Oberon (Oh-Bare-On)

The Lord of Beasts

Oberan is a Lesser God who serves under Silvox the Spring Child and a member of Fiadmorai, the court of Archfey demigods. He is often referred to as his title, 'The Lord of Beasts' and is regarded as the god of the wilderness and animals. In the Fiadmorai, he holds the position of the White King.  


Legends often depict Oberon as wingless masculine fairy with black hair and eyes and skin the color of oak.  He is described as wearing a cloak of green leaves over brown leathers.  It has been hypothesized based on ancient elven texts that this appearance may actually be an aspect of the true form of Oberon, which is believed to be an ancient awakened tree that lies at the heart of the Faewild and where Titania makes her home.  


It is believed that Oberan is directly attuned to any forest connected to the Faewild, and can sense and perceive through every tree and stream.  He is regarded as an unrivaled hunter and warrior, whose prowess in combat is said to rival even the Gods of Order.

Divine Domains

Nature, Animals, and Wild Places


The Old Branch (Staff)
The Sunblade (Longsword)
The Wilden Bow (Longbow)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A white stag


Divine Classification
Lesser God, Archfey
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of Beasts
Green Lord
King of the Court of Light