magic Ball about the integrity of Jacoby Drexelhand.  
Basalt's Magic Ball
  Question: "Is he lying?"   Answer: "Very doubtful."
    The party then notices how still Bajol is. Shadow in the Snow takes a hand strike at Bajol. Learns he is very hard, like stone. Bajol strikes back.   It seems that his fur doesn't seem to move much, except some strange Illusion effect at the ends.   Shadow uses "detect Magic" and doesn't learn anything new.   Bastion uses Identify on Bajol, learns it has some Illusion magic on it and there is some messaging time spell going on with it.   Mellow also speaks bout how the two Leonin (Bajol and Kryrez Roughpride both seemed to be treated differently and were taken to Jacoby's room on occasion.   Turns out that "Mellow" is wearing a Dimeritium Bracelet. Barlo was able to free her and they learned that she has a Djinni patron.   Calliope drops her Bat form.   Mellow speaks about how the Blood Hand Orcs have been running low on their "drugs" used to keep the prisoners compliant and unthinking lately.   She left to find Brother of Shadow, Belly of a Beast by "blinking out".   Barlo tries to move Bajol and it looked like Bajol might strike, but that was held back. He then asked the goblins about Bajol.   The party tied up Bajol's legs and ten left him behind. Taking off the "Iron Door" from his robe it creates a locked Iron door.   They used the Scroll of Telescription to send a Message to Ursa and Lars Heyton, they both seem to be okay. They do know about the Jacoby clones.  
Using the Scroll of Telescription to send a Message:   "Jacoby's still alive, Are you all okay?"   "We had heard from Jeets about Jacoby, we're doing great."
  Shadow in the Snow goes and gets Arktos.   They then go to the Eastern door which is actually locked. but Barlo missed the trap -- he unlocked it and his Barbarian traits saved him from two acid darts.   The party got to Jacoby's room. It had a sign "If you see this, you should not be here." It was heavily trapped on the door -- magically and mechanically. He saw the mechanical lock and trap, as well as magical lock.. did not see a magical trap.   Barlo took care of the mechanical lock, and got a small vial of something from the mechanical trap, and using the Chime of Opening also voided out the magical lock...   But still triggered the hidden magical trap that casted a type of Evard's Black Tentacles which missed Barlo and then disappeared after a minute.     In the room it had a desk, a bed, and a chest.     Journal from Jacoby about Reginald's Father: It seems that the Arcane Order was working with Zirin Shadowtooth and they betrayed him as he was trying to not work with the order anymore. The Order was then responsible for restoring Reginald Ivoryclaw's father, Dolne Ivoryclaw into power and then assassinating him. They had hoped to teach Zirin a lesson, and were sure they could control the young and brash Reginald the easiest.   Journal from Jacoby about Shadowfell Well: The Shadowfell well journal goes into Residuum and Chardalyn and how it might be possible to create Chardalyn here with the well and then turn that into Residuum. It also seems that Residuum is somewhat similar to the crystals growing on Outding Refuge, yet it doesn't seem as if that could be Residuum.   Also, there seems to be spell out there, Disenchant Magic Item, which allows you to turn a magic item into Residuum. That Residuum can then be used as a replacement for a cost-incured spell component or with the other lost spell, Enchant Magic item, to create a new magic item.   The Brass and Gold Dodecahedron is an odd thing...   And the Strange Drawing from Jacoby says Ship's Haven which is a settlement on Kampos and the symbols are used by Mindflayer.  
Bastion Bladesinger has an ability to have an uncanny knack on researching lore. As he thinks about the drawing and dodecahedron; He has heard of Ship's Haven, it is a settlement on Kampos and he recalls hearing it might be connected to the twins outside. The symbols looke like Mindflayer symbols he remembers from Known Claims of the Far Realm as well as the ship being one they used to traverse the Astral Plane and other locations in Wildspace.   Looking at the Brass and Gold Dodecahedron he sees all types of runes and symbols - he realizes he will need to go to a more established library or one focused on magic or history.
Discussion on Gems and Gem Magic.9   Gems can change in value based on cut and size. Also it seems that gems can be used for magic and magical items.  
  Then Barlo examines the Mimic he is Grappled by this pseudopod that stretches out and smacks him, sticking him to the chest.  



The Battle:



Barlo is Grappled. He is able to get one of his arms out. He goes to take the other hand out and succeeds. He takes a step back, giving the Mimic an opportunity attack, which misses.   Snow does her Hunter's Mark and then attacks with her fire sword which strikes true on both attacks. Then runs away.   Bastion casts Hex, then stabs it twice. This was enough to kill it.  


t Combat Experience: 700 (90 ea) | Total: 39,730 (Next Goal: 48,000) t

14 Ep
    Tabletalk on EP & PP
Generally EP and PP are not created these days, they are generally coins of older civilizations. They can create questions in some places.  
  Shadow in the Snow discovered a mechanism to raise and lower the bed and there is a stairwell to a room with circular symbol of runes (transportation circle). This was similar to the one in the Tharros Underdark Hideout "Near" Outding Refuge where Tharros the Wanderer had a broken one.   It has two little cubbies on it, this is a Transportation Mirror.   The party discussed whether they should go or not, and then decided to take a rest.   Bastion casts Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum from the Ring of Spell Storing to rest. They cast it in the bedroom and a light starts at the bottom of the wall and it burns these sparks on the left and right which create an entranceway. It has a light shimmer.   It opens up to a large mansion, each room has a jacuzzi, grey castle, white roof, blue molding. Many servants of various races help the party get the rest they need. For some reason this version of the spell gave them the full mansion experience...   After all this Shadow in the Snow gave herself a Magic Tattoo, mark of the archer, giving her a +1 to attack rolls. An arrow that is circling the The Shadowed Highland as the tribe roams the hills in their yearly cycle. Uses the glowing ink from the Chaos Quadrapod.   Shadow attuned to longbow and it added 1d6 force damage, giving up the attunement to the Frost Brand Weapon   Barlo practices his Thieves' Tools with a room of locked boxes.   The Books here are either based on Bastion Bladesinger's reading history or knowledge.    

Lowsun 7, 2023 KC, Around Noon

As they exit:   Jacoby to Sas: "I hope you're done with your nap, if you would like to come here -- I will save you the cost, and all you have to say is 'Jacoby's Eushia Home houpetor skatuch' at the mirror"   Shadow speaks Draconic and so she knows that "houpetor skatuch" is Draconic for "Hidden Home"
  As they say the words the mirror shimmers, and they all jump in (including Arktos who barely makes it.  
They get an 82 on the roll.
  They went through the portal and saw Jacoby Drexelhand, a large golem (Stonecloak), and Solec.  
Jacoby: "welcome to my home."   Bastion: "We have been constantly underestimated, and came up on top - unscathed. Do you really want to test us?"   Jacoby: "I'll say, I was surprised you made it through the door, I was sure the traps would take care of you. So, I did underestimate you... a little bit. This transaction is simple, you want the Tortle and I just want the book."   The party: "What's so important about the book?"   Jacoby: "The book isn't important, the secrets it holds are. What I'm willing to tell you is that the book alone has tormented Bargle for a long time, I am the one who realized it needed your father to unlock it. He has long ago locked up that part of his mind and then put himself into the slave trade to hide from anyone seeking him out. The book unlocks some secrets, and that's all I want. Then you can leave, take your father and do whatever it is you people do."   The party asked something else...   Jacoby: "That book was put together with the efforts of Captain Meklan and Jeriah Chronos to hide their secrets. The secrets in there are something your little minds would never understand.   ...   Jacoby: "How about you give me the book and I'll give you the Tortle..."   Bastion: "This ends only one way and that is your death. Your true death this time."   Jacoby: "We can sit here in a stalemate forever, if your plan was to just come here and not honor the trade. As it stands right now, I could just kill him, I just need his shell."   The Stonecloak grabs him and with the other hand begins to squeeze on his chest.   Jacoby: "If I don't get it today, I'll just get it another day. But, I'm giving you one chance to keep your father.     Barlo looks at Sas and then goes for the Golem, as he goes for the arm he hits a "window" and his face smacks some Invisible barrier. Jacoby Laughs...   Jacoby: "Did you think I would just let you come in here? I expected such treachery."   Barlo bangs on the wall.   Shadow tries to cast Mage Hand, but it doesn't cross the barrier.   Calliope tries to cast Shatter, but it also doesn't cross the barrier.   Barlo climbs the wall and tries to see if the Invisible wall reaches the roof.   Bastion casts Misty Step and then polymorphs into a Tyrannosaurus Rex above Jacoby Drexelhand then tries to trap him. Gets his leg caught... Combat
Show spoiler
the ceiling is 20' high.   Learned that Captain Meklan and Jeriah Chronos made the Journal of Grognard, Meenlock Caves to hide secrets



The Battle:

  Combat Round 1
Jacoby Drexelhand casts Otto's Irresistible Dance on Bastion Bladesinger and is able to avoid the feet. As he is about to move then Jacoby bites him and is able to grapple him.   Shadow in the Snow shoots an arrow, hoping the force wall is down, the first arrow misses Jacoby Drexelhand, but shows the wall is down. The second shot hits the mark. Jacoby fails the concentration roll, so uses 1st LEGENDARY RESISTANCE.   Sas W.T. Rayce turns into a Giant Vulture.   Calliope Galanodel thinks about casting Suggestion but then realizes that it might not work on a construct. Goes for Command, but the Stonecloak has a high resistance to magic.   Barlo goes to grab the arm of the Stonecloak and help Solec. Then he pushes him down to the ground, making him Prone.   Bastion Bladesinger Bites again on Jacoby Drexelhand   Stonecloak uses its SLOW effect... affecting Bastion, and partly Barlo due to Freedom of Movement.  
  Combat Round 2
Jacoby Drexelhand uses his second LEGENDARY RESIST to overturn his failed save, and then goes to cast Fireball and Calliope Galanodel casts Counterspell which works. He looks at her and spits on the ground. Burns up 3rd LEGENDARY RESISTANCE on keeping the dance up.   Calliope casted Cloud of Daggers... (I THINK WE SKIPPED TURNS DUE TO HER DOING THIS AFTER Counterspell...)   Barlo goes for his attack, misses -- then misses his save.   Bastion Bladesinger drops his Polymorph then casts a bunch of Scorching Rays at him.   Stonecloak stands up, takes damage from the Cloud of Daggers, throws aside Solec then attacks Barlo.  
  Combat Round 3
Jacoby Drexelhand: "I had hoped this would be the easy way..."   Bastion Bladesinger: "I warned you."   Then Jacoby prepares to cast a spell but is sliced by the Cloud of Daggers... he falls down. And this releases the Otto's Irresistible Dance on Bastion Bladesinger.   Shadow in the Snow attacks and uses her WRITHING TIDE.   Sas W.T. Rayce causes no damage as she attacks with her multiattack, since she is not magical or made of Adamantine, she then reverts back to a @tortle.   Calliope Galanodel casts Command something that he saved against. And gives BARDIC INSPIRATION to Barlo.   Barlo shoves Solec who then moves.  
  Combat Round 4
Bastion Bladesinger casts Haste Attacked with Rapier, then saved on Slow.   Stonecloak attacked Barlo and critted, he went to block one of the hits with his tail (not the crit). Also takes damage from the Cloud of Daggers.   Shadow in the Snow attacks with 2 arrows.   Arktos BEARHUGS so it RESTRAINS the Stonecloak   Sas W.T. Rayce casts SHILLEALEGHL> and attacks.   Calliope Galanodel casts HIDEOUS LAUGHTER and then gives a BARDIC INSPIRATION to   Barlo attacks.  
  Combat Round 5
Bastion Bladesinger casts Hex 3 attacks with Arcane-Forged Weapons of Outding Refuge 2 hit him.   Stonecloak takes damage from the Cloud of Daggers. then strikes at Bastion Bladesinger who casts Shield... he's at disadvantage on them so only 1 hits.   Shadow in the Snow double strike with arrows which goes into a crack and it turns him to rubble.  
☠️ (Jacoby) Calliope Galanodel ☠️ (Stonecloak) Shadow in the Snow

t Combat Experience: 13100 (2620 ea) | Total: 42,350 (Next Goal: 48,000) t
  Haste & Slow
we considered it canceling out Slow, but Errata for Menagerie has rules for moving forward.
  Didn't look yet... [/aloud]   notes brought up about helping a Restrained_Character
A character can "help" giving the Restrained character a bonus to breaking it on their next turn). Maybe ask players for future sake, if they think a player should be able to do a strength check to undo it -- granted this would apply to both sides.
  Jacoby Drexelhand died, again...    
**Left at Jacoby's Eushia Hideout as they finish defeating the two**

Rewards Granted


  t Combat Experience: 700 (90 ea) | Total: 39,730 (Next Goal: 48,000) t   t Combat Experience: 13100 (2620 ea) | Total: 42,350 (Next Goal: 48,000) t  

Missions/Quests Completed

  • cleared out more of the dungeon
  • fought and defeated Jacoby


Hex | Township | B1 D2 E5 J5



Local Points of Interest

  River's Keep

Session 40: Beneath River's Keep Report

Table of Contents

The Wild Cards
Bastion Bladesinger
Sas W.T. Rayce
Calliope Galanodel
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP
Shadow in the Snow
Report Date
04 Nov 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

Timeline of The Wild Cards
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie