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At the Carnival

The group should spend some time exploring as much or as little of the carnival as they please.

Plot points/Scenes

Big Top

At some point, Gey'ra Saand will approach the group, introducing himself before asking Fion to follow him back to the cast area so they can prepare for their performance at the Big Top, which starts in about thirty minutes. He should tell the rest of the group not to miss the big event.

Entrance to the Big Top is free. As the characters file into the tent, read:

The roof of the striped red-and-orange tent reaches toward the sky in three peaks each topped with a green flag that flutters in the wind. Painted wooden panels on the tent walls display portraits of the performers, each one posing dramatically as swirls of magic coalesce around them. The last wooden panel features the same woman you saw on the flyers Fion was handing out, a smiling dark-skinned woman extending her hand as if beckoning you to enter the tent.

The sound of music and laughter drifts out through the canvas door as you enter the tent. Throngs of people stand or sit on the ground around a circular central stage, with several raised stands scattered throughout the crowd. On stage, an olive-skinned man with fiery red hair is in the midst of pulling a flaming sword out of his mouth to the shocked gasps and applause of the assembled crowd. He bows and exclaims,

"Thank you, everyone, our show will begin momentarily!"
to the assembly before turning and disappearing through a canvas door at the back of the stage. As he departs, the torches around the crowd grow brighter to once again illuminate the whole of the tent.

Should the characters stop to investigate the portraits of the performers, they will see one for Fion, Gey'ra, Chipped Tooth (with his shadow cat) and Taysir Levar. If they do stop to investigate these portraits, they will recognize Taysir as the man performing the sword-swallowing act on stage.

If the characters approach the raised stands, they will notice guards in different attire from those watching the crowd. Looking up toward the stands, they will notice the stands are for the nobles of the city, with only a few people in each stand, all of them sitting in expensive-looking chairs and chatting amongst themselves while waiting for the performance to begin.

If anyone tries to listen in on the nobles' conversation, they will overhear political wheeling and dealing between the city's elite. Listening closely, they will overhear a particularly loud and intoxicated Eladrin woman, Mirian Genedia, speaking with her husband, Reván:

"I can't believe the nerve of that man. Bellas overrides the will of the council to let this circus into our town and he has the audacity to not even attend the damn thing himself. Honestly, Reván, you'd be much more suited to the position of Guildmaster. The people around here actually like you."

"Keep your voice down, Mirian. I don't need people telling the High Councilor my wife has been badmouthing him, or I'll never make it onto city council."

After a few minutes have passed, read:

The lights dim and a hush falls over the crowd. A second later, a spotlight illuminates a dark-skinned, curly-haired human woman standing at the center of a stage, head tilted toward the floor and one hand on the hilt of an elegant rapier. She wears a stylish gambeson jacket over a pair of expensive silk slacks, each pant leg tucked into her knee-length leather boots. She lifts her head and smiles to the crowd, tapping her rapier against the floor of the wooden stage. As she struts towards the edge of the raised platform, the stage transforms into a gladiatorial arena, raised columns erupting from the floorboards that shimmer and shift into packed-down dirt surrounded by the stone walls of a coliseum rising up around her. She lifts her arms and her voice rings out through the tent, amplified by magical means.
"Welcome, ladies, gentlemen, and everything in between, to a one-of-a-kind display of magical might and exciting enchantment. I am Marvella DeLorde, famed adventurer of Zandrazil and, most importantly, your mistress of ceremonies for this evening's magical battle! I want to thank your esteemed city council for allowing this menagerie of misfits into your city,"
she bows to the nobles,
"and promise we'll clean up after ourselves...though judging by how it looked when we got here, we'll be leaving it cleaner than we found it!"
She pauses for laughter, then continues,
"What you are about to witness is real magical combat between highly-trained practitioners of the arcane arts. We've gathered talented thaumaturgists from Zandrazil to Kugane and the Wandering Isles, pitting them against each other in a display of eldritch exuberance. Please, kids, do not try this at home."
She pauses again for laughter.
"I assure you, we have all the necessary precautions in place to ensure our audience is safe from any errant fireballs. With those disclaimers out of the way, please allow me to introduce our first magical battle for this evening..."

She will then introduce the first fight.

Gnoll Attack

In the middle of the performance, the characters will begin to hear shouts and screams coming from outside the tent. Upon exiting the tent, the group will discover a raiding band of gnolls has descended upon the fairgrounds, throwing everything into complete chaos. There are already several injured or dead civilians and townsguard lying around while the rest are either fleeing in terror or engaging the gnolls.

The characters will need to protect the fleeing civilians and nobles by assisting the overwhelmed city watch in repelling the gnoll incursion.

After the Fight

With the gnolls in their immediate vicinity dealt with, Sawjaw, the gnoll pack lord will let out a loud blare of his war trumpet. The rest of the raiders will quickly depart with their plunder, leaving the circus in shambles. Civilians will begin to emerge from hiding, along with a few nobles who chose to hide rather than flee back to the Hilltop District.

Marvella will be wandering around the carnival with Orville Brownfeather to take in the damage and check on survivors. She will instruct Fion to approach the group of adventurers who helped fend off the gnolls and ask them to come speak with her in the cast area.

While surveying the damage, the characters will also notice Reván Genedia wandering through the crowd very conspicuously, checking on the condition of the terrorized civilians over the loud protestations of his bodyguards who keep insisting he return to his home.



Marvella's Menagerie of Might & Magic Base Map Image

Main Entrance

The carnival gates open at noon and the carnival runs until just after sundown, when the magic performance in the Big Top is scheduled every night.

Entrance Fee

The entrance gate is staffed by four carnival workers who are responsible for collecting entrance fees from guest. Entrance to the carnival costs 10 silver and comes with a crudely drawn map of the attractions, a ticket good for 8 games or attractions, and a magical hand stamp applied to the back of a patron's hand. Should anyone run out of punches on their ticket, they can return to the main entrance to purchase another ticket.

Carnival staff scattered throughout the fairgrounds carry wands attuned to sense this magical hand stamp. If a carnival worker encounters a person who does not have their hand stamped, the person is politely asked to leave and escorted back to the entrance. The person is given an opportunity to purchase a ticket and re-enter the carnival if they would like.

The magic of the hand stamp wears off 12 hours after application.

Main Street

Several tents line the walkway just past the main entrance to the fairgrounds. Carnival patrons can buy inexpensive food and drink at several of these stalls, while the more exotic and expensive tents are located further back in the Bazaar.


A procession of wooden statues stands motionless atop a circular wooden platform. Carved wooden unicorns, moorbounders, displacer beasts, and other exotic creatures, each with a smooth metal pole stuck through its midsection, gaze forward in a never-ending circle. A female gnome dressed in a pair of leather overalls sits on a stool as she waits for the carousel to fill with riders. The stool is just tall enough to allow her to reach the controls.

A ride on the carousel costs 1 ticket punch.

The gnome who punches tickets and operates the carousal is named Fritzy Gembatón.

The Bazaar

Farmers, merchants, artisans, craftsmen, and anyone looking to sell their wares can pay the carnival a daily fee for the opportunity to set up stalls in the carnival's bazaar. The fee is normally 10 silver, but the carnival will ask from more if they think the seller can afford it (they will also sometimes ask for less if the seller can't afford it). This fee ensures the carnival will protect sellers from thieves and also includes a tent provided by the carnival to each seller. Should a seller damage the tent, they are required to pay 2 gold to replace it.

Security for the bazaar is a mixture of carnival workers and City Watch soldiers. Neither seems particularly happy to be working with one another, and each keep to their own groups while patrolling the bazaar. If the carnival workers are asked about the soldiers, they will complain about the merchant's guild being strict with outside merchants and how they weren't monitored this closely in Port Vermillion.

Encourage the players to roleplay different stands they're looking for. There will be multiple stalls for the farmers visiting from the surrounding countryside looking to barter and sell their wares in the city, as well as several amateur craftsmen and artisans from West Goven looking to display and sell their merchandise. There will be a few travelling merchants selling luxury goods such as fine crafting materials or ores from the mountains to the north, as well as fishers with fresh fish from Harbortown.

Magic items other than common potions are extremely rare, even in the Bazaar, as magic is strictly regulated within the Quorel'hrim Kingdom. With a high enough Intelligence (Investigation) roll, a character might find a light +1 weapon, a common wondrous item, or a rare potion.

Games Corner

The southeast corner of the carnival contains several small stalls as well as a larger tent in the center. There are several games the party can play in this area. Each game costs 1 ticket punch to play.

High Striker

Tina Karmukaga, a female goliath barbarian, runs the high striker game. Players are given her great hammer and given three chances to try and send the puck high enough to hit the bell at the top of the tower. A contestant who rolls a DC 18 Strength (Athletics) check hits the bell and receives 4 prize tickets, a contestant who makes at least one DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check makes the puck rise 3/4ths of the way and receives 2 prize tickets, a contestant who makes at least one DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check makes the puck rise halfway and receives 1 prize ticket.

If a contestant acts cocky enough, Tina will step up to the game and use her barbarian rage to try and humble the person.

Ring Toss

The ring toss is run by a halfling woman named Donnamira "Donna" Took-Took. Players are given three rings, which they will attempt to land on the antlers of several wooden jackalope statues sitting in the center of the tent. There is one statue with golden antlers worth three points, four statues with silver antlers worth two points, and the other eight statues have wooden antlers worth one point. Each toss requires a Dexterity (Acrobatics or Sleight of Hand) check. A DC 18 rings a gold antler, DC 15 rings a silver antler, and DC 10 rings a wooden antler.

Any player who earns nine points wins a magical stuffed jackalope plush, eight points earns 4 prize tickets, five to seven points earns 2 prize tickets, and three or four points earns 1 prize ticket.

Magic Cupcake Contest

The table in front of the stall is piled high with stacks of freshly-baked cupcakes and is attended by a boisterous dwarf who introduces himself as Júgan Emberbrew. Júgan goes on to explain that the goal of the game is to eat as many of his magic cupcakes as possible in one minute.

A contestant can swallow one cupcake every 3 seconds and can safely eat as many cupcakes as 3 + its Constitution modifier; for each additional cake eaten, the contestant must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or take 1d8 force damage. Any contestant reduced to 0 hit points by this damage is unable to continue, loses the contest, and has custard splattered all over them. If the contestant remains conscious for the full minute, roll on the wild magic table for Thaumium Powder and apply the result, as Ernest's cupcakes were laced with a tiny trace of Thaumium-infused sugar.

If the contestant remains conscious for the full minute, they win 4 prize tickets. If a contestant is afflicted by the effects of Thaumium Powder and needs assistance, Júgan will direct them to the medical tent at the center of the Game Corner.

Catch the Dragon by the Tail

The stall is tended by an olive-skinned half-elf man named Geralt Sithagong. On the table in front of Geralt sits a metal cage containing a sleeping red pseudodragon named Picnic. To the left of Geralt is a glass booth. Patrons who wish to play the game are blindfolded and led into the booth, after which Picnic is released inside. The pseudodragon starts to squawk and spit harmless gouts of fire into the air around the contestant, who has three chances to succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check to catch Picnic.

A contestant who succeeds on the first attempt receives 4 prize tickets, on the second attempt receiving 2 prize tickets and on the third attempt receiving 1 prize ticket.

Guess the Number of Feathers

A muscular half-orc named Zali Mekh stands next to a cage full of several cockatrices. He is dressed in tanned leathers and wears thick leather gauntlets covered in scratch marks. Upon request, he will pull one of the beasts from the cage and allow the participant three tries to guess the age of that particular cockatrice. Someone who succeeds on a DC 18 Nature (Intelligence) check can discern the age correctly, earning 4 prize tickets on the first attempt, 2 prize tickets on the second attempt, or 1 prize ticket on the third attempt.

Medical Tent

A smaller tent sits beside the prize tent. Inside the tent is a medical area where six cots are located and a human woman named Priscilla Medici is working as the carnival's medical attendant. When the players enter, one of the cots will be occupied by a middle-aged bronze dragonborn named Ezekiel who is currently sleeping. If anyone asks what happened to him, Priscilla will inform them he lost Júgan's cupcake contest and is currently recovering.

Priscilla is a 5th-level cleric who will freely cast Cure Wounds or Lesser Restoration on anyone currently suffering from ill effects of food or carnival games.

Prize Tent

An owlin named Orville Brownfeather runs the prize tent alongside Dimelli Karmukaga.

Prize Description Number of Tickets
Stuffed Animal A normal stuffed animal plush. Animals include foxes, bears, rabbits, cows, horses, and falcons. 2
Jewelry While well-made and finely cut, these fashion accessories use cheap gemstones like quartz. 3
Fireworks A single-use bottle rocket. When lit, the bearer fires the explosive at a point within 60 ft. Each creature within 5 feet of that point must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d10 fire damage or half damage on a successful save. 4
Dust of Deliciousness This reddish brown dust can be sprinkled over any edible substance to greatly improve the flavor. The dust also dulls the eater's senses: anyone eating food treated with this dust has disadvantage on Wisdom ability checks and Wisdom saving throws for 1 hour. There is enough dust to flavor six servings. 5
Wand of Tarts A wand with 1d6+1 charges that regenerates 1d6 charges per day. The bearer can expend one charge to conjure a tart. 6
Charlatan's Die See item description in Dungeon Master's Guide. 8
Potion of Visibility A single use potion that when poured on a creature or object will end the invisible condition on it. 10
Cantrip Ring A ring with a randomly determined cantrip that can be cast at will. Roll a d6 to determine the spell stored in the ring: 1.) Prestidigitation, 2.) Mending, 3.) Message, 4.) Minor Illusion, 5.) Guidance, 6.) Friends 12
Bag of Beans See item description in Dungeon Master's Guide. 14
Gray Bag of Tricks See item description in Dungeon Master's Guide. 18

Petting Zoo

Quevarde Enheir, an elderly harengon druid, runs the carnival's petting zoo. There are several pens and cages set up in this area of the carnival containing animals from around the world. Patrons can purchase a small bag of animal feed for 5 copper.

Enclosure Type Animals Description
Jackalopes Pen Four jackalopes jump around in a mid-sized pen, with a little hut containing their food and beds. They will hop away from anyone attempting to pet them unless the person presents them with food.
Grey Wolves Pen A domesticated male and female grey wolf and their cub are contained in a large pen. A tent is set up at the rear of the pen that the animals can sleep in if the weather is bad. The male wolf is extremely friendly and will approach patrons for pets or to play; for 5 copper, patrons can borrow chew toys to have tug-of-war matches with the wolf. On rare occasions, the cub will be up and active and will also play tug-of-war. The female wolf is watchful but docile, usually hovering around or cuddling with her cub to protect it.
Pigs Pen Two pigs laze about in a mid-sized pen. There is a trough at the far end of the pen and the carnival will usually dig out a mud pit for the pigs to bathe in.
Goats/Sheep Pen Two sheep, a goat, and a lamb are contained within a large pen. The rear of the pen has a trough and tent for shelter. There are several large wooden posts set up around the enclosure that the goat will often butt into. The goat is only friendly to people who offer it food, but the sheep and lamb are incredibly friendly.
Toucan Cage A large toucan perches on a tropical tree in a cage on the bird wagon. The toucan will sing a little song in exchange for food.
Snowy Owl Cage If the sun is still up, the owl will be sleeping on its branch in its cage. At night, the owl will climb onto the bars of its cage and peck at anyone sticking their fingers through the bars.
Gyrfalcon Cage A large falcon is given the largest cage on the bird wagon. It keeps itself on guard unless Quevarde calms it with magic.
Fel'drakkit Cage Midnight the fel'drakkit has a wagon all to himself. He spends most of his time sleeping and doesn't seem particularly concerned with the carnival guests gawking at him. While Midnight has been personally trained by Quevarde, the harengon still keeps a close eye on this cage to prevent accidental attacks. Quevarde will, on request, allow a person to interact with Midnight after allowing his pet fel'drakkit to size up the guest—with a high enough Wisdom (Animal Handling) check, Midnight will flop on his side and show his stomach to a guest as indication that he trusts them. The cage can then safely be opened under the close supervision of the harengon.

A tiny bobtail displacer kitten named Milo is allowed to stalk around the area and will brush itself up against patrons, begging for food and pets. Should someone startle or irritate Milo, it will instantly teleport to Quevarde and hiss at the person.

Fortune Teller

Near the back of the carnival, just past the petting zoo, an unassuming red tent is tucked away between several wagons. A small plume of white smoke rises from a hole at the top of the circular tent. One of the entrance flaps to the tent is drawn back, the same incense cloud obscuring the darker inner recesses. A sign out front proclaims in expertly-written cursive "Silk of the Isle: Fortune Teller."

Players can ask other carnival members for more information about the fortune teller, gathering the following information:

  • The fortune teller does not require a ticket stamp, but you are expected to leave some coin for her.
  • If the front of the tent is closed, do not try to enter.
  • Only one person should enter her tent at a time.

If more than one person approaches the tent, an elderly woman's voice will call out from inside:

"Please, one at a time."

Should the players ignore the woman and try to enter at the same time, or should they ignore the other carnival members' warnings and try to enter the tent when the flap is shut, they will walk into a seemingly endless darkness, their vision clouded by a persistent incense fog that reaches just above their heads. They can venture deeper into the darkness, finding only endless fog, and no matter how far they walk, the open door to the tent will remain behind them.

If a player follows all instructions and enters the tent alone, the door flap will close behind them and they will find themselves within the physical dimensions of the tent, the area lit by a gentle glow from several incense candles lining the sides of the structure. There is a table in the center at which sits a black-furred elderly tabaxi woman named Silk of the Isle, who smiles and asks the person to sit. There is a plate in front of the other chair with a sign on it that says "Tips Greatly Appreciated" and Silk will wait for the person to drop a few coins on the plate before she starts reading their fortune.

Theatre of Whimsy

Hall of Mirrors

A large tent sits a few feet from the entrance to the Theatre of Whimsy. This is the Hall of Mirrors, a tent filled with magical mirrors that reflect patrons in various stages of youth or old age. Tall mirrors line the interior walls of the tent. The mirrors near the entrance reflect onlookers in their youth; the images grow steadily older, until the mirrors deep within the hall reflect onlookers in their twilight years. As the characters scrutinize their reflections, ask the players to describe what their characters looked like as children and what they might look like in old age.

If the players venture deep enough into the hall, on the way back to the entrance they will encounter Kazsithsyn'saropheles disguised as a well-dressed, middle-aged human male gazing pensively into one of the youthful mirrors. The devil is in New Goven posing as a merchant doing business with various members of the Merchant's Guild. Kazsith chooses his words carefully, keeping any information about himself vague so as not to be caught in a lie.

  • Kazsith won't give up any specifics about his business or who is he associating with, no matter how persuasive or intimidating a player is when asking. He explains that merchants are prohibited from discussing business dealings with people from outside of the Merchant's Guild.
  • He will admit that he is not originally from New Goven, but has been living in the city over a decade.
  • He deals in wondrous items and magical weapons and armor, both those created by his business and those bought from treasure hunters, archaeologists, and the personal collections of wealthy individuals.
  • If asked about what he sees in the mirror, he will reply that he sees himself back when he was a soldier and laments that he's grown flabby and weak since the great war. A player can ask which war and make a Persuasion (Charisma) check against Kazsith's +11 Insight (Wisdom) check. If the player succeeds, Kazsith will respond truthfully with The War of Endless Midnight. Otherwise, he will lie and say The Second Succession War.
    • A player proficient in History can make a DC 25 Intelligence (History) check. A success reveals the information that both of these wars were Pre-Sundering conflicts, and The War of Endless Midnight in particular happened prior to humans appearing on the plane.
    • If confronted about this inconsistency, Kazsith will apologize for his faulty memory and provide the following comment:
      "It is historians, not us soldiers, who get to name such things. We merely spill our blood to provide the ink for their books."
When he feels as though the conversation has run its course, Kazsith will pull from his coat pocket a golden locket attached to his coat by a chain. Opening it reveals a small sundial with a miniature sun slowly spinning around the dial from the same angle as the actual sun.
"Oh, would you look at the time? I'm nearly late for a meeting. But before I go..." he pulls some business cards out of his coat pocket and hands one to each of the players, "Take these. You seem like the type who are interested in my wares. Feel free to contact me in the future if you're in the market for magical armor or weapons."
Kazsith's business card is a plain piece of thick parchment with a stylized black "K" on one side and a red pentagram on the opposite side. A player can tap on the pentagram on the back of the card which will cause the card to burst into flames that take the shape of Kazsith's face, allowing him to speak with them for one minute as if they were next to one another. Kazsith will show them how it works; when he does, the fiery face mimics all of his movements and speech as he talks. Any type of magic detection will reveal an aura of divination coming from K side of the card and an aura of evocation from the pentagram side.

Lost & Found

Next to the Hall of Mirrors is a tent guarded by a tall, muscular genasi named Idris Feldspar. Any lost items or children are brought to this tent by members of the carnival.


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