Grimthorn Academy

Grimthorn Academy was one of only two Imperial Academies located in the Sekhtyrn Republic. As the Republic was a Member State of the Ivaruna Empire, it was expected to contribute military forces to the Imperial Guard (The IIG). Imperial Academies were alternative secondary schools for ages 14-18 (at least for those species that age at the same rate as Elves). Students who graduated from an Imperial Academy were eligible to join the IIG. The IIG had fairly stringent requirements for accepting new trainees. If someone who did not attend an Imperial Academy wanted to join the IIG; they would need to have either spent one year in a Member State's armed forces or have verified two weeks of frontline combat service in one of those armed forces. Graduates were not obligated to join the IIG, but most did. Students would attend the school for 3 years before graduating.  


The existance of Imperial Academies was a controversial subject while the Empire existed. In the later years of the Empire, there was a growing concern about the rise of radical militarism that was becoming more prevalent since 650 E7. Proponents of the Academies felt that they taught their students disipline, responsibility, and life skills that were valuable outside a military context and downplayed the possible influences on their political beliefs.  


After the fall of the Empire in the 678th year of the 7th Era, Grimthorn Academy tried to pivot to a more traditional private school environment. Unfortunately for the Grimthorn Family, their primary source of funding no longer existed and they could not find a suitable alternative source. Like almost every other Imperial Academy they had to shut their doors permanently in 679 E7.  

The School Year

Each school year starts with the first month of the year, usually on the seventh day of the month, and goes until penultimate week of the calendar year. Scattered throughout the year are several small breaks. There is a sinlge month long break in the middle of the year for all students. Students are required to live on campus throughout the year except for these break times.   Imperial Academies are required to provide a well-rounded education in addition to preparing their students for possible acceptance into the IIG. The typical school day balances normal subjects like algebra or literature with things like marksmanship and tank maintenance.   Grimthorn Academy also provides for its more magically inclined students. While being a Manifester is somewhat rare there are almost always enough students to fill out a class or two. While some time is spent having students memorize a small selection of spells, the majority of instruction on magic is more focuses on technique and proper control over their spells. It is the opinion of Grimthorm Academy that it is better for a student to graduate knowning how to cast one spell as consistantly as possilbe then to know a bunch of spells inconsistantly.   Students are grouped into "Platoons" of about 30 to 40 students and each Platoon is assigned a Primary Instructor who handles teaching them all their more military focuses subjects.   At least once a month, and growing more frequent each year of attendance, students will participate in mock battles using guns modified to only fire special paint rounds. The simulated bullets are known to sting quite a bit, but are generally safe. There are several referees that insure no cheating happens in the battle and instructors carefully observe the performance of their Platoons.  

Grimthorn Academy in 671

  The year 671 E7 was an eventful year in the Academy's history. There was an incident with a vampire, an attempted political assassination, a pack of dire panthers on the loose, and more. These events had to be dealt with by some members of the faculty and a few students that found themselves in the right (or wrong, depending on your perspective) place at the right time.    

Mathias Grimthorn

Mathias is the grandson of the founder of the Academy, Kedar Grimthorn, and was the chancellor of the Academy in 671. He would be the last person hold this position and disappeared after the Academy closed. His current whereabouts are unknown. He is known to be a tough but fair leader. Most students never personally interacted with him and would only see him when he gave addresses to the whole school. After the Empire fell apart, he put all of his personal resources into keeping the Academy afloat. When his efforts failed, he was completely broke. He got an offer of employment from another school on the other side of the Talenic Ocean in Korsakia. The ship he took never made it to port and he is offically missing at sea. To this day, it is unknown what tragedy befell the vessel and its crew.  

Rose Grimthorn

Rose is the neice of Mathias and a professor at the school. Her primary role in the Academy is teaching the magically capable students how to control it properly. Kind and softspoken she is often seen as a fish out of water in the generally strict Academy. That is not to say that she does not take her role seriously. In fact, the opposite is true, due to the unpredictable nature of magic a calming presence is needed when learning it for the first time. She is also the adpotive mother of Syora Vendrake who was a student in 671. After the Academy closed she sought employment at another school and is generally doing well for herself.  

Khatar Naerieth

Khatar was previously a member of the IIG. When his 6 year service period ended he got an offer from Mathias to take up a job as an instructor. By 671, he had been at this job for 3 years. In 665, he was one of many guardsmen who responded to an attack by monsters and cultists on a parade in the Sekhtyrn capital of Aktu. During this incident he saved the life of a young Syora Vendrake, although he was unfortunately unable to do the same for her parents. As far as anyone can say for sure, the fact that he was made her instructor is just a coincidence. After the Academy closed, he found a quiet job as a shipping manager for a steel mill.  

Syora Vendrake

Syora was in her second year at the Academy in 671. She was almost not accpeted into the Academy due to her scores on the enterance exam being lower than desired. A few days later she discovered that she was magically gifted. Once this was brought to the attention of the Mathias her application to the school was accepted. Her first year was fairly uneventful, this second one would prove to be the exact opposite.   Things started to get interesting when she saw a news report that a local rich business man had illegally imported several dire panthers. The dire panthers did not agree with this and killed him, escaping into the wilderness around Aktu. She went directly to Mathias and requested that she be allowed to take a small patrol out to find these monsters before they could harm an innocent people. Mathias, to almost everyone's surprise, agreed that this was a good idea. Mathias decided that Syora, Migisi, and Wincenty should make up that patrol and that their instructor Khatar will accompany them. This was the first of many "adventures" that this particular group would get invovled in throughout the year. She graduated in 672 and joined the IIG. After the fall of the Empire, she bounced around a few odd jobs for a time. Eventually, she decided to start her own company of mercenaries using what little funds she had saved over the years.  

Migisi Dencourt

Migisi, named after the Saint, enrolled in the Academy at the same time as Syora. The two of them became friends during their first year. Migisi had intended on becoming a field medic for the IIG after graduating and even got plenty of practice in that regard throughout her eventful second year. However, when she graduated she decided against joining the IIG. Instead, she persued higher education and eventually got her doctorate. She was just geting her own practice off the ground when an old friend came knocking on her door, looking to hire a doctor for her mercenary company.  

Vincenty Málek

Vincenty and his parents moved to Aktu from the Valkynd Empire a few years before he enrolled in the Academy. They were a minor Valk noble family that had a disagreement with the wrong Count and had to flee their home, losing almost everything in the process. Vincenty was often viewed with suspicion throughout his time at the Academy. He became good friends with Syora and Migisi throughout 671. After he graduated, he signed up with the IIG. Unfortunately, a severe (but not permanent) injury sustained in a training accident saw him washing out before finishing his training. Just a few months before the outbreak of the Fifth Valk-Gryv War Vincenty and his parents mysteriously disappeared. They still had some friends in their old country and they were forewarned that they were preparing to go to war soon. To this day, their current whereabouts are unknown.

504 E7 - 679 E7

Educational, School/Academy

Cover image: by Simon Kim
This article has no secrets.


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