City of Titan's Grave

The Capitol City of Titan. The city has long stood as a beacon of civilization in on the continent of Vail. The Holy Kingdom of Titan’s Grave is the only true civilization that calls this portion of Vail home. The land of Titan is a place of wonder and many hidden dangers. After the events of the Cataclysm the holy city is still holding strong but never truly recovered to its former glory. During the events of the Inquisition’s Folly the City was heavily damaged and then became home to one of the four primordials released in the after math. Because of this the once massive sprawling city has been reduced to almost an 8th of what it once was. Resembling something akin to the city of Venice, the city has no real streets and only locks and canals that connect the massive island like blocks that make it up. Part of the reason the city also never truly recovered was in part due to the fact that they turned on their leadership not long after the Cataclysm. Thing to keep as note Titan’s Grave has always been a place where the Spirit religion ruled. The city was a center for understanding the domains of the Spirits and contemplating on the ones place within the spirits and their domains. Because of this the City was meant to act as a secondary Neutral power during the Dance of Kings. Protecting the week and sending aid where it was needed. But when Albion’s capitol was taken over by an Ancient Red Dragon not long after the start of the 13th dance Titan refused to send military aid to its people. Claiming that if their city had been taken it had to be because they had dishonored the Spirits in some way. This indirectly led to the final step need for Inquisition church to take political control as many Albion citizens turned away from the Spirit religion. After the event of the Cataclysm, many of the city’s major structures were lost or damaged by unexplainable accidents that had nothing to do with magic going haywire or the spirits vanishing. After three years of investigating it was discovered that the city been so heavily affected by the event because these major buildings were all housing or deeply connected to the Dragon Council and in fact the “elected” head of the city was an Ancient Gold Dragon that had been part of the Council the whole time. The true narrative that had caused the world so much pain became clear, Albion wasn’t abandoned by the spirits, it was abandoned by the Council. As the Red Dragon had been a Council member like the Gold for it to mobilize the cities army on the it would break the council’s pact that kept peace between the Dragons. But instead of trying to find a way around this to still help the Dragon fully abandoned Albion to what it is now. Because of this the city purged all remnants of the Dragon council within the city. Causing almost the entire old guard of the cities hierarchy to flee. The city then spent the next 40 years creating a barrier around the city making it so that no Dragon, good or evil, could ever step foot in the city again. Since then the city has spent the last several years finally returning to its former glory and those that still call the land home brought closer together by the ties of tribulation and guilt for many blames themselves for what happened to the world. They who were meant to be the most righteous of the divine sword never once questioned why their leaders or the spirits would so fully turn their backs on a people.


Wide Distribution with 20% Human and all other races equally represented (16% Demi Humans, 16% Half Races, 16% Long Lived, 16% Small Folk, 16% Beast Folk)


Ruled by the Titan's Council


The city is protected by the swamp to the south and the mountains to the north, west and east. Otherwise a large stone wall has been constructed along the southern edge with several water gates along it to allow for water travel and trade. With the Pilgrim Guard acting as the main military force and protective force.

Industry & Trade

Titan actually lakes any true trade or industry but dose have the resources to avoid the need to import such goods. Other than alcohol from the Field Ward the city sends little out. The All Hammer Moradin's temple operates a mine and foundry in the Guard Ward but most goods produced there are for the use of the council and guard. With raw martials often sold at a premium to other Smiths throughout the city.


The city is built on a series of tall hills and man made slopes built on the remains of the old city. Docks, canals, and aqueducts aloe anyone with a boat easy transportation around the city.


Titan is generally divided into 4 Wards.
  • The Guard Ward- consisting of the main garrison of the Pilgrim Guard and the temples of The All Hammer Moradin, The Storm General Kord, and Arrow the Schemer.
  • The Market Ward- a massive market of stalls and containing 6 of the temples of council, Sala the Night Queen, The Everlight, Paretel, The Ocean Heart Yondalla, The Grinner Gral Glitergold, The Ember Heart Raphael, and The Knowing Mistress Ioun
  • The Field Ward- the cultivated area of farm land with a few fisheries, and water mills. This ward is also were the Guard stable their Hippogriffs and contains the temples to The Archheart Corellon, The Harvest King Sucellus, and The Arcane King, Metatron 
  • The Pilgrim's Ward- a large residential aria consisting of apartments and boarding houses used by residents and pilgrims. The temples to The Fate Weaver Godwin, The Final Judge Baphomet, and The Raven Queen Chathan. 

Points of interest

Most of the city as it is now is under water with the majority of the inner city off limits due to flooding and dangers of collapse. But many adventurers come seeking to explore the sunken ruins of Titan proper and possible make it to the famed golden tower at the center. Though the tower was destroyed some say the base remained but when the primordial came it roasted right on the remains of the towers foundation and are in the most flooded parts of the city.


Most who call Titan home have lived their whole lives in the city and those that haven't came as pilgrims and choose to remain finding fulfillment in the city. Regardless many that come to Titian are those of a religious sort, paladins and clerics making a journey to further devote themselves to the path they have chosen, acolytes and devotees seeking to find their place in their Divine's plans for the world. Others may come for reasons they have yet to understand but still enter the city, either way most do not leve the city unchanged or at least not having learned something new about themselves or the world around them.


Titan is a beautify city even in its destroyed state with much of its architecture resembling a Danish Vinci. Homes of wood covered in spackled and pate say for the main supports which remain visible from the out side and interiors. on the subjects of interiors, most still show the wood structure of the walls but those with money will often insulate the walls further and add a layer of the same spackle as is used outside and painted either the same or a different color as the exterior. Window boxes filled with flowers or used to cultivate herbs or small vegetables are normal.


Set at the northern end of a deep bowl valley in the Palacade Mountain said to have been carved out of the earth by a great titan in ages past the location has always held great power for divine magic as practitioners of it seem drawn by the convergence of divine forces. Once a fertile valley of great forests and well kept farmland the events of The Folly saw the valley torn a sundered first by the destructive nature of the devices and then occupier by a released Primordial who was like a living Hurricane. With only a single runoff points at the southern end of the valley it quickly flooded as the Primordial brought endless rain that scared the valley, turning most of what was once the carefully cultivated and protected woods into dangerous wild swamp land. With wild Orcs and Goblinoids, roving bandits and evil unseelie fey, and even ghosts of those lost in the folly and great beast and monsters of legend. It is even rumored that black dragons have been seen moving among the old Titan ruins.

Natural Resources

Titan primarily relies on crops from the reclaimed and rebuilt Field Ward, were fields of grain are planed and harvested along with fruit orchards and briers. A few plots have been set aside for the rearing of livestock, Chickens, sheep and pig mostly. However Titan has also always boasted a grand air force of Hippogriff riders, pulled from the versus volunteers of the Pilgrim's guard.


  • Titan
    The Capitol city of Titan, Divine in its founding and protective of what remains. Many who call the city home believe the city to be were civilization will begin again should the world ever be pushed to the breaking.
Alternative Name(s)
35,000 but can easily support x3 that many.
Location under
Owning Organization


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