
The City of Sobay is the capital of the Vaduva Duchy and home to the The Vaduva Family.


50% Human
25% Half Races 15% Small Races 10% Other


Ruled by The Vaduva Family, they employ The Albion Military- The Stormcast with The Redeemers acting as both military defenders and city "police". As a capitol the city also hosts the main campus of the The Emerald Order and a sizable contingent of The Sacrosanct.


A well fortified city with a protected port using a private fleet. Surrounded by high walls and patrolled by The Redeemers and The Sacrosanct the waters are guarded by the The Golden Trade Company's private security.

Industry & Trade

Sobay mostly subsists on fishing and maritime trade. Despite its location in the Black Forest the people of Sobay are actually quite more accepting of arcane magic as the city hosts The Emerald Orders main campus.


Beneath the city's streets a series of natural tunnels and forgotten catacomb act as a sewer system that only the bravest or most desperate will venture into. Its said Criminals and rouges of the city that refuse to join The Golden Trade Company have found their way into the system, but many believe this is just a lie spread by the The Golden Trade Company to get the desperate competition to enter the tunnels and get themselves killed by who knows what that may call them home. Many commoners believe the tunnels are home to demons and devils, while even the educated among the locals believe Ghouls and other undead may call the tunes home depending on what may have been disturbed.


Originally built as a fall back location for the Rasputin family in the 6th age. When the E'va-ro and his forces came through the two groups found an common ground in their ideals and Sobay became a middle ground between the groups until the death of Ivanov Anton Rasputin and the subsequent destruction of their former capital.


The City is actually extremely well known for its truism particularly for its plays, music, and other entertainment. Best known for the Grand Event Theater, a massive theater complex containing several indoor and outdoor theaters and other venues.


Classical turn of the century Romanian Architecture


built on the largest island in the Vaduva Domain and in a natural harbor using the winding hills to its advantage as a natural defense.

Natural Resources

surrounded by heavy woods from the land side and calm waters the city mainly relies on fishing with several smaller farms doting the island


  • Sobay
    The Capitol City of the Vaduva Duchy.
Large city
160,000 people
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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