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Deadmans Passage

The Deadmans Passage is a common name assigned to a long barrier reef at the eastern edge of Annachs Sea. It is the home of over 90% of the plants and animals of the sea, though is named such due to the many sailors who have died attempting to cross it.


Deadmans Passage is a long barrier reef stretching from a southern edge near the island of Daugstad, stretching up towards the Posuidete Archipelago. The islands of the region are rather flat with little elevation change, though a few atolls with unique ecosystems can be found. The geography underwater looks along the lines of a former highland region, with entire networks of underwater caverns to be found.


Warm currents brought from the south and the moderate sunlight of the region ensures the reef has ample populations of coral and algae for herbivores to feed upon. Many of these animals live in the reefs for most of their lives, perhaps moving to another part of the barrier but more or less living there till death. Predatory fish will either spawn live young, or in secluded areas of the reef to avoid their young being eaten.   The small islands of the reef provide spaces for sea birds to live and nest in almost complete safety, as little to no land predators can be found. The only real threats posed to them are larger birds. Sometimes these animals are attacked by aquatic mammals who journey onto land, such as seals, though this is extremely rare.   Seals are a common sight across the rocky outcrops and sandbars, living there for much of their lives and often diving into the water when ships pass by. Small dolphins are the only toothed whales to come to region, who hunt in the reefs and migrate to nest. Whales are the only other mammal ever seen and remain rare even at the best of times, with humpbacks moving through from time to time.   Turtles are another animal common, using the warm current of the southeast to travel all through the Great Maw.

Localized Phenomena

Fog will commonly manifest in the place of rain or storms.

Fauna & Flora


  • Coral
  • Algaes
  • Some seaweed


  • Seals
  • Small dolphins
  • Tiger sharks
  • Great white sharks
  • Reef sharks
  • Humpback whales
  • Reef fish
  • Eels
  • Sea snakes
  • Crabs
  • Giant crabs
  • Lobsters
  • Anemones
  • Turtles
  • Molluscs


Deadmans Passage has long been discussed as the best choice to allow a quicker crossing between the central islands of the Great Maw and Daugstad, which much of its history centering on this premise. The many attempts by captains with more dreams than brains to cross the region have been met with utter failure, and barely any survivors to speak of. While the Averum Republic has expressed an interest in this crossing, it has never requested a ship take this passage. The many deaths of sailors while crossing this treacherous path has only deepened the belief of sailors in the tale of Her Oceans Fury.   In part due to the prevalence of the myth, pirates started to frequent the area to stash goods from time to time, though none were ever able to cross.   The latest attempt was done by Captain Kuschewicz aboard the Brassjack, who did so in 1483, leaving Varrimore on Eleint 30. He did so while on commission by the Averum Republic, though openly stated when recieving that he would 'Tame the Bitch Queen once and for all.'
Alternative Name(s)
Annachs Edge
Coral Reef, Barrier
Location under


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