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Cassandra's Notebook

A notebook found on Cassandra's body at the mayor's party. It appears to be a song book written in elvish, but is actually a coded journal.  

The University of Magic


Sectin 1745

  The University of Magic⁣⁣⁣ seems to be taking in more students each year. Kureta's magical prowess seems to be moving along quite swiftly, and they now have a "High Professor" in every school of magic, except for Necromancy. From what I can tell, they are still only able to achieve spells of the 6th circle, so interference is not currently required. I suspect that in the next few decades that could change however... I don't look forward to this time.   The remainder of this section is filled with notes on the advancements of the university dating back almost 200 years. It includes notations of when each High Professor was appointed, and what spells they have been seen to cast. Particular attention is put upon Adina, The Diviner, as somebody to avoid going forward.  

Poor Princesses

Dumin 1765

    I have managed to persuade Queen Ophelia to let me privately tutor her daughters, Irena Orbeck⁣⁣⁣ and Ursa Orbeck⁣⁣⁣ in the elven ways of musical arts. Her hesitation was quickly dissolved at the mere mention of her late husband, perhaps confirming the rumours to be true... something to look into later.   This section details a number of conversations between Cassandra and the princesses, within which it seems that Cassandra recognised some confused feelings between the two adopted sisters and had been encouraging them to be themselves - often telling them not to worry about what other people think of them, even with the pressure of constantly being in the public eye. In the most recent encounter, it seems Cassandra was encouraging the princesses to follow their dreams, wherever that may be.  

Ophelia Orbeck and Thorton West


Ovin 1765

  Spending some time in the palace tutoring the princesses has given me a chance to spread my babies through the grounds. It seems like the oft shunned rumour that Ophelia Orbeck⁣⁣⁣⁣ and Thorton West⁣⁣⁣⁣ were an item before the death of Ral'Kaseer are true. I fear Ral truly loved the queen, I will ponder upon whether I should tell him or not.  

The Birth of Téo


Camin 1767

  Coda's daughter, Veda, is due to give birth any day now. The father is an entertainer at the palace, a man called Ely Lunam - a very talented bard by all accounts. However, it seems he is no simple man; he has the blood of angels running through his veins.   One can only wonder what effect this may have on their unborn child... the mixed blood of angels and fiends, I doubt such a thing has ever happened before. I feel like some research may be merited.  

Fitin 1767

  I managed to find a single tome of relevance in the college library's restricted section. An ancient book that precedes much of today's civilisation. My ancient Kuretian is rusty, but it seems to depict a legend; the birth of the 'Nephilim'; a creature of both fiendish and angelic lineage. Such a creature is said to have tremendous power. I'll be spending as much of my limited time as I can with this tome.  

Fitin 1767

  "The power to destroy and repair, to reap and restore, to end and begin". I'm not entirely sure what this could mean for the child, but if what this tome suggests is true, the creature child will likely grow to be quite powerful. My babies will continue to observe, I am quite excited to see what happens - and overjoyed for both Veda and Coda.  

Nin 1767

  What have I done? Who am I kidding... I knew this would happen. Coda... I'll persuade Coda to visit his daughter, hopefully he can protect them.  

Camin 1768

  I fear the lack of information I'm sending east has been noticed. My babies are keeping eyes out for trouble, but I know their resources are smarter than that. I should push the princess to make her move, perhaps that will satisfy them.  

Fitin 1768

  I can't do this anymore, I must speak to Veda at the soonest opportunity. She seems quite busy these days, finding time in both our schedules may be difficult but hopefully the stars will align.  

Something in the Tanken Woods

Sesin 1768

  My babies tell me that the troubles in Chimuk⁣⁣ have come to an end, with the help of a new band of adventurer's no less. I couldn't imagine a more strange combination of characters; the famous singer Eva is amongst them, along with half of the capital's tiefling population and an Eladrin!   The cult that this group put down is less interesting than the suggestion that there may be a powerful entity living in the Tanken Woods⁣⁣. The woods are of course full of fey creatures, many of which are known to me, but nothing within is powerful enough to grant magics to others. I may have to be more careful on our next field trip.  

Order of the Shield activity in Kureta City

  This section details Order of the Shield⁣⁣⁣⁣ activities in the capital, including promotions, numbers, guard rotas and more.
Journal, Personal


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