BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 38

General Summary

After finding the door to her home slightly ajar, Eva creeps into her living room to find a silver-haired man sitting in her arm chair. Immediately after crossing the threshold, Eva feels a magical compulsion overcome her - preventing her from lying. The intruder greets Eva by her former name, Milicent, and proceeds to ask why she did... something... to him, and that he knows about the baby. He concludes his questioning by slumping back down into the armchair and sobbing. Marty, who had followed Eva into the celebrity's home after their evening at the tavern, takes this moment to leave - but doesn't go far.   Eva, taken aback by this string of questioning, confesses that she does not know who this man is - or what he's talking about. The man seemingly has no choice but to believe her, and so re-introduces himself as Ilamin Taren, son of Virtue Amie Taren of Kaiz and childhood friend of both Harmony and Eva.   Realising that he will get no answers from Eva if she cannot remember anything, Ilamin explains to Eva that he has recently discovered that he is something known as an Aasimar. He has been having visions/dreams that are imparted to him by a divine guide, that show his child being taken away by some dark force. These dreams have also shown some large destructive beast wreaking havoc in some unknown location...   Looking over his shoulder for a moment, Ilamin seems to be communicating with another being - his guardian. The young man relays that his guide, an angel called Aurelia, may be able to restore Eva's memories - if she is willing. Agreeing to have this done, the angel materialises - a tall and muscular woman with flowing red hair, a beautiful face behind an open helm, and adorned in shining armour - placing her thumb in the middle of Eva's forehead. Divine light radiates from the angel's thumb, and a flood of lost memories assault Eva's mind.    With her memories returned, Eva is left stunned. A wave of emotion rushes over her, now realising fully who this person standing before her is, and what she did to him - and to Harmony. With these memories also comes the truth of her beauty, grace and talent - all stolen from individuals across Kureta by her own hand, with magical gifts from her patron. On the plus side, she does learn the password to her account at the Platinum Vaults.   Ilamin regards his old friend, but realising that perhaps the past is best left there, he simply asks what Eva plans to do with their child. Retaining her composure and resolve, Eva effectively tells Ilamin that she will do whatever needs to be done... but that perhaps she would be open to other options. Leaving it at that for now, Ilamin promises to leave for Kaiz - but will help Eva against the evil in his dreams, should she wish it. If he does not hear from Eva before the birth, he promises to return before that time.   The following morning is Gennes Day. The streets are lined with decorations, entertainers and revellers, and the Unlikely Association are free to enjoy the day however they wish. They begin the day by heading to the House of Rest, where two pie-eating contests are being held. The first contest is a foot-race to the palace, with pit stops along the way where one must consume pies. Atlas and Leah participate in this event, along with some other familiar faces; Envy from The Lover's Nest, Gracia Brown from the College of Exquisite Arts and Taenaran - an old flame of Leah's it seems. The race is close, but Atlas manages to just pip Leah to the post to take the win. The prize is a decent-sized trophy, and free stays at the House of Rest for a year.   The second pie event is to consume as many pies as possible within 10 minutes. Godric and Eva (disguised at Yorrick) participate in this event. Once again, the race is incredibly close, but Godric manages to take the win by magically compelling 'Yorrick' to vomit - disqualifying him from the race.    Moving on from the pies, the group wander over to the nearby carnival, enjoying some of the games there. Atlas and Veda have a go at some archery, claiming top and secondary prizes, whilst Leah smashes the "Whack-a-Purple Worm" - winning a couple of plush Owlbears for herself and Ten.   The party continue to take in the sights of the day, and find a small crowd gathered outside the palace grounds. A pair of armoured individuals are shaking hands and signing autographs it seems, and Ten begins gushing as she identifies them as Karth Page and Romy Stephane - living heroes and Templars, who stopped the Order of the Shield from being destroyed by an evil organisation.   Hearing that Harmony is giving a ceremonial performance outside the Order of the Shield, Eva heads over to spy on her. Watching her carefully, Eva is uncertain if the slight purple flash in the bard's eyes was her imagination or not...   Godric and Marty head to the Church of the Goddess to receive a blessing from the cleric there. After queuing for some time, the pair make it to the church altar to find a woman with a very strange and unique accent. The woman introduces herself as Charlotte Woodward, a cleric of The Goddess from Colere. The woman gives her blessing to Godric, who (non-surprisingly) is left somewhat confused by their conversation. Marty opts to leave the blessing for now, perhaps put off by the cleric's strange ways and mannerisms.   With a drinking contest soon to come, followed by the Queen's Speech, Gennes Day is in full swing!
Report Date
25 Sep 2020
Primary Location


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