The Prince of Frost

The Lord of the Long Night

The Prince of Frost is a Lesser God who serves under Silvox the Spring Child and a member of Fiadmorai, the court of Archfey demigods. He is sometimes referred to as his title, 'The Pale Prince' or 'The Lord of the Long Night'. In the Fiadmorai, he holds the position of the Black Rook.   The Pale Prince is the son of the White Queen Titania, but not the son of her consort Oberon. His true father is unknown to all but the Faerie Queen. Because of this, he was once regarded as the Sun Prince but as he aged and his disposition and physical nature turned to the cold, he departed his mother's side and found a place alongside his aunt in the Court of Shadows. He adopted the moniker of 'The Pale Prince' as a reflection of his former title.   The Prince rules over a region of the Faewild called 'The Vale of Long Night', dubbed such because the sun never rises there and the moon never sets. It is a frozen valley bordered by glaciers that never thaw. His domain is also home the Eladrin Court of Winter and their ruler the Winter Queen. The Winter Eladrin consider themselves to be united under the Prince's banner, but the Lord of the Long Night has never given them the time of day. He instead spends his time away from Court in his Fortress of Frozen Tears where he pines for his cold heart's only true desire: The Raven Queen of the Shadar'kai.


The Prince of Frost is said in tales to be a tall pale fey with skin that eternally frozen. Where ever the Prince walks, the area around him freezes and dies.


In many old fables about the Prince, he was always a harbinger of the cold, being able to summon forth blizzards at a moments notice and turning mortal creatures into solid ice. However, his brutality does not intrude on his more noble traits. He is a princely soul who holds mastery over communication, and much like his counterpart in the Court of Light, the Prince can communicate natively with giants, primordials, and all manner of fey and elves. A few stories mention an ability to see in the darkest of nights, be they natural or magical.

Divine Domains

Winter and Darkness

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A Snowflake in a crescent moon


Divine Classification
Lesser God, Archfey
Neutral Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Pale Prince
The Lord of the Long Night
Rook of the Court of Shadows