Phlegethos, The Fourth Level of Hell

Phlegethos is missive sea of molten magma were brew Hurricanes of hot winds, choking smoke, and pyroclastic ash. At first glance the land seems to host no Archdevil but that is because the Archdevil of Phlegethos is the most beastie of the 9. Belial The Insatiable One is the Archdevil of Gluttony, and for his actions in the Past events has been forever changed, cursed to resemble a massive leviathan like creature, Belial roams the his domain devouring all in his wake. This has however lead the devils beneath him to act in his stead, many Rakshasa and Arcanoloaths work endlessly to gather the souls of those who seek more than they should sighing them to contracts that drag them to Phlegethos only to become sacrifices to Belial.
Dimensional plane
Ruling/Owning Rank


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