BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 33

General Summary

After defeating the smugglers, Collective Action releases Tobias from his cage. The fisherman, with a mix of relief and fear in his eyes, thanks the group for his release and begins to recount how he ended up imprisoned. However, his story doesn’t quite add up. The adventurers, sensing deceit, press him for the truth. Under their intimidating scrutiny, Tobias confesses that he and Samson had been working with the smugglers, transporting weapons and Magic Items into Kureta. When Samson demanded more money, he managed to escape, leaving Tobias to face the smugglers’ wrath alone.   With the smugglers vanquished and their cache of loot secured, Tobias, in gratitude for the party’s leniency, reveals a hidden stash of gold. Night falls as they return to Kanish, where they inform Mayor Darius Kingfisher of their success. The adventurers, weary but satisfied, spend the night in the village, enjoying drinks and camaraderie at the local tavern.   The next morning, they head south to the location Aveline had indicated, seeking the entrance to the tunnels. Upon arrival, they find the entrance blocked by soft earth. Groban easily clears the way with Magic, revealing a dark tunnel with a small, stagnant stream running through its center, reminiscent of the mysterious water they had encountered in Kureta City.   As they venture north through the tunnel, they notice a ripple moving along the water’s surface. Curious and cautious, they continue until they discover the body of a dead druid. Roan, tense with worry, is relieved to see it’s not her brother, but a member of her druidic circle. Using their Magic, the party speaks with the corpse, learning that he was killed by Chuul while trying to escape, but that Roan’s family is still alive.   Further along, they come upon a large stone slab embedded in the wall, adorned with an intricate arcane crest. Groban examines the rune, sensing it’s part of a larger puzzle. The rune emits a subtle vibration before releasing a pulse, causing the water to ripple but not much else. Hoping to disrupt its function, the adventurers deface the rune.   As they press on, they encounter a group of Chuul, led by a larger Chuul with buzzing wings. A fierce battle ensues, but Collective Action prevails. Deciding there’s nothing more of note in the tunnel, they head back to Takari Peak.   At The MacGuffin Gatherers, they collect their reward from Tanfan and indulge in some well-deserved retail therapy. With their pouches heavier and spirits high, they pick up a new quest from the job board to deal with a supposed devil in Kaiz. They consider a stop at their newly acquired cottage on Dora Lake along the way, eager for their next adventure.
Report Date
17 May 2024
Primary Location
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