Damh (Dahv)

The Joyful Prince

Damh is a Lesser God who serves under Silvox the Spring Child and a member of Fiadmorai, the court of Archfey demigods. He is often referred to as his title, 'The Joyful Prince' and is regarded as the guardian and patron of the satyr, korred, and atomies. In the Fiadmorai, he holds the position of the White Rook.   Myths involving Damh date back to the earliest stories recovered from Elven ruins. It is said that he was the one who aided in the building of the first druidic stones circles and the ancient standing stones. Some legends say that he taught the first druids the ways of nature before he returned to the Faewilds to aid his mother in the care of the lesser fey and became the patron of several species to lighten Titania's duties within their native realm.   As the Lesser God of celebration, he is wildly regarded as the most welcoming of all the Archfey to other races and species. Like the druidic legends mentioned before there are a number of mythological figures throughout history that could be incarnations of Damh visiting the Prime Material Plane. This also may be the source of the speculation that The Green Warden is an aspect of Damh, or perhaps a seasonal incarnation.

Divine Domains

Dance, Song, and Celebration

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Flutes, pipes and drums


Divine Classification
Lesser God, Archfey
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Joyful Prince
Rook of the Court of Light
Patron of Satyrs, Korreds, and Atomies