Session 044: Purple Worm and Falling Baseboards Report

The Mighty Menagerie Return to the Keep

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (3)


Lowsun 8, 2023 KC, Afternoon

  Jacoby's Eushia Home houpetor skatuch', Possibly on Eushia Not sure exactly.     Solec comes up. He is concerned. The party searches.  

Solec thanks the party for rescuing him again. He says he wouldn't have wanted them to be in harms way. He went away to hide the spells in the book, but there was a protection for someone like Jacoby Drexelhand doing this. A third element to protect the secrets (time magic Captain Meklan used, how to use the orbs) -- a special Metal die. There are dangerous spells in the book.   Solec picks it up, and shows the little hole in the book going through the pages and sheets. Meklan hid the cube. When they adventured -- the big thing was handling the Dragon's wakening. Meklan traveled throught time trying to fix things, but broke things. He knew the Dragon could/would wake again -- and so he tried to hide these from dangers like Jacoby or the AO, but they might be necessary to stop the Dragon.   The party discussed if they were responsible for the Dragon.   Bastion uses Identify on Solec. Sees the magic of the rune, nothing else is applied to him -- also sees s a vision of a gaming die. No illusions. Bastion is sure he would need Meklan to learn more.   Shadow is picking up strange behavior from Barlo. He tells them about the dice. Solec offers the book, they decide to keep it away from the shell, and so the party keeps the book.
  discussions on space mission...   Loud crash behind as the floor falls into the earth, smoke/dust/debris everywhere. The library fell into a sinkhole aroudn 15 feet down.   Then the bedroom and hallway fall down. Everyone starts getting in a hurry.   Fight with purple worm -- will go through this later....  



The Battle:

  Combat Round 01, This is a Spoiler Tag - Click for more info
☠️ ?Bastion?

t Combat XP: 13000 (2600 ea.) | Total: 5000 (Goal: 300) t

Harvested some things off if it...
    The area is a wreck, and as they are searching Calliope & Shadow start getting a little bit of a feeling of an Earthquake. Not shaking everything, but a rumble.   They use the mirror, 400 gp to return back to the Keep. Mirror glows, the blood burns off into smoke. They enter the portal, and this time they noticed - for just a moment, inside of the mirror -- a long hallway of mirrors and halls. Walls were deformed like a lattice of random pieces.  
They are under Jacoby's bed at the keep. It has been a few days. Solec is with them. As they come out - Jeets is at the desk searching it. He sees thme "I see you came back. We finished clearing out the tunnels. Clearing out the topside. We found a person -- she says she knows you. Did you find any journals from Jacoby?"
  They give him the Journals. Barlo and Shadow use cat running and they go upstairs. It is early evening before sunset. Teeka is tied up. There are heads of goblins on pikes out front. A pile of bodies being burned.  

Barlo shoves Remington to help Teeka - she understands why they tied her up. She says she was working for the "bad guys" and after she found out how goblins are not generally well-liked she found Grognard and started working for him spying on the Blood Hands.   Jeets says they found the goblins were sleeping, and almost killed her. She was getting intel. She asks about the game dice, Captain Meklan gave them to her. She's been helping him. She talks about how Meklan started using time travel to fix things, but broke things -- had a love he lost. Then he pissed off those powers that be which control and handle time. Causing more problems. Also speaks about how the beginning of his adventuring days was a day at The Yawning Portal when a Tabaxi threw him a Gold coin and gave him the confidence to go down.  
  • yes it seems this might be the kid they saw at the YP -
  • Going down there, he met Jeriah Chronos, and helped things. Yet his messing about has also caused strange fluctuations with people disappearing or coming into this realm from other realms or times. She has droppoints she uses to communicate. Her mission is to watch Jacoby and Tharros and the Arcane Order.   She warns them about Tharros. Jacoby is more powerful than he should be. She tried to sneak into his room. knows he has other hideouts. She never could use the mirror.   She seems honest according to insights, she is very trusting due to Barlo. The ring doesn't Light up. She wants to get back, otherwise ruin her cover.   They ask about the Dragon That Slumbers. She brings up how the shadow governments work and how Tharros, Vyerith, and Jacoby want to control the Dragon to control the world or be the one to stop it to get them power.   Jacoby and Therros are part of Arcane Order, they hired the Blood hands -- a loose organization of criminals and thugs now more organized.   She will sneak back in and will get word back to them. She says Meklan knew they would see each other. She touches a tattoo which disappears then teleports away.
  • probably a spell wrought tattoo -- teleportation or unlikely disappeared. Sas checks.
  • spoiler about compass...    

      Another voice, a female. The twins and Remington pulls their weapons.   A beautiful blue skinned Eladrin in a long brown robe, with a humanoid wearing a "wood mask" and a brown cloak along with a barrel on a wheel comes up.   They said they were aware of an item they were seeking being here. Relia, Garm, and F2C2G2. She is a winter Eladrin, Fey elves aligned with seasons. They were looking for a chair that was once here. It was on a convoy.   Jeets says there are a bunch of carts and stuff which were highjacked in the back.
      The party goes to the carts, some don't. Barlo and Bastion goes to look. Calliope talks about the compass and how it shows fey crossings and her mom.   The barrel is a construct of some type with dials and things.   In the back -- carts, barrels, boxes all torn apart. They go through it all. Calliope is sure the compass is pointing at her. They find an elaborate chair -- it is a Spelljamming Helm.   The party return to the front. They ask them to describe the chair, they do so. It will help them get home, back in space. She has not been to the Feywild in a long time.   Calliope used the glove on the chair. Saw how it was used long ago. "this chair is indeed a Spelljamming Helm, it can be used to create a "spaceship". using your power the visions it shows how long ago this chair was used by the three outside to land here. She sees a war, and a young Satyr that looks like her father. You see the chair taken away and lost into shadow"   She pulls out the Letter from Calliope's Father and shows the party. Bastion points out that Ralia is probably her mom. Some discussions on how to handle this...   They drag the chair out to the travelers. Relia is working on the barrel construct, the other humanoid is floating above a tree stump crosslegged. They see a little bit of black Leather boots, and he has Leather gloves.  
    The party invites them into the courtyard. Relia says it is their chair.   She says she was stuck here a long time. They ask if she was trying to find a way home for a long time. These chairs are rare, and it had been taken long ago. They had been seeking it out.   They are part of a religious order. They were looking for people to join, the ship was destroyed and they got separted. found each other again. They are part of the Ashla, a religious order that studies and works with The Weave seeking those who have an innate ability to work with it and go after those who seek to manipulate it for dark means.   The important thing to understand is how The Weave is what powers all "magic" in some way. As people pull at The Weave, that plucking doubles The Weave. The Ashla work to not manipulate The Weave, but to work with it.   They are at war with the Bogan who pervert The Weave in their ways.   they had been here during the civil war and hid out in Skola Vale. Shadow continues to prod her. Shadow starts getting a feeling of prods in her own mind, psychic prods. She asks if Relia had forgotten something else here...
      Got cut off here.   The party had spoken of possibly having them help them.  

    t Milestone Experience: 1000 | Total: 51,00 (Next Goal: 64,000) t
    **Left at River's Keep about to take a rest.**

    Rewards Granted


      t Milestone Experience: 1000 | Total: 51,00 (Next Goal: 64,000) t  

    Missions/Quests Completed

    • Defeat Purple Worm
    • Return to the Keep
    alchemist lab 24x32-worldanvil-min.jpg
    Area Map | Eushia (Hand Drawn, c. 0KC)

    Eushia Drawn Map circa 0KC

      This is one of the most accurate maps of recent times. It is currently not available to the public of Dierde, but it is the most representative of the lands. It was one of the many commissioned by The Last Great King.

    Session 44: Purple Worm and Falling Baseboards Report

    Table of Contents

    The Wild Cards
    Bastion Bladesinger
    Sas W.T. Rayce
    Calliope Galanodel
    Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
    Barbarian 8
    85 / 85 HP
    Shadow in the Snow
    Report Date
    18 Jan 2023
    Secondary Location
    Wild Cards
    Organization | Aug 22, 2024

    The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

    Timeline of The Wild Cards
    Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

    A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie