Transportation Mirror

These mirrors are a favorite item of those in the Arcane Order. Crafted using unique magics and can be very expensive, but once built they are a powerful item for transportation - with some risks.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

They often have little alcoves on the sides of the ornate Wood that are part of the mechanism to how they work.  

Teleport to another mirror

  If gemstone(s) of value 100+ gp (or 200 gp in platinum, gold, and/or electrum) is placed in the left hole and then the magical word and location (of another mirror) are stated it will glow and become a portal for the next 10 seconds allowing whoever is present on either side to come through. Neither side can see what is on the other side, and are not aware if anyone came trough on the the other side. The destination needs to be on the same plane. Legendary ones might allow travel to other planes, but the travel is also very expensive. Additionally, there is a percentage of failure (and the failure is doubled for anyone who tries to come in from the other mirror.)  

Use Mirror as Teleportation "scroll"

  If gemstone(s) of value 2500 (or 3000 gp in platinum, gold and/or electrum) is placed in the left hole and the magical word is stated 3x it will become a portal for the next 10 seconds and will allow 8 willing creatures of your choice that you can see within range, or a single object that you can see within range, to a destination you select. If you target an object, it must be able to fit entirely inside a 10-foot cube, and it can't be held or carried by an unwilling creature. (See Teleport spell for rules, and this is equivalent to casting it from a 7th-level spell, so be sure to see scroll mishaps rules and be sure that you can cast wizard spells/scrolls).  

Create Gems of "Teleportation"

  If gemstone(s) of value 500+ gp are placed int he right hole and the keyword is said it will enchant that gemstone. (if more than one stone is placed they will meld into a single stone). This gemstone will be enchanted and if the magic word is said it allows a person to immediately teleport back to the mirror (including 1 person they are touching.) (only 10 such stones can exist at one time, when you craft an 11th one it will destroy the first one created. These are destroyed at the time they are used.) These gemstones are magical, but an identify spell does not give the word(s).    

Rules for Failure

(These rules do not apply to using the mirror as a scroll of teleportation).   With these costs you have a 75& chance of getting "close" to where you want. These odds (and the proximity) can be improved either with an additional 100gp for every 5% improvement or after repeated use to a location.   After 5x using the mirror (per person) to a specific location it goes up to 85%, and after the 10th time it goes to 95%. Regardless there is always a 1% chance of a completely random location, and this can be anywhere, any plane, any time... completely random. Anytime the percentage hits 01-05 it requires another roll and if it comes up 01 then they are teleportated to the Plane of Mirrors.   These mirrors are often found over a teleportation circle which is part of the magic and can be used as a "permanent teleportation circle".   This is why some who know how to use these will break the mirror then use a Mending to repair when they leave. Or they may tie the mirror to another object that takes the material components and "destroys" them in some fashion.
  Additionally, some mirrors even more rare can be used as a portal to bring people to you. This has a higher cost (1,000 gp). It requires another mirror (of either type), and when someone is attuned and at the more rare mirror they can place 500 gp (in coin or gems) into both alcoves. They then pair a magical codeword, this will destroy the "donation". If someone goes to another mirror (either kind and anywhere on same plane) then says the word it will trigger the spell (as long as the original caster is still attuned to the mirror) -- creating a portal to the rare mirror.   (This is what Jacoby did with the Menagerie).  
Use Cost Rules Small Print
Teleport to Another Mirror Place gemstone(s) of value 100+ gp in left hole (or 200 gp in platinum, gold, and/or electrum). Say magical word & location of another mirror. it will glow and become a portal for the next 10 seconds allowing whoever is present on either side to come through. Neither side can see what is on the other side, and are not aware if anyone came trough on the the other side. The destination needs to be on the same plane. Legendary ones might allow travel to other planes, but the travel is also very expensive. Additionally, there is a percentage of failure (and the failure is doubled for anyone who tries to come in from the other mirror.)
Use mirror as "Teleportation Scroll" Place gemstone(s) of value 2500 gp in right hole (or 3000 gp in platinum, gold, and/or electrum say magical word three times it will become a portal for the next 10 seconds and will allow 8 willing creatures of your choice that you can see within range, or a single object that you can see within range, to a destination you select. If you target an object, it must be able to fit entirely inside a 10-foot cube, and it can't be held or carried by an unwilling creature. (See Teleport spell for rules, and this is equivalent to casting it from a 7th-level spell, so be sure to see scroll mishaps rules and be sure that you can cast wizard spells/scrolls).
Create Gem of Teleportation Place gemstone(s) of value 500+ gp in right hole say magical word it will enchant that gemstone. (if more than one stone is placed they will meld into a single stone). This gemstone will be enchanted and if the magic word is said it allows a person to immediately teleport back to the mirror (including 1 person they are touching.) (only 10 such stones can exist at one time, when you craft an 11th one it will destroy the first one created. These are destroyed at the time they are used.) These gemstones are magical, but an identify spell does not give the word(s).
Rare: Portal to your mirror from another portal place gemstone(s), platinum, gold, and/or electrum of 500+ gp in EACH hole. (total: 1,000 gp+) say magical word this will destroy the "donation". If someone goes to another mirror (either kind and anywhere on same plane) then says the word it will trigger the spell (as long as the original caster is still attuned to the mirror) -- creating a portal to the rare mirror.


These objects are crafted by expert wizards who are always on the go. They require payments to operate.  
  The Wild Cards first saw one, but didn't realize it at the time, in Session 13: Into the Underdark Report that had a Teleportation Circle underneath it. They did notice the Conjuration magic upon the broken mirror pieces and took some shards... which later disappeared and they never seemed to notice.... until Session 42: A Deal with a Devil Report.       There was one in Session 40: Beneath River's Keep Report. It had two cubbies. There was a cost and a keyword to use it. The party entered the mirror under the bed in a secret chamber. they were told there wasa cost, and if they said "'Jacoby's Eushia Home houpetor skatuch'" it would take them to where Jacoby was. Houpetor skatuch is draconic for "hidden home", and Shadow knew this.         Later Solec, actually it might have been Jacoby or something... tells the party that they can put some money in the left alcove of the mirror to use it to travel, in Session 41: At Jacoby's Hideout Report.         in Session 42: A Deal with a Devil Report the party saw Likkec use this mirror (and his blood) to travel He even stated "I've used some mirrors for travel"  
Shadow: "You were looking at the mirror. Do you know how to get out of here?"   Imp: "I've used some mirrors for travel."   Shadow: "And."   Imp: "I was trying to see if this might be one of the mirrors I might know how to use for travel."   Bastion: "And"   Imp: "it doesn't seem like one of the mirrors. I know how to travel through, otherwise I would have traveled through it."   Barlo: "You sure you didn't have much time to take a look at it?"   Imp: " I Oh...."
  He later does draw some strange symbols on the corner of the mirror and states some strange words then he walks into the mirror. Shadow drew these symbols in her sketchbook.       In Session 44: Purple Worm and Falling Baseboards Report they used 400 gp to return to the one in the keep.  
They use the mirror, 400 gp to return back to the Keep. Mirror glows, the blood burns off into smoke. They enter the portal, and this time they noticed - for just a moment, inside of the mirror -- a long hallway of mirrors and halls. Walls were deformed like a lattice of random pieces.  
      in Session 58: Kobolds and Conspiracies Report the party is told by Jeets that Ursa (possibly Vyerith) is workign on some "mirror system" to keep in touch, but no one went into it and he didn't go much into it, except to say:

he reaches in his bag, which does appear to be a Bag of Holding, and pulls out a Sending Stone and hands it over, then says: "so we can keep in touch and I can send you that list. I know Ursa is working on a Mirror-based communication system, but now I'm not trusting that. The reason she is pushing different governments towards that is by telling people that Morenars Neyers' T.W.I.T.T.E.R. service is to not be trusted, besides just being overpriced. She has been telling people that she believes Morenars is using it to spy on all the messages being sent, but if that's possible then why wouldn't she be doing that with hers? I am getting a bit of an "accusation is a confession" thing going on. I mean she... well she - She has had us looking quite a bit into a Wizard, I'm sure you have heard of Tharros?  
— jeets
Item type
Very Rare
45 lbs.
72" H x 36" W x 3" D
Base Price
100,000 gp