Willow O'Mare

The introverted and animal loving biology professor of the healer track's druid course at Luna Cove's Elms Academic High School in Luna Cove.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

An small Avan cardinal Garuda, Willow was born and raised in Avalons State of Elms. Originally growing up shelters in her grove along with her family, she was encouraged to see the world. Which she did, for all of 2 years, before realising that the world is far to vast and she is far to small. Perfering the company of animals and plants she instead spent a great amount of time understanding the sience behind her own magic. By all accounts she is one of the formost druids in Elms. But because of her own introverted nature and prefrence for the company of animals over other people she chooses to teach the far more restricted course load of a high school teacher.
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