Session 2 Report

General Summary

4 Dravago 996YK

Cleanup from last session - The adventurers fatigued from their activities of dealing with the irrational behavior of Vincent Zander during the Myconid Adult "attack" on the Lightning Rail Campground decided to settle down for the night after fully healing the wounded Myconid Adult and stabilizing Vincent Zander mental state.

5 Dravago 996YK
What lurks during a Thunderstorm

Since it was raining this day, most activities were shut down as well as any cooking facilities as they were mostly outdoors. Field rations were used in place (think hard tack). The party was left to their own devices.

Wabnuc Thistleden decided to grab an empty crate from the cargo car and create a box that would be foul smelling, specifically of rotting meat.

Vincent Zander found this lack of activity unnerving, and used this time to try to clear the mudslide with some of the magical shovels and was able to find some raw gemstones of approximately 10GP in value. When he got bored of this, he decided to do fire bolt target practice at some tree stumps, where he accidently singed some mushroom gnome inhabitants. From there, he decided it probably wasn't a good idea to be attacking tree stumps any more and decided to just practice on some nearby stones instead, getting them to glow bright red by the time he was finished.

Oakburn Ravenaxe and De Sir E used this time to socialize and get drunk with the remaining members of the Lightning Rail Campground.

Verna Appleblossom and Donaar Raghthroknaar decided that they were going to check up on the place in where they made an offering of bread to the pranksters and found that the bread had disappeared and was replaced with six mushrooms. Verna Appleblossom decided to eat one of the mushrooms and found that time had slowed down. The rain droplets seemed like they were almost suspended in space, and she used this opportunity to check up on one of the Lodestone Lightning Elemental Traps that presumably had caught something as they noticed a lightning strike with a giant orb of electrical energy by that area. Verna Appleblossom indeed found that a lightning elemental was caught in one location and that something was not right in another location in where the trap was clearly damaged and the stones were glowing yellow and green. During this time, Donaar Raghthroknaar just saw a giant blur of motion where Verna Appleblossom stood and just figured that something strange had occurred.

When Verna Appleblossom came back from exploring those two locations, she informed Donaar Raghthroknaar about what she saw and figured that it was not right. Both of them went to seek out Wabnuc Thistleden and Zelcer Fourflare to tell them what Verna Appleblossom saw at one of the locations. Zelcer Fourflare asked Verna Appleblossom to show them the location and with them avoiding more Shrieker mushrooms they got to the questionable location. After some choice words, Zelcer Fourflare mentioned that the party members had placed the Lodestone Lightning Elemental Trap on top of a massive Lodestone rock and those the containment field was compromised. The lightning elemental was physically stuck within the rock, and they would have to try to extract it from the Lodestone when the weather cleared up, hopefully, when it was safer to attempt to do the operation without the risk of death from electric shock. Zelcer Fourflare had never seen a stone glow green before and had no idea what could be causing this particular problem. At either rate, they still needed to free the lightning elemental from this location and use it elsewhere.

Concerned about the other locations, Zelcer Fourflare asked Wabnuc Thistleden, Verna Appleblossom, Vincent Zander and Donaar Raghthroknaar to investigate the other locations to verify that the placement was adequate.

At the first location, it was found that the placement was on top of some granite and was presumed to be safe. At the second location, it was found that the trap was placed on some covellite, a natural super conductor, and it was felt that the trap should be moved.

The rest of the day was uneventful, and the party members rested for the night.

6 Dravago 996YK
Festival Baker's Night!

The party woke up to some campground people screaming. The people mentioned that there was some strange creatures nearby. The adventurers investigated and found a dead horse surrounded by six Flumphs. Oakburn Ravenaxe ran back for help (presumably). The Flumph managed to spray terrible smelling goo on De Sir E and Vincent Zander. After the battle, the smell was so bad that they decided to bathe it the nearby stream. In the meantime, the party looted the Flumph corpses and got some tentacles and some feystones.

At this point the rest of the party who wasn't sprayed with smelly goo, went back to town and found out that the Baker's festival had started where the order of the silver flame was blessing bread, and noticed that Vlorg the Orc was also there with a strange instrument checking each individual person. It was mentioned by Zelcer Fourflare when they asked that it was a lineup for changeling test as a payment for his dead dog. Vlorg the Orc tested each individual in line and was able to find that there was a changeling hiding in the group. Mingle Palk one of the cooks, was captured and detained. The party members made no attempt to free this individual. After this moment, there was a mail call from House O'Brien that provided a Letter to Verna Appleblossom in where she decided to read it later

Once the festival was over, Zelcer Fourflare and the party gathered the instruments needed to try to attempt to free the lightning elemental on top of the mountain. They grabbed several electromagnets, pickaxes, shovels and other equipment and brought it up the hill, using the guidance of the party members to avoid the Shrieker mushrooms along the way. The party and the rest of the members of the Lightning Rail Campground set up the equipment and were trying their best to get the elemental out of the stone but were having no luck.

Around this time, Wabnuc Thistleden noticed some strange behaviors around the work area. There was gusts of winds, and leaves heading to a specific direction. On top of that flowers were randomly blooming indicating that there was someone or something clearly guiding him in a specific direction.

There is something in those trees

Wabnuc Thistleden, Verna Appleblossom, Donaar Raghthroknaar and De Sir E decided to follow the pathway and Vincent Zander and Oakburn Ravenaxe figured that they should stay behind and attempt to remove the lightning elemental. The path that was being generated was clearly leading them to a meadow when there was a large array of red flowers that bloomed. The party stopped in where a Fly spell was casted on each individual. They were led to a tree area in where there was a Faerie Dragon, a living tree, and some omnious mushrooms on each side of them.

The dragon immediately started talking to Donaar Raghthroknaar and was excited to be talking to a Dragonborn. He introduced himself as Sparkles and warned Donaar Raghthroknaar that he should tell the others to not come any closer due to the protection mechanisms of the mushrooms, tree, and the sleep grass and started to tell him the reason why he brought them for a discussion.

Sparkles mentioned that his friend, Acornpaw was mentioning that the ground was tasting foul and wondered if it was connected to the lightning elemental stuck in the nearby rock. Sparkles was extremely concerned and asked for them to look for either Nathanial or Nerine the Dryad to see if they had any insight on what was going on. Sparkles also mentioned that his father loved apple pies and that would help him come out of the woodwork, and told them to head towards Woodhelm. As parting gifts, Sparkles provided Glub Glub The Goldfish, a fish that could presumably restore his home, spoke aquan and sylvan, and was seeking adventure. In addition if they could ever find Nerine the Dryad they should return her staff of flowers.

What seemed like a few moments actually was a few hours due to a time change, and Zelcer Fourflare was pissed that the adventurers were gone for so long. The party tried to explain the unusual story and it was incredibly tough convincing Zelcer Fourflare about the events. However, since Zelcer Fourflare had no idea why this particular elemental was giving such a hard time escaping this particular area, he decided to allow the party to leave to Woodhelm.

The party used the time waiting for the caravan to leave the following day to gather the materials needed to make an apple pie and have it available as a gift for Sparkles father.

7 Dravago 996YK
Onward to Woodhelm!

Vincent Zander decided to talk to Vlorg the Orc as he did not encounter him the previous day and wanted to chat up with someone. Vlorg was the quiet type and only talked about what was necessary but had warned about not trusting anyone as changelings could be in Woodhelm as the priests from Church of the Silver Flame mentioned that something was not right anymore in Woodhelm.

The adventuring party decided to stay in the cart at the tail end of the caravan to avoid Vlorg the Orc and dealing with any religious zealots from the Church of the SIlver Flame. On the roadway heading to Woodhelm as the land was becoming increasingly swampy, the party heard some battle activity and saw some humans that were getting attacked by some frog like people. They yelled at the entire caravan to stop, but only their cart ended up stopping. The adventuring party decided to intervene.

The majority of the party decided to instantly join the fray with De Sir E casting Bardic inspiration, Verna Appleblossom hiding to get tactical advantage, Donaar Raghthroknaar rushing into battle, Wabnuc Thistleden staying tactially behind and casting grease and Vincent Zander unsure which side was friend or foe and decided to not attack initially.

The battle continued in where De Sir E had put both Grungs and the Human merchants to Sleep, Vincent Zander was setting the trees on fire with Fire Bolt, Wabnuc Thistleden calling the merchants to run towards the cart, while some of the remaining Grungs were chasing after the merchants towards the cart, or waking up their companions who were put to Sleep

The battle ended up tremendously in the adventurers favor in where Donaar Raghthroknaar was chasing the final Grung Wildling who casted barkskin on himself and the other Grung who was just a scratch away from death until the Grung Wildling casted thorny spines and stopped Donaar Raghthroknaar in his tracks. Verna Appleblossom was looting one of the merchants corpses before the battle was completed and was able to find some several nice bottles of Nightwood Pale on the merchants body

In the end three out of the four Merchants died, and four out of six Grungs perished, as well as some trees from intentional firing at them from the Sorcerer.


Rewards Granted

Checking up on the Traps
Five (5)Magic Mushroomss
Raw Gemstones of approximately 10GP in value
Flumph Encounter:
Six (6) Flumph Tendrils for a total of 100GP or can be crafted into a poison whip
Two (2) Rations of Food
Feystone totalling 14GP
Sparkles the Faerie Dragon Encounter:
Glub Glub The Goldfish
Staff of Flowers to return to Nerine
Merchant/Grung Encounter:
Dead Merchants (Assuming they are looting without permission)
One (1) Alexandrite Gemstone - 500GP
One (1) Bedroll -1GP
Ten (10) Bottles of Nightwood Pale worth 15GP Ea
One (1) Case of Crossbow Bolts -1GP
Dungeoneer's Pack - 12GP
Two (2) Explorer's Pack -10GP Ea.
Two (2) Forgery Kits - 15GP Ea
One (1) Faulty Quarterstaff -1SP
Three (3) Faulty Shortbows 12GP Ea
One (1) Set of Gaming Dice - 1SP
One (1) Potion of Healing -50GP
One (1) Reliable Shortsword -20GP
One (1) Scroll of Alter Self -240GP
One (1) Scroll of Color Spray -120GP
One (1) Scroll of Divine Favor -120GP
One (1) Scroll of Grease - 120GP
One (1) Scroll of Ice Knife - 120GP
One (1) Scroll of Sacred Flame - 20GP
One (1) Scroll of Resistance -20GP
One (1) Scroll of Vicious Mockery - 20GP
One (1) Set of Smith's tools -40GP
One (1) Spyglass - 1000GP
One (1) Standard Shortsword -10GP
Three (3) Sets of Traveler's Clothes -2GP Ea
One (1) Vial of Mysterious Liquid - ???GP
380GP in Coin
Dead Grungs:
Two (2) Faulty Daggers - 1GP Ea
One (1) Reliable Dagger - 4GP
One (1) Standard Dagger - 2GP
Ten (10) Vials of Demon Ichor = Can be boiled down into Two (2) Potions of Resistance - 100GP Ea
Four (4) Vials of Grung Poison - 50GP Ea.
Feystones totalling 30 SP

Character(s) interacted with

Zelcer Fourflare - Leader of the Lightning Rail Campground
Some Magic Mushroomss
A log filled with small creatures that were burned to a crisp
The Church of the Silver Flame Priests
Vlorg the Orc Changeling Hunter
Mingle Palk - the captured changeling
Sparkles the Faerie Dragon
Acronpaw the Awakened Tree
Tamasaba the Pixie
Newenna the Pixie
Grung, Grung Wildling
Informed of the existence of Nerine the Dryad
Informed of the existence of Nathair Sgiathach (Sparkles calls him Nahanial)
Glub Glub The Goldfish - the STRONGEST Goldfish that you have ever seen!
Human Merchant

Created Content

Letter to Verna Appleblossom Need to create a children's story about the Flumphs and the dangers of the night.

Related Reports

Not sure if Vincent Zander was creating a report about the Lodestone Lightning Elemental Trap incident.
Eberron's Darkest Secrets Campaign
Verna Appleblossom
Wabnuc Thistleden
Neutral Good Rock Gnome (Guild Artisan (Smiths and Metal-forgers))
Artificer 1
11 / 11 HP
Oakburn Ravenaxe
Donaar Raghthroknaar
Vincent Zander
De Sir E
Player Journals
Session 2 - 10/8/22 by Donaar Raghthroknaar
What a Journey, Flumph! by Verna Appleblossom
Report Date
08 Oct 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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