
Goblins, oneof the many small races of the world these small creatures are sometimes called the Gnomes of the Goblinoids and only wish to explore and live. Historically native to the Jungles of Sue and the Mountains of Vie

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Goblins tend to small humanoids with large and long pointed ears and green or orangish red skin with black ratty hair.

Growth Rate & Stages

Goblins grow at a somewhat alarming rate, reaching full maturity around 8-10 years, and based on how they live can live upto 120-130 years if left alone or allowed to live a peacfull life. But within goblin society most do not consider themselves adults till their around 12-13 heading out to live their lives on their own. After reaching full maturity a goblins growth will slow to about the same as a humans.

Civilization and Culture


Like all Goblinoids the history of the Goblin is mared and tied to the creation of the Orcs and Elves. When The Archheart Corellon and The Storm General Kord injured one another and their blood bathed some mortals creating their respective races there were some who were bathed in both. The first goblins were such mortals. Bathed more in Corellon's blood than Kords, Goblins inhearited his love for fervality. 
Less disaplined then their Hobgoblins cusins but more techinical than their the Bugbears they had a tanacity that made them effective. This along with their knack for finding adventure and truble made them and counterpart of the Halflings . Both haveing a freindly rivaly that is sometimes mockingly results in calling Goblins "mini Orcs". 
Like all goblinoids, Goblins have no one diety that they pray to above anyother. Though many have taken to worshiping elven and orc deities because of their conection to the two but their are three beings they are aware of two of which some openly pray to the other is one they are warry of. Maglubiyet the former beastmaster of Kord sees to make Goblins into litle more than his private hunters. A Cursed Diseases exists among Goblins that can even infect Bugbears and Hobs breaking their minds and truly turning them into feral creatures.


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