DRIVE Timeline

  • 2013 CE

    18 /6

    Genetic Signs Detected
    Discovery, Scientific

    A prenatal genetic screening reveals Sequence Q-41B10 for the first time. This sequence will prove to be one of the better early determinants of DRIVE ability.

  • 2016 CE

    12 /5

    Camden Incident
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Three people killed in a mysterious incident in Camden, NV, by what is now accepted be a DRIVE pair.

  • 2016 CE

    24 /10

    Patient Zero Idenfitied
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    First officially recorded DRIVE is observed at a school in the small French town of Beaune.

  • 2016 CE

    29 /10

    Patient Zero Quarantined

    The girls from the Beaune incident are placed in protective custody and observation after the event. The most likely culprit is believed to be some form of drug or similar hallucination.

  • 2016 CE

    26 /11

    First Repeat Event
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Unconfirmed reports emerge of a DRIVE incident in Buffalo, NY. By this point such ephemeral reports are perennial, but this one is unique in that at least one of those involved, Melanie Meyers, was *already* associated with a previous report.

  • 2016 CE

    5 /12

    Zhaolong Park Massacre
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Fifty seven people killed by DRIVEr, police bring down perpetrator after heavy gunfire.

  • 2017 CE

    27 /1

    Blood Brides Founded

    The terrorist group known as the Blood Brides first posts their manifesto to the internet. They are a radical group of DRIVEr intent on using their power to advance the cause of queer persons worldwide. As their power is not yet generally accepted to exist, this is met with derision.

  • 2017 CE

    2 /2

    Committee 2-1-12

    The People's Republic of China, sensing the potential of the DRIVE phenomenon, especially after it just ripped through one of their towns, invests in a secret group dedicated to covering up all outside knowledge of the phenomenon, as well as conducting its own research and acquisition.

  • 2017 CE

    6 /2

    COLDSCOPE Initiated

    Prompted by the Patient Zero initiative, Interpol and other world scientific and health organizations set out to analyze the reported DRIVE events.

  • 2017 CE

    14 /2

    Akaba Riots

    A large mob gathered by a group of radical preachers later associated with the Caliphate begins a riot in the city of Akaba, Jordan; killing suspected LGBT individuals and justifying the act by referring to recent reports of 'witchcraft'.

  • 2017 CE

    22 /3

    Assassination of Matthew Seward
    Military action

    A conservative anti-gay politician is found brutally murdered in his home. The DRIVEr group Blood Brides takes credit for the killing.

  • 2017 CE

    23 /3

    YouTube DRIVE posted.

    'MistyRose', a small scale YouTube vlogger, posts of video of what she claims to be herself and several others engaging in DRIVEs. The video is removed by YouTube's content filter within the hour, but not before acruing 500k hits and being downloaded across the web.

  • 2017 CE

    25 /3

    100th Official Incident

    COLDSCOPE catalogues the 100th DRIVE event recorded by official sources, a scant five months after the first. At least 800 other unconfirmed reports are known.

  • 2017 CE

    8 /4


    The United States Department of Defense creates its own top-secret team to research the military applications of the DRIVE phenomenon. Their first directive is to locate and enlist (voluntarily or otherwise) a number of DRIVEr.

  • 2017 CE

    9 /4


    In response to the Seward assassination, the United States joins the COLDSCOPE project.

  • 2017 CE

    13 /4

    Battle of Mbale
    Military action

    Ugandan police raid a suspected LGBT gathering. A mob gathers outside. Unbeknownst to them several DRIVEr, some local but most apparently foreign, were present. The result is an absolute massacre, with over 500 dead. The Blood Brides take credit for the event.

  • 2017 CE

    16 /4

    Strassbourg Protests

    Widespread protests surround the Parliament of the European union in Strassbourg, demanding unspecified action on the DRIVE subject.

  • 2017 CE

    26 /5

    Quarantine Commences
    Gathering / Conference

    COLDSCOPE receives authorization to begin in-depth trials, including biopsies and short-term quarantine of those afflicted. This too fails to reveal much, and is met with increasing public disdain.

  • 2017 CE

    28 /5
    2017 CE

    5 /11

    Dawn War
    Military action

    Ugandan retaliation for the Mbale 'Massacre' leads to an escalation from the Blood Brides, which in turn leads the PRC to intervene - with its own DRIVEr from Committee 2-1-12. The result is spectacular and catastrophic. The war ends with the Ugandan government deposed, and the UN enforcing a tenuous cease-fire. Approximately 40 'Blood Brides' are believed to have been involved in the conflict.

  • 2017 CE

    8 /6

    Portland Conference
    Gathering / Conference

    An unofficial group of scientists, activists, and philanthropists meet in Portland to discuss the 'Arma phenomenon'

  • 2017 CE

    24 /6

    Second Portland Conference

    A cadre of skeptical scientists invites a 'debate' on the phenomenon in the same Portland conference center as the first meeting. Though it probably made sense at the time, history will remember the event as a farce.

  • 2017 CE

    14 /8


    With COLDSCOPE failling to bring results, the covert project LONGDRIVE is created. Studying existing occurances has yielded nothing, so this initiative will attempt to replicate the events in controlled conditions. Select specimens will transported to remote 'medical facilities', where scientists have orders to find out what is happening, by any means necessary.

  • 2017 CE

    25 /8

    1000th recorded incident

    COLDSCOPE logs the 1000th official drive incident within its purview. Eight months have now passed since the first.

  • 2017 CE


    Palmyra Occurence

    Radical forces are pushed out of the ruined city of Palmyra by seperatist insurgents, allegedly operating with DRIVEr support, but - despite widespread fears - this never escalated.

  • 2017 CE

    2 /10

    DRIVE under controlled conditions.

    LONGDRIVE is initiated, and, with a bit of prodding, manages to observe a DRIVE under controlled conditions. It does not do those involved any favors.

  • 2018 CE

    Second Korean Crisis

    Without warning, North Korea explodes into a whirlwind of violence - the culprit an internal DRIVEr uprising. Despite offers to negotiate, US and Chinese forces respond with unbridled fury, and push the 'Zone-22 group' to a small pocket around Nampo.

  • 2018 CE

    Genetic Sign Identified
    Discovery, Scientific

    LONGDRIVE discovers the association of Sequence Q-41B10 with DRIVEr abilities. While this test is not entirely reliable (with a 60% false positive rate and 30% false negative rate), it is the only means of prior discernment available.

  • 2018 CE

    6 /11
    2018 CE

    11 /11

    Busan Conference
    Gathering / Conference

    A special committee of the United Nations meet in Busan, officially to resolve the Second Korean Crisis, but unofficially to discuss the emerging results of LONGDRIVE, and determine a response.

  • 2019 CE

    12 /3

    Conference of Paris
    Gathering / Conference

    In an internationally broadcast press conference, members of various United Nations research bodies, LONGDRIVE scientists, and assorted politicians reveal most of their findings. This is the first official admission of the existence of the DRIVE phenomenon - and for that matter, the first usage of the term DRIVE.

  • 2019 CE

    20 /3

    Driver Control Proctocol

    Councilman Brian Jacques of the Council of Europe officially declares the Blood Brides a terrorist organization, and announces the creation of a special anti-driver task force.

  • 2019 CE

    18 /4

    International Street Massacre

    Members of the Blood Brides attack a United Nations meeting, killing several prominent members of the Assembly, as well as several hundred civilians, and destroying large portions of the UN Building. International animosity reaches a fever pitch.

  • 2019 CE

    13 /6

    Proposal of the Committee of 20

    Members of 20 leading nations meet in secret to discuss a long-term solution to the 'DRIVEr Problem'. The solution they decide upon will eventually become the Academy System. This proposal commissions the trusted UN agency UNICEF with vastly expanded authority, granting them the remit to identify, research, and contain DRIVErs worldwide. After some debate, the process of identifying and remanding DRIVEr is given to the individual nations. The proposal is brought before the General Assembly, and is unanimously accepted by a bewildered and exhausted world.

  • 2019 CE


    Breaking Ground on Flores Academy

    After much debate, the Portugese island of Isla Flores is selected as the site of the first 'Isolation Academy'. The entire territory is 'purchased' by UNICEF at great expense, the population evacuated, and construction begun on the Academy buildings, under the guise of military exercises.

  • 2019 CE


    Academy System Introduced

    On this date, the Academy System was officially introduced, an announcement met with no small degree of relief. At least, for most people.

  • 2020 CE

    Hands-Free Remote Manipulator

    A union of military and medical robotics, the HFRM can be installed on industrial vehicles or equipment to enable real-time remote monitoring and control of a given process.

  • 2020 CE

    5 /1
    2020 CE

    5 /3

    Flores Academy Exhibition

    UNICEF issues an open call for technologists to bring their best technology for use in Flores Academy, carefully framing the development as an act of compassion. Some accepted applicants include 'self-healing' solar panels, autonomous desalinators, micro-farms, and 3d-printed buildings.

  • 2022 CE

    China Adopts Genetic Screen

    The People's Republic of China officially institutes mandatory prenatal genetic screening for DRIVE potential, scanning all unborn children for Sequence Q-41B10, as well as widespread testing of those already born. Those with positive results become wards of the state, and are raised in government compounds until age 13, whereupon they are remanded to the Academy System.

  • 2022 CE

    Experimental Plasma Screen

    DARPA engineers develop the world's first successful plasma screen, projecting a protective barrier between two pylons.

  • 2023 CE

    Flores Academy Opens

  • 2025 CE

    AISRU Invented

    The AISRU unit was invented, and soon found itself in use in the Academies.

  • 2026 CE

    Footprints on Mars

  • 2027 CE

    24 /6

    Pacific Academy Proposal

    Following the completion of China's <???> Academy, not wanting to be outdone, several Oceanic and East Asian nations propose the creation of a new DRIVEr Academy to serve the region, to be located in Polynesia. Unfortunately, the agreement falls apart, as there are simply too many vastly different nations involved.

  • 2027 CE


    Night's Dawn Project

    Following the failure of the Pacific Academy, a number of Japanese executives band together, proposing the development of a privately funded Academy. This Academy would be more advanced than any created so far, and demonstrate Japan's wealth to the world.

  • 2028 CE

    DRIVEr Tournament Formalized

    UNICEF modifies the Academy charter to officially allow fighting, and indeed, approves the development of a combat tournament operated by the Student Administrators.

  • 2031 CE

    13 /6

    Hayashi Kaede born

    Another Repeat, Alas

    More reading
    Hayashi Kaede
  • 2032 CE

    Official Korean Reunification

  • 2035 CE

    Japan implements genetic screening

    Japan initiates a genetic screening program, testing all newborn girls for Sequence Q-41B10. However, not all children currently born are covered.

  • 2037 CE

    14 /5

    Choi Min-Seo Born
    Life, Birth

    Yeah, I know it's there already...

    More reading
    Choi Min-Seo
  • 2038 CE

    D-Scan Technology Developed

    Very roughly similar to Drive Sense, D-Scanners allow DRIVErs to be identified without having to wait for them to actually... you know, engage in a DRIVE.

  • 2044 CE

    Japan implements D-scan screening

    Japan is among the first to implement universal use of new NOISE D-scan devices to screen children for DRIVEr abilities. Unfortunately, this only works on post-pubescent girls, leaving a somewhat limited window of effectiveness. While many nations have used D-scanning to verify Q-41B10 positive individuals, the NOISE device allows it be cheaply implemented on a massive scale.

    Additional timelines
  • 2047 CE

    20 /9

    Hayashi meets Hinata
    Life, Relationship change

    Hayashi Kaede meets Hinata Saitou at the prestigious <???> Highschool during afterschool soccer club. They get along exceeding well, united by their energetic and competitive nature. Despite being a bit younger, Hinata offers to teach Hayashi kendo and other martial arts. Their relationship grows increasingly close...

    More reading
    Hayashi Kaede
  • 2048 CE


    Hayashi DRIVEs with Hinata

    During a weekend practice session, Hinata propositions Hayashi, which results in a DRIVE. Hinata immediately reports this to her parents... who are pleased.

    More reading
    Hayashi Kaede
  • 2048 CE

    2052 CE


    Working for Velvet Sun

    Hayashi works alongside Hinata as the private DRIVEr agents of the massive Velvet Sun Zaibatsu, partially owned by the Saitou family, and they prove to be a powerful combination.

    More reading
    Hayashi Kaede
    Additional timelines
  • 2050 CE

    20 /8

    Min-Seo sent to Okinashima
    Life, Relocation

    A routine screening reveals Choi Min-Seo as a DRIVEr - much to her shock -, and she is promplty dispatched to Okinashima Island.

    More reading
    Choi Min-Seo
  • 2052 CE

    26 /3

    Hayashi and Hinata arrested

    After a mission goes badly wrong, Hayashi and Hinata are arrested by GATE, who do not take particularly kindly to the illicit use of DRIVE. Hinata's parents intervene on her behalf, but Hayashi is sent to Okinashima Academy...

    More reading
    Hayashi Kaede