Slumber's Rest Building / Landmark in E'ven-dra | World Anvil

Slumber's Rest

Slumber's Rest is what many adveturer's cal a Mega Dungeon. A massive compound filled trapes and monsters.

Purpose / Function

Slumber's Rest's original purpose has all but been lost but many scholars belive that the deity Limerus the caster may have made the dungeon in order to train the other heros of the 10th dance. At least it is known for a fact that Limerus once called the place his "home" and verius artifacts recovered from the dungeons deeper depts have suported these findings. 
By all rights the dungeon should not be to dificult if not for one factor, somewere in the dungeon either a powerful magic is still active or some kind of ancient device is still crafting and releasing similacrum like moster. These creatures are mostly of sentient monsters like Goblins, Bugbears, and Kobolds . But in the lowere levels rumor has it that creatures like dragons and ilithad. What is truly odd is that while these creatures act and move like the actual thing once slain they turn to dust leaving behind a glowing stone. These are Vita crystal artificialy created chuckes of raw magic. To this end Slumber's Rest is inexaustible source of the stones, While the monster may not have gold or other valuables the crystals alone are worth any amont og treasure one may find. 
To that end Slumber's Rest is more like an adventure's theme park or playground now adays. While some people do use the dungeon for perfessional means more still use it as a way to train and get better. Trained members of The Wardens of Dracul and The Roanoke Land Guard  patroll the mid levels of the dungeon to ensure things dont get to out of hand. While professionals with clearance from The Lords of Avalon  explore the deeper sections. That said do to its proximity it is also a go to place for the students of Luna Cove's Elms Academic High School, who atleast 4 times a year hold a massive field trip to the dungeon for students.
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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