Session 041: At Jacoby's Hideout Report

The Mighty Menagerie explore Jacoby's Eushia Hideout

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (3)


Lowsun 7, 2023 KC, Early Evening

  Jacoby's Eushia Home houpetor skatuch', Possibly on Eushia Not sure exactly.   Adventure Recap
The party went to rescue Sas's Father, Solec at the River's Keep which was being occupied by the Blood Hand Orcs, Gruzzussk D'Achtend, and Jacoby Drexelhand. After finding Solec he was taken away by one of the other prisoners, a Leonin claiming to be Kryrez Roughpride. They then heard from Jacoby that he had Sas's father, Solec and he would pay their cost to come to him in Eushia. They fought him and showed how he was underestimating them, and defeated jacoby and the construct.  
  They look around and take in their surrounding. Solec kind of shakes off some of the dirt on him and comes to his senses as he had been thrown around a bit.    

Solec: "Well, I have to say, you've been able to save twice in two days. You know, ...we kind of put this into motion long time ago. And with and Captain Meklan. That book was written by him to hide secrets and there are secrets that are locked inside of me. I think what we should do is go to where you guys hid the book and we can try to take care of that part."   Bastion Bladesinger: "Well, the good news is, is don't we have it on us?"   Shadow in the Snow: "Yup, Sas does, in her shell."   Solec: "Also, you guys did actually bring the book. What, are you guys actually going to trade it to him?" Surprise on his face.   Bastion Bladesinger: "Nope."   Shadow in the Snow: "No."   Solec: "Well, my understanding is the machinations set in place that you guys would be able to find a way of unlocking the book. Did you guys find the key to opening that book?"   Bastion Bladesinger: "We did not."   at the same time, Shadow in the Snow: "What do you what is it? Do you know what it is."   Barlo is a bit confused "I thought hat we unlocked a book... I'm confused."   table talk, seems they were not bluffing about the book
  Okay, I'm going to step away from the catcher. Yes. You guys have opened the book. But we could have read it right or right. But you guys were, you know, there was nothing about madness, but you guys were able to open the book because Barlo had some musical notes that he had just sitting in his possession forever, and he wasn't sure where he got it from. And then Calliope played the music. So, yes, you guys, I wasn't sure if you guys were just saying that or if you forgot the. Yes. You guys have opened the book, but then you guys couldn't understand what was inside of it. Right. Yeah.  
  Shadow in the Snow: "Well, like you said that you've been planning this for a long time. Planning what exactly?"   Solec: "As I understand it, the long time ago, ...we we were part of the efforts to stop the Dragon that was waking up underneath the ground and...after that ...our party found ...ourselves far in the future of those events. Meklan came and said he had some secrets he put in that book to help fight the Dragon again. He was worried the Arcane Order would use those secrets for power so he hid the book and secrets in the shell. There are secrets to stop it again."   Barlo: "if it wakens again, this book will help..."   Solec: "When it wakens, because it will it is Dragon Prophecies prophecied to destroy everything.   Shadow in the Snow: "How long was this first time you stopped it?"   Solec: " To be honest. ...I'm not even sure what year it is right now. Since the last ...I don't know how many years I've been kind of on. The problem is, is that when you become a slave with the Blood Hand Orcs, they kind of keep you with types of drugs that makes your brain not very usable. So memories of the last how many years, obviously it's been long enough. See, and looking at how daughter has grown so much that...."   Shadow in the Snow: "You said you teleported into the future. Right? So you were here the first time. The Dragon Awoken. and was the teleportation into the future was on purpose or an accident?   Solec: "A little bit of both. ...We didn't plan on when, but ...we knew that it would definitely have. There was a possibility that ...we would go into the future of some of the stuff ...we had to do to help kind of fight. The Dragon used all different types of magics and different types of technology. And part of the backlash was to that ...we got sent. It was 15,000 years before the great King's Calendar, so -15,000 YBK."  
RETCON: DM here, I think I fudged and it should have been -11,000 not -15,000 YBKC. What's 4,000 years or so between friends?   The First Rise of the Dragon   It was an event that started at -11,000 but ended at -10,000 with the Great Sacrifice.  
— Retcon from the DM
  Shadow in the Snow: "you were here 15,000 years ago?"   Solec: "More like 17,000 years ago.Well, yeah, that's when that's when ...we our time was and ...we knew that ...we'd have to come to the future when the next awakening would happen. And so ...we brought ourselves here and ...we set up ...our lives and waited till the events. So you guys said you guys were able to unlock the book then? So he was right that you guys would figure that out back then?"   Someone asked if Meklan knew it would happen again (or something...)   Solec: "Yes, he put some things into motion, and planned for a group like you to have the book. My understanding is, I mean, he's he's used a friend of his has has an understanding of Chronomancy, which is a type of magic that deals with time travel. And so he had he had been using that to set different things into place. He had been looking for characters, people who would be hard to, whose destinies are kind of in flux. And it seems that you guys would be the ones that he had found that he would trust to this."   Someone asked about Captain Meklan.   Solec: "He's a Wizard of many years, and he's definitely found ways of extending that lifeline."   Shadow in the Snow: "And what does this have to do with the Arcane Order?"   Solec: "Well, the Arcane Order is able to get that book. There's other stuff in there that they might be able to manipulate for their own means.   Shadow in the Snow: "About the Dragon?"   Solec: "just in be fair, that I think that they would like to see the Dragon destroy this world. And if it destroys this world, that will become another orb. So for them, either way, it's to their favor. If they can get the powers to get out of it, of course."   Barlo: " this book was created 17,000 years ago?"   Solec: "in the time since then, probably he had been working on it for some time. What I was what he had told was that ...I would have to go into hiding. And so ...I decided to get myself captured. I figured that would be the best place for me to hide and nobody to find me.   If you and if you guys are able to open the book, we can kind of figure out where some of the secrets are and try to help make sure that we're able to help stop this before it happens."   Bastion starts to investigate the fallen body of Jacoby Drexelhand, but after trying to insight on the validity of what Solec is saying   Barlo just assumes Solec is full of crap.   Shadow also is looking for tells...   insight on Solec
He is telling the truth for the most part, but he is hiding something, and it is possible that he's not all there right now as he just came out of a decade fog according to his story.   Calliope also checks her Ring of Truth Telling which seems to show that he is telling the truth.  
  Barlo to Sas W.T. Rayce: "You were born here? Do you remember traveling from the past?"   Sas W.T. Rayce: "No, I do not."   Bastion Bladesinger: "Do you remember growing up?"   Sas W.T. Rayce: "Yeah, yeah. I mean, it's just a bunch of my time as a child. And then I was a hermit for a bit."   Shadow in the Snow: "Do you have many memories of your dad?"   Sas W.T. Rayce: "No. He was taken when I was very little."  
    Bastion Bladesinger then goes to explore the corpse of Jacoby Drexelhand. The robe he was wearing is deflating and it seems that his "body" is a large shapely block of ice which is melting away. There is a large puddle of water.   He casts Identify on it and gets nothing. Using his Arcana (25) understanding he realizes this could be a Simulacrum.   Previously learned about Simulacra spell
The party has already heard how the Arcane Order uses Simulacrum and Clone spells to help prove their worth and gain power. Since they have a ritual which brings the prospective wizards to call forth their future self to cast these spells.   Yep. It's also what ?Jacoby? also said was that's also how they kind of put prove their worth to the Arcane Order. Because if they're if the spell finds their future self before they die and they're not powerful enough to do these spells, then obviously they're not they're not ready. They're not able to join the Arcane Order. So they're looking for people who will ultimately become powerful.   This uses some form of Chronomancy  
Solec: "so if you guys are able to open the book, I think like I said, we could get that taken care of and now we can also get you guys back. ... We can get ourselves back to wherever it was you guys came from and maybe ...I can finally go back home and see your mother there."   Sas W.T. Rayce: "And how she misses you. That would be amazing."   Bastion: "How would you know that?"   Solec: "Because I was part of the plans to put this into motion."   Bastion: "No, I was asking SAS."   Sas: "How would I know that? My mother misses my father?"   Bastion: "yeah! You don't even know if this is your father. For sure."   Sas: "But no, we've determined that this is him. It's just his memory came back by me saying my name."   Bastion: "Did your memories come back?"   Sas: "I didn't have memories that were lost."   Bastion: "Oh, well, see, you don't have memories."   Shadow: "What's your point?"   Solec: "The truth is, is that ...I left when she was very young. Um."   Shadow: "I'm sure at some point her mother has said that she missed him. Okay, well, SAS, this is your call. You have the book. This is your dad. If you feel comfortable and confident in sharing this with him, that's. That's your call."   Barlo: "So what's our plan with the book? We. Are we destroying it? "   Solec: "Yeah, well, if you can. If you guys are able to open it, I can get us to the part where it will prepare guys... to help fight the the Dragon That Slumbers, before it wakes. And from there, I can also get you guys back to wherever it is. You guys came from."   Barlo: "Well, I want to check this place out first here, and I'll go over now. Okay."   Calliope looks to her ring. She gets the strong sense that there is truth and much that is hidden here.   She then gathers the rest of the party away for a moment and then Calliope says: " I don't just feel like he's hiding something. He's not telling us the whole truth. And then watching his movements as I'm watching his eyes, I'm a pretty good lie teller. And I'm just getting a vibe."   Bastion: "...lie teller?"   Calliope: "yes."   Bastion: "or Lie detector?"   Calliope: "Both."   Calliope: "And I'm just, I'm getting the vibe that he's not being 100% honest with us."   Shadow: "Yeah, I think, I think it's maybe not that he's lying to us, but he's definitely not telling the whole truth. He's like Calliope said, he's just not telling us everything. He keeps saying there's more secrets in this book. But what secrets."   Barlo: "He doesn't totally trust us, which is good because we don't really trust him, so.."   Shadow: "Calliope, have you ever touched the book?"   Calliope: " I don't. I, I, I know I didn't. That's a good idea. Sas are you okay if I touch the book?"   She starts to see flashes, the Two Obelisk Strangers They are the ones who wrote this book and they put in secrets and spells. Jeriah Chronos and Captain Meklan (Grognard). They spent many years putting this book together.   She sees Sas's father on a beach, with Meklan telling him he needs to go into hiding. There is a vision of the Metal pieces being inserted in Solec's shell and then they damage his shell.
    Tabletalk about Meklan and sigil
There was a bit of table talk to clear up the confusion here a bit. The sigil was the Metal pieces which were damaged so that they would be unusable unless a Mending was cast. He had his memory wiped and he went to become a slave.   Meklan is Grognard and he used to travel in time with Jeriah, including when they met the party at the Ziggurat it would seem.
Barlo: "so do we know of any other names he went by?"   Bastion: "Is he known as like all of these names?"   Shadow: "So I know that the shaman at my village knows him as Captain Meklan."   Barlo: "But I knew him as Grognard."   Shadow: "Do we know which came first? Meklan or Grognard?"   Barlo: "No kidding"   Tabletalk on Bargle
Bargle is a Wizard/warlock from another world. He sought out a Gem, as he had one of his world. He wants another to take with him as it will mean the destruction of one to get him home. He was going to look for Pradam.   Pradam seems to have had a Gem in his hat. Lars got Bargle's Gem.   His patron was the Dead Archfey of the Vale.   He was with the Satyr under the Vale at the Ziggurat.   Jeets and his crew told the party they fought Bargle and he became a Lich.
  I think at this time the discussions were a bit more roleplay than metagame:   They discussed how they know of 3 gems, and how 333 gems is bad for everything.   then discussed what Solec's plan is. Barlo asked him   Solec: "Once we get the secrets out the plan was to help you defeat the Dragon. Meklan was supposed to look for some type of team to put together that he felt would be best for it. I'm guessing you are the team that he had been going in and out of time to set things in motion for."   Shadow: "When like when is this supposed to happen that he's so concerned that we know now."   Solec: "That. I don't know. My understanding is this should happen sometime in during these years as opposed to the last 12,000 that we lost that we missed out on."   someone: "But that doesn't help us now..."   Barlo: "You have the ability to go back in time where you're from or a few years."   Solec: "That was more of Captain Meklan and his friend Jeriah's kind of thing. I never really went on those travels with them. For the last decade, I've been kind of a walking slave, if you will."   Shadow: "So what happens if it doesn't awaken in our time? Then are we supposed to train somebody else how to do it?"   Solec: "And those would be questions that you would have to ask him. ...My piece was just to help hide what I know that's inside of that book and once I'm back with the book, I can unlock those secrets. And then the next step is, ... that's all I'm supposed to do."     Shadow: "Have no ambitions beyond that, no ambition to keep the book."   Solec: "I don't see a need to once I've done what I'm supposed to do."   Calliope is checking on her ring throughout this, and at the end it seems more honest than before.   Barlo: "I trust you guys, but I do want to check this place out first before we leave."   Bastion: "We should definitely do that."   Shadow: "Well, do we, do we trust him to read the book while we explore? Or do we want to explore first and then give him the book?"   Barlo: "I mean, how long do we think it's going to take him to read it?"   Bastion: "You want to do you want to keep me here and like watch him?"   Shadow: "Yeah, that's a good idea. I was going to say we should put somebody on him. I'll take this Arktos' face in my hands and give him some ear scratches and say if he tries to leave without us. Don't eat him, but sit on him. I mean, similar thing and turtle squished down to where his like little arms are. Like a plate with arms. Yeah. Okay, buddy, if he tries to leave without us, sit on him."   Solec: "Um, it won't take me long. I mean, once you guys unlock the book, I can show you exactly where the part is. And then, I mean, honestly, I...'   they realize it is closed again and must be reopened each time.   Barlo: "Okay. Yeah. I trust you guys the trust. So that's fine. He wants to let him read it. We'll finish reading it. We can go. But how do you plan on getting home from here?"   Solec: "Using the mirrors. Put some money in the left alcove and there is a way to get back to the one you came from."   Barlo: "How do you plan to get home from there?"   Barlo and Shadow begin to examine the area. Calliope plays the music to open the book, then asks Barlo for her cloak back.   A light comes off Solec's shell and he finds a page and puts his hand on it. He is concentrating on it as his shell sparkles.   Then he looks at Bastion: "I never underestimated you."   The then realize it was Jacoby. He took the book. They realize he must have been very tricky in his responses.   Bastion had tried to cast Counterspell, but it did not trigger -- it must have been a natural ability for him to do whatever he did, possibly.   This was probably about 1/2 an hour...  
  The party begins to look around, upset at what just occured.     Message to Sas, not shared with group
" you hear a voice, Jacoby's: I will send your father back to you when I'm done."  
    Bastion: "All right. Well, let's look. Let's do the small doors first. Barlo, break it down."   He checks the south west door for traps. 19 on the pick. Checks for traps as he enters. then trusts his passive perception. They see these large glass orbs at the south end which casts a permanent Light.   Bastion wants to find a study. Shadow feels the air is dank like a cave in a way.   Shadow gets attacked by something that drops from the ceiling as she tries to listen to a door.  



The Battle:

  Round 01
Shadow yells "Ow" as a tentacle strikes at her.   Shadow in the Snow then disengages, runs back and casts an upscaled Healing Spirit which resembles a ghostly patronus version of Arktos the Owlbear.   Barlo rages with his Dragon Jaws in effect, runs and then swings recklessly, with a push (Crushing Ability), asking Shadow: "Where did these things come from?" Shadow answers: "From the Ceiling!" So Barlo warns the rest with "Watch out, they're on the ceiling!" Both strikes hit, took a major chip off a beak.   Calliope Galanodel hears this as she runs towards them. Aims a Vicious Mockery: "Upph, what a mug!" and gives him some psychic damage, and a disadvantage on his next attack. She gives a bardic inspiration to Bastion Bladesinger   Bastion Bladesinger goes into Bladesinger mode and double strikes with his rapier.   Sas W.T. Rayce moves in, and delivers a Chill Touch.   Grick Alpha attacks Barlo (straight roll), both miss.  
  Round 02
Shadow shoots 2 arrows, the first crits (but low damage rolls) and it cuts down it's back leaving a long streak of dark blood and the little fey Owlbear mainifestations attack.   For flavor, Barlo attacks with a bite attack just as it goes down from the second arrow.  


t Combat Experience: 2900 (580 ea) | Total: 42,930 (Next Goal: 48,000) t

They found 600 cp.
  Tabletalk on JC and See Invisibility
  I told the party I disagree with Jeremy Crawford on how See Invisibility affects a character when dealing with another character utilizing an Invisibility feature.  
    Bastion: "Anybody know what this thing is?"   Calliope: "I'll go touch you with. I don't know that it was like break or is that just me alive?"   Some of the party gets some healing from the Healing Spirit before it disappears, and Sas offers up some Goodberries.   Bastion and Shadow investigate to see if it has a Pearl, and they were successful in finding one.  

Grick Pearl, 25 sp
  They put it in the Bag of Holding, and then had a discussion about the last splitting of wealth.   Shadow and Barlo return to the door, Barlo investigates and then picks the lock, which doesn't work so well. He attacks it with his strength, more than once...   As they enter it they see a few more glowing Plants, and Shadow tosses some rocks in the center. They look at the roof, and everything.   Barlo jumps on the Dresser "Shadow you worried about this carpet?" Starts tapping and moving the carpet with his maul. Sees a pressure plate. He steps down and investigates it from the corner. He checks the dressers.   Shadow: "Come out, I have Mage Hand."   Barlo scampers on the wall and gets out.   Shadow hits the switch and 4 large Gelatinous Cubes come falling from the roof.  


4 large Gelatinous Cubes

The Battle:

  Round One
Shadow moves back, Hunter's Mark, and leaves Arktos back at the mirror.   Barlo grabs a bunch of Grick bits and flungs it at the Gelatnous Cubes and starts flinging boxes at the door, yelling at Bastion to blast it with fire.   Calliope casts Shatter in the midst of them.   Bastion moves up and blasts a bunch of Scorching Ray (3rd level), hoping to get the door on fire.   Sas attacks with Blight.  
  Round Two
Shadow shoots a few arrows and doesn't move Hunter's Mark.   Barlo asks if anyone has an area of effect spell, throws up his Animated Shield and notices nothing of too much merit seems to be in the cubes. Attacks. Destroys one. Then moves back. Then starts yelling for everyone to back out.   Calliope stays back   Bastion tosses in an Ice Knife.   Sas throws a Chill Touch to help Slow them down, and moves out.  
  Round Three
Shadow shoots another two arrows.   Barlo puts the maul away and grabs his crossbow and shoots. then moves out.   Calliope closes the door.   Bastion "All right, all right. My action is going to be moving in the direction of the party, and the trigger is when we figure out where we're going."   A discussion of using Leomund's Tiny Hut and how low they are on spell resources (I didn't realize that there hadn't been much time since last long rest, so it would be very early for a full long rest...)   Everyone holds their actions as they wait to see if the cubes can break the door down, as Bastion volunteered an Iron door and the others were sure that wouldn't be necessary.   Sas is holding a Chill Touch   Bastion is holding a Ray of Frost   Shadow steps back and aims her bow.  
  Round Four
The cubes break down the doors, all the held actions go off and then   Barlo attacks   Calliope attacks with a Vicious Mockery "Your mother was a triangle".   Bastion Shoots a few Ray of Frosts   Sas shoots a Chill Touch  
  Round Five
Shadow uses an Arrow of Ice and then another arrow after she shifts the Hunter's Mark.   Barlo, takes a knee and shoots a shot with a mastercrafted bolt.   Calliope gives her inspiration, and casting the hut (this would be retconned later)   Bastion shoots a few Scorching Ray   Sas shoots a Chill Touch  
  Round Six
Shadow shoots another 2 Arrow of Ices.  
☠️ Barlo ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ Shadow

t Combat Experience: 1800 (360 ea) | Total: 43,290 (Next Goal: 48,000) t t Milestone Experience: 710 | Total: 44,000 (Next Goal: 48,000) t

  Barlo gives a glowing leaf off and gives to Calliope. Now they discuss how they have Books and gems they need to look through. Barlo drags a potted plant back.    
**Left at Jacoby's Eushia Hideout as they are about to take a long rest, which would be reconned a bit as it had been too close to last rest.**

Rewards Granted


  t Combat Experience: 2900 (580 ea) | Total: 42,930 (Next Goal: 48,000) t   t Combat Experience: 1800 (360 ea) | Total: 43,290 (Next Goal: 48,000) t   t Milestone Experience: 710 | Total: 44,000 (Next Goal: 48,000) t  

Missions/Quests Completed

  • cleared out more of the dungeon


Found some of the traps in the building, and in a strange room was a dresser holding a backpack and some miscellaneous items.
alchemist lab 24x32-worldanvil-min.jpg
Area Map | Eushia (Hand Drawn, c. 0KC)

Eushia Drawn Map circa 0KC

  This is one of the most accurate maps of recent times. It is currently not available to the public of Dierde, but it is the most representative of the lands. It was one of the many commissioned by The Last Great King.

Session 41: At Jacoby's Hideout Report

Table of Contents

The Wild Cards
Bastion Bladesinger
Sas W.T. Rayce
Calliope Galanodel
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP
Shadow in the Snow
Report Date
27 Nov 2022
Secondary Location
Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

Timeline of The Wild Cards
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie