Avernus, The First Level of Hell

Avernus is a blasted wasteland that exists at the bottom of Hells Tower, acting as the front lines of the Blood War. Ruled by the fallen angle Astaroth, they seek to return to upper planes much like the other Devils once did. But because of the Demonic corruption of outer beings suffer in fighting Demons they will never be welcomed back. Because of this they have become the chief devil of Wrath creating contracts with warriors and barbarians in exchange for power, only to become part of the endless legion of Ashtoreth's fiendish army. As the first level of Hell, Avernus is the only location in Hell with a permanent opening to Ashmear, The Lands of the Grave as well and is the only place those using the River Stix to traverse the astral realm will be able to access hell through that method.
Dimensional plane
Ruling/Owning Rank


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