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Grazk is the largest settlement in the Bulrilg Confederation and its designated capital. The settlement is home to the Grazkovic Tribe, Redkostve Hunters and the main northern port for travelers in the Kurnnoth Sea.


Bulrilgs capital has a much more diverse population than the smaller tribes inhabit, much of which can be attributed to its coastal location. Elves remain an uncommon sight in general, with the higher orc populations being a reason for this. 
  • Humans - 64% (Dammaran majority, with various Skortenian minorities)
  • Half orcs - 14%
  • Orcs - 8%
  • Dwarves - 7%
  • Other - 7%


The settlement is administered by the Grazkovic Tribe, who much of the settlements inhabitants are a part of.


Sets of towers lining a winding palisade wall spreads all around the town.

Industry & Trade

Grazk remains the only settlement in the Bulrilg that openly facilitates trade with outsiders, though the resources gained are used for the betterment of all settlements when possible. Many inhabitants either farm, or perform subsistence living off the land.

Guilds and Factions


Grazk was; much like the rest of the settlements found through the Bulrilg Confederation, formed by settlers originating from the once great Hakhrazian Hordes. Naturally, the settlements coastal location and easy access to one of the few sources of freshwater to be found allowed it to flourish to an extent much greater than other settlements in the region. Even after Hakhrazia was forced out of the region by a horde of orcs from the east, Grazk endured - being a symbol of humanities adaptability.


Despite the overall cold and drab appearance of Grazk, it recieves many tourists from the Western Isles, especially those seeking the cold. Many tourists also come in the form of adventurers looking to make a name for themselves by slaying one of the mant dangerous monsters that inhabit the northwestern areas of Skortenia.


Thatch and wood based construction.


Grazk is built on a floodplain bordering the @Szazloroszal River. The entire settlement is built in a manner to facilitate effective use of seasonal flooding, along with safety of the inhabitants. The main portion of the town is built upon a hill, with flattened plains spiralling up to the top, while the farmland is across a flat plain running alongside the river. Through this method, the town is both safe from invaders and ensures effective use of seasonal flooding.

Natural Resources

  • A healthy amount of fish and crustacceans from the Kurnnoth Sea.
  • Domesticated cows and goats, with accompanying animal-based products. 
  • Crops from farms found around the citys edge. 
  • High numbers of game, particularly to the towns east. 
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Bulrilgs Capital, Heart of the Five
Large town
Around 37,000
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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