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Clan Bronzebeard

Clan Bronzebeard is a dwarven clan in the Seper Range of Kasetia. It is based out of [Kurak-Sarghlor], which translates to 'City of the Orc Lands' in Common.


Clan Bronzebeard has a warrior culture ingrained into the lifes of almost all dwarves. Bronzebeard dwarves are taught how to fight from a youngage and tasked with finding another means of contributing to the clan, whether that be as a blacksmith, miner, jeweler or any other range of professions common to dwarven communities.


  • Forts and outposts in the upper Underdark
  • Huge stores of weapons
  • A standing army made of virtually every Bronzebeard member
  • Precious coins and jewels


Clan Bronzebeard has a short history, descending from a dwarven hero, Travok Bronzebeard who became separated from his own clan, so forged his own. Travok was a member of the Oathkind and responsible for ending a duergar plot to explode a number of surface cities from below.

Travok founded the Bronzebeard Clan at the behest of the nearby Clan Grohtskan, the oldest dwarf clan on Kasetia. They urged him to do so in the most dangerous part of the Seper Range, right at the mouth of an Underdark passage with seemingly no end. It was difficult in the early years while his clan stayed small, though it took in dwarven refugees whenever possible to provide new homes.

Skirmishes with Underdark denizens, mainly orcs remained a mainstay of life in the clan. This constant fighting with orcs led to the clans capital gaining its name. Travok died in 1176 and his body buried in a temple to Gorm Gulthyn, with Travok hopefully watching his clan from the heavens. Control over their deceased founder was lost during a skirmish with a group of orcs, who snuck in and stole what seemed most precious.

During the Great Orster War, an avatar of Gorm Gulthyn appeared to save the stronghold from falling, which confirmed his rebirth. While the Eye-Splitter orcs were repelled, the damage taken to the Bronzebeard Clan was severe and the clan has never truly recovered.

Demography and Population

Bronzebeard members are exclusively dwarves, with most being shield dwarves. A small minority of gold dwarves also live there. 
  • Shield dwarves - 94%
  • Gold dwarves - 6%


Bronzebeard controls the land for 20 miles around the capital, regularly sending patrols to ensure no monsters have attempted to infest it - and killing those that are found. The clan has also attempted to lay claim to a number of ancient dwarfholds deep into the Underdark, but have not succeeded as of yet.


While every Bronzebeard member is a strong warrior, they have small divisions of soldiers often reserved for performing specific tasks.
  • Volamtargroht - scouts tasked with watching aroung the clans borders, looking for potential threats.
  • Gorms Eyes - warriors of Gorm Gulthyns clergy, tasked with viligantly patrolling the areas around Kurak-Sarghlor, often forming the rear defence in battles.
  • Axekind - warriors of Clangeddin Silverbeards clergy, specialised in killing the biggest enemies that would threaten the clan, with giants being a particularly hated foe.
  • Lucksisters - warriors of Haela Brightaxes clergy, often tossing themselves into the thickest of the fight and performing impressive flanking maneuvers. Mainly female. 
  • Sabrak Hammers - Heavily armored warriors armed with massive hammers or mauls, often attacking the most heavily armored foes.


The Bronzebeards worship all dwarven gods of war, save Hanseath. However an individual dwarf is given the freedom to pay homage to whatever god they favor, however it is rare for one not to feel strongly inclined towards a dwarven god of war or battle.

Despite their strong inclination towards religion, few Bronzebeard dwarves ever join a clergy except those exceptionally devoted ones.

Foreign Relations

Bronzebeard maintains good relations with the other clans of Kasetia, with Clan Grohtskan being the closest. Outside of dwarves, Bronzebeard seeks to avoid interaction with the nearby humans of Espetania, Visuetimia and Tabofriobiz. They do perform some trade with the nearby humans, primarily as a means to strengthen their clan without damaging the lives of dwarves.

A few small groups of gnomes live around Kurak-Sarghlor, who the dwarves found a strong affinity with, even welcoming some to live amongst the clan, though none became members. The gnomish communities are actually within the clans 'borders' though are not treated as subjects. 

Agriculture & Industry

The area nearby Kurak-Sarghlor is rich with adamantine ore, who the dwarves quickly exploited and continue to do so, creating impressive works of dwarven ingenuity. Mining of others ores, such as iron, gold and silver remains the main means of supporting the clan. Steel production facilities are also present.

Recently, some dwarves have taken to growing mushrooms and other plants that require little sunlight to grow. 


The immediate areas around the clanhold of Sarghlor have roads carved into the stone, and massive statues depicting dwarvish gods, with their founder Travok placed amongst them as well. A basic form of plumbing exists, carrying wastewater down into the depths of the Underdark, while fresh-water is all brought in from aquifers.

Battle hardens the soul

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Clan
Alternative Names
Bronzebeard Clan, Sarghslayers
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Mixed economy
Major Exports
Armor, weapons and jewels.
Major Imports
Food, drink, timber and the implements needed to produce ale.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities


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