Solternus Settlement in Dungeon World | World Anvil
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Solternus is the largest and capital city of The Republic of Campmagni. Founded by humans generations ago, it is the seat of The Senate and the Consuls settled on the River Name just upstream of Lake Qitum. The city is divided into numerous districts with the residential districts being strictly divided by class, wealthier ones being patrolled by private militias.


The vast majority of residents are human farmers, though minority races are most likely to live in the city save for halflings. Some halflings make their homes in the city but they are greatly outnumbered by the humans and are usually in the agricultural or service industries. Dwarves are the next most common minority, mostly working as craftsmen. Half elves are more likely to live in the capital than anywhere else but are still very uncommon. Elves are almost completely absent but for those who live with their half-elven children.   The aristocratic class numbers approximately 2,500 humans and is only achieved by birth. Ejection from the aristocracy is extremely rare and induction from other classes is impossible. Only aristocrats may hold government office.


As the capital city, Solternus is the seat of power for the Senate and the Consuls who rule over the entire republic. The Senate is comprised of 200 aristocratic citizens elected by their peers. Among these senators are elected three Consuls to lead in six year terms that overlap by two years. Once their term ends consuls are returned to the non-governing aristocratic class and must run for electing again to reenter the senate.


There are 14 districts in the capital city, most of which are open to the public. People of higher social classes are allowed to pass through lower class districts, though they rarely choose to. The richest districts are patrolled by private militias employed by the wealthy residents to keep out the riffraff.

Guilds and Factions

There are three major types of guilds in the city: merchant, craft, and service. The Commodities Collective is the only merchant guild, ensuring fair pricing and security for all goods traded and sold in and out of the capitol and wielding significant political power because of it. Several craft guilds exist covering disciplines such as weavers, blacksmiths, various types of cooks, potters, and more. Service guilds cover mundane tasks such as entertainers and clerks, as well as adventuring and mercenary guilds for resource acquisitions and personal or property defense.   In addition to numerous working guilds there are various churches throughout the city who wield different amounts of influence. Also present is The University, which primarily concerns itself with the study of magic but also topics such as philosophy and literature.
Owning Organization

Cover image: by evondue


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