BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 22

General Summary

The Unlikely Association follow the mysterious elf into the back room of the Green Sword Tavern in Erfu. Once everyone is gathered, the elf closes the door behind them and casts a spell. As she does so, her form changes to that of Kaylessa Moonsnow, the clerk from the Elven High Council.   Kaylessa informs the party that she believes they are in danger, and that the high council have no intention of helping them. Apparently the elven view of the other races is at an all time low due to the recent murder of one of their "ambassadors" in Kureta City - an elf the group figure out must be Cassandra De La Hûne. The elves are aware that the murder isn't being properly looked in to, and this has caused some greater tensions than usual. Kaylessa believes the high council will more likely kill the party and potentially use Princess Olwyn Orbeck as a bargaining tool to get what they want. The party tell Kaylessa what they know of Cassandra's death, and the new information about the Silent Owls involvement seems to give some hope to the elf about calming the high council somewhat.   Kaylessa explains that she is a member of a secret organisation within Erfu called the Bhen Aillesel. They believe that Erfu needs to end their segregation from the rest of Kureta and are covertly working to improve relations and public opinion. In exchange for Kaylessa helping the party escape the city, she asks that they find Sophitia Mason in Nakaba. Sophitia is a member of the Bhen Aillesel currently disguised as a human. She recently asked for aid from Erfu but Kaylessa has been unable to give it. Should the party have the opportunity to assist, Kaylessa would be grateful. Before leading the group down into a secret passageway, Kaylessa gives the party one half of a set of Sending Stones, which they can use to contact her.   The tunnel leads to an underground encampment, where a male elf proceeds to lead the party out of the city, back into the Erfu Forest. The party are instructed to head south until they find the eastern trade road, this should take them to Kaiz.   Taking the advice, the group head for home once more - perhaps a little disappointed to be leaving the elven city so soon. Not long after setting off, the group encounter a patch of strange red mushrooms - roughly the size of a human head. The mushrooms shoot out of the ground when the party get too close, and strange tiny humanoid creatures attack, wielding wicked sickles and solid iron boots. The creatures, which Leah identifies as Redcaps, are defeated after a few close calls. The delay and sounds of combat seem to have alerted the elven scouts of the forest however, and horns can be heard blaring not too far away.   The group begin running south, and quite quickly elven scouts can be seen giving chase. Through the creation of some clever distractions and obstacles, the party manage to throw off their pursuers and find themselves on the road once more. Not taking a risk by slowing down, the group head off towards Kaiz, a town of music and the arts.   At Kaiz's eastern gate, the famous face of Eva Monroe is immediately recognised, causing one of the female guards to faint in excitement. The party - who are mostly exhausted at this point - head to the closest tavern, the Siren's Song. Rooms and board are provided at a discounted price, and the party finally have an opportunity to rest for the first time that day.   The owner of Siren's Song, a half-elf called Samara Silverlocks, serves the party drinks. The woman apparently seems to be mute, and uses a Message spell to communicate. Eva notices a familiar vibrant green ring around her irises...   In her home town once more, Eva takes the opportunity to visit her father. They have a nice catch up over hot chocolate, and the only smithy in town is happy to know that his daughter is not only alive, but is doing incredibly well.   The party finally take their night's rest, some have a more interesting night than others...

Rewards Granted

Level 6 Reached  
Report Date
08 May 2020
Primary Location
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